There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

They were killed by the person pulling the trigger.

Learn the difference
This shooting was about 10 miles from where I sit.

Mental illness like Schizophrenia doesn't fully develop until late teens/early twenties.
Other mental illness doesn't either.

We can't control minds, or put almosts in jail forever, but we can control guns much better than we do now.
But YOU and the NRA aren't going to let that happen.

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws...

What 'new' laws would stop things like this that the thousands of laws already on the books won't stop

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Referring to the No Fly List?

That had well known terrorists like Teddy Kennedy and Cat Stevens listed?

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

And the first thing that Conservative did was to run to the board and blame it on Muslims, or immigrants.

Your side has no moral high ground here.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?
. No, but we can identify the threat, and get the person help after removing them from the main population. I mean if you ever worked in a prison, you would know exactly what is the correct answer to it all.
Mental health provision is underfunded all over the world. Nutters dont vote and neither do they contribute to party funds.
Ewe need some remediation.
Florida....we are talking Florida....not Chicago....not Los Angeles. Focus, sweetheart! Focus!

Florida is the 4th most populist state and we have millions of firearms and millions of CWPs and yet we have less shootings and less killings in a year than just one Moon Bat city (Chicago) with the strictest gun control laws in the country.
No. Even Orlando alone has more killings in one year than Chicago.

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws...

What 'new' laws would stop things like this that the thousands of laws already on the books won't stop

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Referring to the No Fly List.

That had well known terrorists like Teddy Kennedy and Cat Stevens listed?

What new laws? Well for one, it is ridiculous how easy it is for someone to get an AR-15. Have you seen the video of the shooting and how many shots were popped off by a single shooter?

A No-fly list that negatively effects so few people like them, that could easily be cleared up? So now you are more worried about them having to go through a little more red tape to get a gun, compared to making it harder for potential terrorist not being able to. Wow...

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
I'm a 'gun rights' guy... I think it's time for new laws.... of the top of my head I think the 'reciprocity carry' legislation is spot on... I can give you a few more that I'd love to talk about if your so inclined...

I would be. I started a thread to get ideas like that. Would love to hear yours.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?
Legislate that all 'gun free zones' have armed professionals guarding them. This would be cost prohibitive, discouraging 'GFZ's' in the first place, which is the best thing that we could hope for... legally armed citizenry free to carry in those "zones".
This shooting was about 10 miles from where I sit.

Mental illness like Schizophrenia doesn't fully develop until late teens/early twenties.
Other mental illness doesn't either.

We can't control minds, or put almosts in jail forever, but we can control guns much better than we do now.
But YOU and the NRA aren't going to let that happen.

Since there are already VOLUMES of laws "controlling" those evil guns.....and still, the evil guns force innocent people to do things like this....what can you suggest without infringing on the Constitution?

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

There are probably some. But the left loves to politicize death, it's a huge thing to them.

There is no way to keep 300 million guns from a psycho. Just having a few guns among unknown admins and teachers and the shooting not knowing which ones would have saved a lot of lives and likely prevented the shooting.

There's an obvious reason why the vast number of shootings are in so called gun free zones. Problem being that sign is a "criminals come here" sign. Law abiding citizens are the ones who abide by the law. Who saw that coming?

Leftists want only government to be armed. Are they cheering the propaganda for this? You betcha, most of them are
They were killed by the person pulling the trigger.

Learn the difference
This shooting was about 10 miles from where I sit.

Mental illness like Schizophrenia doesn't fully develop until late teens/early twenties.
Other mental illness doesn't either.

We can't control minds, or put almosts in jail forever, but we can control guns much better than we do now.
But YOU and the NRA aren't going to let that happen.

they had a LOT of gun control in Chicago until recently.

How did that work out?
What does that mean, exactly?

Identified by who? What sort of threat? Why are they a threat?

Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

So you're going to shut down the dialogue that correctly identifies leftists as being directly responsible for the shooting up of our schools?

