There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

You're not a liberal? Saw the error of your ways?

How would any of those prevent school shootings?

There is one way to do that. Allow admins and techers to arm themselves if they choose. That would make shooters think twice about doing it and make them a lot more hesitant to run around shooting people.

Conservatives recognize that, leftists want more carnage and do everything they can to get it. They use every shooting to push for making it easier for the next shooter to safely kill more people. To say they don't realize what they are doing is disingenuous and doesn't make them not responsible for the reality of what they do

Because it has been proven time and time again in other countries that rules and regs make the chances of these things happening must less probable.

Acutally with your last paragraph that is untrue. Nothing has changed as far as I can tell. Nothing. Thus you still have mass shootings.

That's nice...

plan on just requesting people turn in their semi-auto firearms, or go house to house to collect them?

(what are the odds of them getting any turned in in Chicago)

If you knew how to use Google, type in "Chicago gun buyback" and you will see that it has been happening there for a few years now.

works well too -

2018 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
That's nice...

plan on just requesting people turn in their semi-auto firearms, or go house to house to collect them?

(what are the odds of them getting any turned in in Chicago)

It's a time thing. You have a general amnesty and over the next decade you slowly start getting the illegal ones of the street. Not that hard at all. As long as the laws are in place and LEOs have the authority, it'll happen. It is not an overnight solution. No solution ever will be. That is the problem with you Yanks and your two-minute celebrity culture. You want everything to happy NOW, NOW, NOW!!!

You have a general amnesty and over the next decade you slowly start getting the illegal ones of the street.

Those are the LAST ones you'll get.

"As long as the laws are in place and LEOs have the authority, it'll happen."

thousands of laws already in place.

What makes you think MORE will make a difference?
So? If the asshole today didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have been able to kill 17 people.
A knife? A bomb?

YES! He would have.
A knife would not have killed 17 people and bombs are illegal. Great point ya made there. :thup:

And you think them being illegal would have stopped him from sneaking that stuff into the building?

Holy smokes. Quite the compelling point you have there.
No, I think being illegal would have made it more difficult for him to buy the gun.
Well, if you think that, you're sadly mistaken. Making something illegal does not prevent it from happening. Just like making guns illegal would not stop people from getting them.

Think, Faun, think!
I am not responsible for your lack of brain functionality.

I didn’t say it would have prevented it. WTF is wrong with you? I said it would have made it more difficult to accomplish.
We have armed police at state houses...court houses...federal government buildings...congress and the senate are protected by armed guards...The white house is protected with armed police officers...
When are we going to protect our schools with armed guards? How many kids have to be killed...?
We must put on our big boy pants and place a show of force at every school in America...if we can do it for our nations politicians we can do it for our schools...
From 2013-

AP) In Florida, agreement to reduce student arrests
Associated Press
One of the nation’s largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses.

The agreement with Broward County Public Schools in Florida, which officials planned to announce Tuesday, is one of the first comprehensive plans bringing together district officials, police and the state attorney’s office to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies prevalent in many schools. It charges principals rather than school resource officers with being the primary decision makers in responding to student misbehavior.

The move is designed to cut down on what has become known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where students accused of offenses like disrupting class or loitering are suspended, arrested and charged with crimes.

Broward, the nation’s seventh largest district, had the highest number of school-related arrests in Florida in the 2011-2012 school year, according to state data. Seventy-one percent of the 1,062 arrests made were for misdemeanor offenses.

In this South Florida district and others across the country, minority students have been disproportionately arrested, sometimes for the same offenses their white peers received only a warning for. Nationwide, over 70 percent of students involved in school-related arrests or law enforcement referrals are black or Hispanic, according to U.S. Department of Education data.

And here you go....this is the, left wing, politically correct policies that get people killed....
what is with the saltine people and their gun fetish?
Our culture is sick and we are failing our youth on many fronts.
It's not the guns. This shit wasnt even thought of several decades ago.
From 2013-

AP) In Florida, agreement to reduce student arrests
Associated Press
One of the nation’s largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses.

The agreement with Broward County Public Schools in Florida, which officials planned to announce Tuesday, is one of the first comprehensive plans bringing together district officials, police and the state attorney’s office to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies prevalent in many schools. It charges principals rather than school resource officers with being the primary decision makers in responding to student misbehavior.

The move is designed to cut down on what has become known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where students accused of offenses like disrupting class or loitering are suspended, arrested and charged with crimes.

Broward, the nation’s seventh largest district, had the highest number of school-related arrests in Florida in the 2011-2012 school year, according to state data. Seventy-one percent of the 1,062 arrests made were for misdemeanor offenses.

In this South Florida district and others across the country, minority students have been disproportionately arrested, sometimes for the same offenses their white peers received only a warning for. Nationwide, over 70 percent of students involved in school-related arrests or law enforcement referrals are black or Hispanic, according to U.S. Department of Education data.

And here you go....this is the, left wing, politically correct policies that get people killed....
what is with the saltine people and their gun fetish?

Ask rappers..better hurry before they get offed
By the way.....

This tragedy happened in Debbie Wasserman Schultz Distric (FL-23)

Just letting you know. That's all.
What’s your point?

no point just letting people know, it relates to this overall news.

by the you happen to know, Faun, why did Nicolas Cruz posted Allahu Akbar in his Instagram?

nikolas cruz (@cruz_nikolas) • Instagram photos and videos
Oh? How does Debbie Wasserman-Schultz relate to this news? Do you realize what a moron you are? Is that the relation you’re trying to establish?

It was in her distric that this happened.

It relates to the overall news.

