There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Nope, more people are killed by guns by other people.

There, fixed that for you.
Nope, those people were killed with a gun.

Yeah, by another person. The gun can't kill people by itself. You seem to forget that there's always a person behind the gun in situations like these.
So? If the asshole today didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have been able to kill 17 people.
A knife? A bomb?

YES! He would have.
A knife would not have killed 17 people and bombs are illegal. Great point ya made there. :thup:
Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

There are probably some. But the left loves to politicize death, it's a huge thing to them.

There is no way to keep 300 million guns from a psycho. Just having a few guns among unknown admins and teachers and the shooting not knowing which ones would have saved a lot of lives and likely prevented the shooting.

There's an obvious reason why the vast number of shootings are in so called gun free zones. Problem being that sign is a "criminals come here" sign. Law abiding citizens are the ones who abide by the law. Who saw that coming?

Leftists want only government to be armed. Are they cheering the propaganda for this? You betcha, most of them are

Yes there is a real good reason so many shootings happen in gun free zones... it's because they are places that are often the most vulnerable for people to kill people. But if he hadn't had access to an AR-15... chances are he wouldn't have been able to kill so many people.

The only reason that was effective was because he could freely run around the halls knowing no one was going to be able to shoot back. That is the primary issue. And that is specifically what I'm blaming leftists for, making murderers safer.

Think about that. If you know there are roughly five guns in a school and has no idea who has them, you aren't going to run around the halls shooting people like this kid did. That's a far greater issue than the gun he had.

And keeping guns from shooters is incredibly hard. The idea that we can keep guns away from shooters and everyone else will be safe is as stupid as it sounds.

The solution is easy. If of a hundred teachers, allowing the ones who want to put in the effort to learn to use guns safely and carry them to do so will immediately reduce the number of shootings and the death counts.

And which party opposes having a southern border? The left
So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

Look up the reports on each of the incidents. You will find that most of the perps had been noted by school officials or police at one or more times.

I've no time to write you a book. Stop being so childish.

How many thousands of kids have been "noted" that never shot up a school?

You tell me. Be specific.

No, clown shoes. You're the one with all the answers.


More than you, apparently.


Let's not kid ourselves. You don't actually have any answers. You're just desperately trying to find a way to use this tragedy for political points.
Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

And the first thing that Conservative did was to run to the board and blame it on Muslims, or immigrants.

Your side has no moral high ground here.

I looked at the start of the thread and I don't see that.

Generally it would have been a good bet, though not as much for a school shooting.

It's sick how the carnage keeps growing in these and it's the left who keeps insisting that we keep it safe for shooters to do so. Every time, no one is shooting back. The left's plans are working

See post #9. First page.

"Shooting back" is only a solution to people who watch too many action movies.

Lol. See how the left lies?

Yeah. People have never been protected by a good guy with a gun.

That's the sort of lies leftists tell when they want more innocent people to be killed, and when they want to remove ALL options of self defense.
No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

There are probably some. But the left loves to politicize death, it's a huge thing to them.

There is no way to keep 300 million guns from a psycho. Just having a few guns among unknown admins and teachers and the shooting not knowing which ones would have saved a lot of lives and likely prevented the shooting.

There's an obvious reason why the vast number of shootings are in so called gun free zones. Problem being that sign is a "criminals come here" sign. Law abiding citizens are the ones who abide by the law. Who saw that coming?

Leftists want only government to be armed. Are they cheering the propaganda for this? You betcha, most of them are

Yes there is a real good reason so many shootings happen in gun free zones... it's because they are places that are often the most vulnerable for people to kill people. But if he hadn't had access to an AR-15... chances are he wouldn't have been able to kill so many people.

The only reason that was effective was because he could freely run around the halls knowing no one was going to be able to shoot back. That is the primary issue. And that is specifically what I'm blaming leftists for, making murderers safer.

Think about that. If you know there are roughly five guns in a school and has no idea who has them, you aren't going to run around the halls shooting people like this kid did

So having bullets flying in 2 directions with people running all around would be safer? REALLY? You've watched too many action movies. School teachers aren't exactly Annie Oakley.
By the way.....

This tragedy happened in Debbie Wasserman Schultz Distric (FL-23)

Just letting you know. That's all.
What’s your point?

We remember Broward County from the 2000 election, where the Democrats were too stupid to poke a hole accurately through a ballot of their own design with a little stick . Led to chadmania.
By the way.....

This tragedy happened in Debbie Wasserman Schultz Distric (FL-23)

Just letting you know. That's all.
What’s your point?

no point just letting people know, it relates to this overall news.

by the you happen to know, Faun, why did Nicolas Cruz posted Allahu Akbar in his Instagram?

nikolas cruz (@cruz_nikolas) • Instagram photos and videos
Oh? How does Debbie Wasserman-Schultz relate to this news? Do you realize what a moron you are? Is that the relation you’re trying to establish?
You're not a liberal? Saw the error of your ways?

How would any of those prevent school shootings?

There is one way to do that. Allow admins and techers to arm themselves if they choose. That would make shooters think twice about doing it and make them a lot more hesitant to run around shooting people.