Of course you are.

Everybody knew this kid was a threat. Including the leftist school admin.
Vic Micolucci WJXT on Twitter

I don't believe I was talking to you, disgusting piece of shit.

Go back to using dead kids for your political satisfaction, adults are talking here.
They were killed by the person pulling the trigger.

Learn the difference
This shooting was about 10 miles from where I sit.

Mental illness like Schizophrenia doesn't fully develop until late teens/early twenties.
Other mental illness doesn't either.

We can't control minds, or put almosts in jail forever, but we can control guns much better than we do now.
But YOU and the NRA aren't going to let that happen.

Please, provide us some examples

Has anybody noticed that these shootings always happen in gun-free zones? :mad-61:

no. But I have noticed that is doesn't happen in countries that have strict gun controls in place.
. Quit wasting valuable time on the idea of gun control in the form of disarming the good citizens, and work to identify who the bad guy's are. We all know who they are, but the do gooder liberal/left has to be dealt with first. Meaning the left has got to get out of the way on the issue if can't handle it, and let the country get back to unifying again with the right folks in order to handle it.

Once unifed, and agreements are starting to form again, then we will be able to combat these evils that have developed in this nation now together.

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Don't you think first they should enforce the laws on the books, before new laws?

Anyone who is in AA or in NA or been to rehab according to the law can not own a firearm. Or been diagnosed with mental problems...

Heck you would eliminate at least 30% of americans, even Bush jr, Bill Clinton and Obama would be prohibited from owning a fire arm based on their past drug use.

Gun Control Act of 1968 - Wikipedia

These types are almost invariably found to have been identified previously as a threat.

What does that mean, exactly?

Identified by who? What sort of threat? Why are they a threat?

Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

Look up the reports on each of the incidents. You will find that most of the perps had been noted by school officials or police at one or more times.

I've no time to write you a book. Stop being so childish.

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

There are probably some. But the left loves to politicize death, it's a huge thing to them.

There is no way to keep 300 million guns from a psycho. Just having a few guns among unknown admins and teachers and the shooting not knowing which ones would have saved a lot of lives and likely prevented the shooting.

There's an obvious reason why the vast number of shootings are in so called gun free zones. Problem being that sign is a "criminals come here" sign. Law abiding citizens are the ones who abide by the law. Who saw that coming?

Leftists want only government to be armed. Are they cheering the propaganda for this? You betcha, most of them are

Yes there is a real good reason so many shootings happen in gun free zones... it's because they are places that are often the most vulnerable for people to kill people. But if he hadn't had access to an AR-15... chances are he wouldn't have been able to kill so many people.
What new laws? Well for one, it is ridiculous how easy it is for someone to get an AR-15. Have you seen the video of the shooting and how many shots were popped off by a single shooter?

A No-fly list that negatively effects so few people like them, that could easily be cleared up? So now you are more worried about them having to go through a little more red tape to get a gun, compared to making it harder for potential terrorist not being able to. Wow...

Unfortunately freedom is NOT FREE and giving up Liberty to buy a bit of false security is a foolish endeavor.
The cost to a society of 320,000,000 people to keep government in check is that .0000000000000000000001% of the population MIGHT experience a bit of violence in their lifetimes.

Sorry but there is no other way. People who give up their guns for a bit of safety will end up like Venezuela.
Quit wasting valuable time on the idea of gun control in the form of disarming the good citizens, and work to identify who the bad guy's are. We all know who they are, but the do gooder liberal/left has to be dealt with first. Meaning the left has got to get out of the way on the issue if can't handle it, and let the country get back to unifying again with the right folks in order to handle it.

Once unifed, and agreements are starting to form again, then we will be able to combat these evils that have developed in this nation now together.

So you want to ignore what works in other countries? As long as you have your peashooter by your side you don't give a shit about kids being shot up. How thoughtful of you.

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