But you don't seem to know why Cruz ,the shooter wrote Allahu Akbar in his Instagram

I get it ;)
No, you don’t get it.

You’re too stupid to get it.

Want proof?

That’s not Debbie’s District, it’s Ted Deutch’s. :lmao:

Florida’s 22nd Congressional District - FL-22 Representatives & District Map -


But hey, thanks for proving me 100% right when I say you’re a moron. :badgrin:

Why do you post FL-22?

I said FL-23 is Debbie Wasserman Schultz District!

time for your medicine
To add to my above comment from another thread...
I would rather see a conversation about how our culture and education system has been failing males for the last several decades. How our society feels the need to overmedicate youth.
Our failure to keep dangerous mentally ill people from harming others. A permissive culture that glorifies violence from movies to video games with imagery no youth should be absorbing at a young age. A culture where personal responsibility died long ago.

This crap didn't happen during my school years and no one would have even entertained the idea.
Our culture is sick, and our youth are the victims.

Will there be an actual discussion? No, easier to blame a gun.
Last edited:
That's an Los Angeles, CA group.
Ewe need some remediation.
Florida....we are talking Florida....not Chicago....not Los Angeles. Focus, sweetheart! Focus!

Florida is the 4th most populist state and we have millions of firearms and millions of CWPs and yet we have less shootings and less killings in a year than just one Moon Bat city (Chicago) with the strictest gun control laws in the country.
No. Even Orlando alone has more killings in one year than Chicago.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. Orlando didn't even make the top ten in rate. Notice the cities in the top ten are all Democrat voting shitholes.

U.S. Cities Experienced Another Big Rise In Murder In 2016

Lets look at Orlando:

Homicide numbers down in 2017, but difficult cases abounded

The Orlando Police Department had 25 murder cases, a drop from 37 the previous year — which does not include the 49 lives lost in the Pulse nightclub attack on June 12, 2016. OPD finished 2017 with 21 of those cases solved, though there is an outstanding warrant in one of them. That is a clearance rate of 84 percent, close to 2016’s rate of 86 percent.

Orlando officers also investigated five more deaths classified as manslaughter, or accidental killings — such as that of Myles Hill, the 3-year-old accidentally left in a hot day-care van, or people killed in accidental shootings.

Now lets look at Chicago

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Final 2017 Totals
Shot & Killed: 625
Shot & Wounded: 2936
Total Shot: 3561
Total Homicides: 679
You Yanks? Are you even an American? If not pound sand

This is a messageboard open to the world. If you like a society where kids get shot up every other month, then good for you. Just backs up what I always thought about you're a fucking moron.
Those are the LAST ones you'll get.

"As long as the laws are in place and LEOs have the authority, it'll happen."

thousands of laws already in place.

What makes you think MORE will make a difference?

Not ones covering making semis and full autos illegal...
That's an Los Angeles, CA group.
Ewe need some remediation.
Florida....we are talking Florida....not Chicago....not Los Angeles. Focus, sweetheart! Focus!

Florida is the 4th most populist state and we have millions of firearms and millions of CWPs and yet we have less shootings and less killings in a year than just one Moon Bat city (Chicago) with the strictest gun control laws in the country.
No. Even Orlando alone has more killings in one year than Chicago.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. Orlando didn't even make the top ten in rate. Notice the cities in the top ten are all Democrat voting shitholes.

U.S. Cities Experienced Another Big Rise In Murder In 2016

Lets look at Orlando:

Homicide numbers down in 2017, but difficult cases abounded

The Orlando Police Department had 25 murder cases, a drop from 37 the previous year — which does not include the 49 lives lost in the Pulse nightclub attack on June 12, 2016. OPD finished 2017 with 21 of those cases solved, though there is an outstanding warrant in one of them. That is a clearance rate of 84 percent, close to 2016’s rate of 86 percent.

Orlando officers also investigated five more deaths classified as manslaughter, or accidental killings — such as that of Myles Hill, the 3-year-old accidentally left in a hot day-care van, or people killed in accidental shootings.

Now lets look at Chicago

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

Final 2017 Totals
Shot & Killed: 625
Shot & Wounded: 2936
Total Shot: 3561
Total Homicides: 679

That'll leave a mark.
Had the kid simply used a rental truck as classes were letting out for the day....he could have done more killing...

and yet....assholes like you blame normal gun owners and members of the NRA for shootings they had no part in......


You are a nut. Someone should help you.
Blaming the weapon for an act by a deranged lunatic is pretty stupid.

Derp. Derp. Derpity derp.
We have armed police at state houses...court houses...federal government buildings...congress and the senate are protected by armed guards...The white house is protected with armed police officers...
When are we going to protect our schools with armed guards? How many kids have to be killed...?
We must put on our big boy pants and place a show of force at every school in America...if we can do it for our nations politicians we can do it for our schools...

Hey, arm everybody!! That'll help! !
Those are the LAST ones you'll get.

"As long as the laws are in place and LEOs have the authority, it'll happen."

thousands of laws already in place.

What makes you think MORE will make a difference?

Not ones covering making semis and full autos illegal...

Full auto needs a special license, and a lot of red tape to own.

semi auto?

such as?

rifles only?

Rifles and Handguns?
That's an Los Angeles, CA group.
Ewe need some remediation.
Florida....we are talking Florida....not Chicago....not Los Angeles. Focus, sweetheart! Focus!

Florida is the 4th most populist state and we have millions of firearms and millions of CWPs and yet we have less shootings and less killings in a year than just one Moon Bat city (Chicago) with the strictest gun control laws in the country.
No. Even Orlando alone has more killings in one year than Chicago.

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