Conservatives recognize that, leftists want more carnage and do everything they can to get it. They use every shooting to push for making it easier for the next shooter to safely kill more people. To say they don't realize what they are doing is disingenuous and doesn't make them not responsible for the reality of what they do

Because it has been proven time and time again in other countries that rules and regs make the chances of these things happening must less probable.

Acutally with your last paragraph that is untrue. Nothing has changed as far as I can tell. Nothing. Thus you still have mass shootings.
Look up the reports on each of the incidents. You will find that most of the perps had been noted by school officials or police at one or more times.

I've no time to write you a book. Stop being so childish.

How many thousands of kids have been "noted" that never shot up a school?

You tell me. Be specific.

No, clown shoes. You're the one with all the answers.


More than you, apparently.


Let's not kid ourselves. You don't actually have any answers. You're just desperately trying to find a way to use this tragedy for political points.

Well no, but I seem to be scoring them in spite of it.
By the way.....

This tragedy happened in Debbie Wasserman Schultz Distric (FL-23)

Just letting you know. That's all.
What’s your point?

no point just letting people know, it relates to this overall news.

by the you happen to know, Faun, why did Nicolas Cruz posted Allahu Akbar in his Instagram?

nikolas cruz (@cruz_nikolas) • Instagram photos and videos
Oh? How does Debbie Wasserman-Schultz relate to this news? Do you realize what a moron you are? Is that the relation you’re trying to establish?

It was in her distric that this happened.

It relates to the overall news.

But you don't seem to know why Cruz ,the shooter wrote Allahu Akbar in his Instagram

I get it ;)
How many thousands of kids have been "noted" that never shot up a school?

You tell me. Be specific.

No, clown shoes. You're the one with all the answers.


More than you, apparently.


Let's not kid ourselves. You don't actually have any answers. You're just desperately trying to find a way to use this tragedy for political points.

Well no, but I seem to be scoring them in spite of it.

I hope that keeps you warm at night, counting your "points" over a pile of dead kids.
Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

There are probably some. But the left loves to politicize death, it's a huge thing to them.

There is no way to keep 300 million guns from a psycho. Just having a few guns among unknown admins and teachers and the shooting not knowing which ones would have saved a lot of lives and likely prevented the shooting.

There's an obvious reason why the vast number of shootings are in so called gun free zones. Problem being that sign is a "criminals come here" sign. Law abiding citizens are the ones who abide by the law. Who saw that coming?

Leftists want only government to be armed. Are they cheering the propaganda for this? You betcha, most of them are

Yes there is a real good reason so many shootings happen in gun free zones... it's because they are places that are often the most vulnerable for people to kill people. But if he hadn't had access to an AR-15... chances are he wouldn't have been able to kill so many people.
. Forget the AR-15, and identify the perp. Don't let any do gooder liberal/leftist stop us from dealing with the perp before he acts. It's got to end.
Had the kid simply used a rental truck as classes were letting out for the day....he could have done more killing...

and yet....assholes like you blame normal gun owners and members of the NRA for shootings they had no part in......


You are a nut. Someone should help you.

Says the guy who can only resort to name calling in each of his posts.

Yeah. That's all I got. Have a Twinkie.
Quit wasting valuable time on the idea of gun control in the form of disarming the good citizens, and work to identify who the bad guy's are. We all know who they are, but the do gooder liberal/left has to be dealt with first. Meaning the left has got to get out of the way on the issue if can't handle it, and let the country get back to unifying again with the right folks in order to handle it.

Once unifed, and agreements are starting to form again, then we will be able to combat these evils that have developed in this nation now together.

So you want to ignore what works in other countries? As long as you have your peashooter by your side you don't give a shit about kids being shot up. How thoughtful of you.
. Quit deflecting the issue by way of using all your tired leftist talking points. They don't work anymore.
You tell me. Be specific.

No, clown shoes. You're the one with all the answers.


More than you, apparently.


Let's not kid ourselves. You don't actually have any answers. You're just desperately trying to find a way to use this tragedy for political points.

Well no, but I seem to be scoring them in spite of it.

I hope that keeps you warm at night, counting your "points" over a pile of dead kids.

Unfortunate. But the incident has nothing to do with any guns I may or may not own.
Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

Yeah. It's a false flag. Think about it! It's so obvious!!
You're not a liberal? Saw the error of your ways?

How would any of those prevent school shootings?

There is one way to do that. Allow admins and techers to arm themselves if they choose. That would make shooters think twice about doing it and make them a lot more hesitant to run around shooting people.

Conservatives recognize that, leftists want more carnage and do everything they can to get it. They use every shooting to push for making it easier for the next shooter to safely kill more people. To say they don't realize what they are doing is disingenuous and doesn't make them not responsible for the reality of what they do

Because it has been proven time and time again in other countries that rules and regs make the chances of these things happening must less probable.

Acutally with your last paragraph that is untrue. Nothing has changed as far as I can tell. Nothing. Thus you still have mass shootings.

That's nice...

plan on just requesting people turn in their semi-auto firearms, or go house to house to collect them?

(what are the odds of them getting any turned in in Chicago)

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