There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
The teachers had been told last year he was not allowed on campus if carrying a backpack, as he had previously threatened students and others before.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?

no but a mental health referral should have been made

For what?

You have no information to go on other than rumors and tweets, and yet you've determined the all the answers.

Ok. With that tint piece of out-of-context information, what do you think should have been done, that wasn't?
The kid was a mentally ill antifa nutbag who had threatened students there before.

Why wasn't he locked up?

Because leftists approve of black-garbed, mentally ill commies shooting up schools. They don't want to prevent them.

I want to know if this turd was a DACA kid. Or about his friends. This sounds like like immigration matter more and more.
Was it a shooting in a school?

Many of the gun nutters in this thread blame these incidents on mental illness... well seeing someone blow their brains out in front of you causes serious negative mental effects. Not all damages to a person have to be physical. If you've ever found a dead person, or seen someone die in front of you, you'd understand.

he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.
especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Did I say dems? republicans? green party?

I'm only biased against the idiots that only read half the information on a subject, and crow that's all there is.

(Like you)

half, if that, of the school shootings on your list are actual 'school' shootings.

but, you've got your number, and you're not bothered by the actual facts.

I feel VERY sorry for you
Surely one is too many.
Another mentally ill person who everybody knew was a threat..and yet who wasn't institutionalized before he killed people.

Cuz leftists think the inmates should run the asylum. They WANT crazy people to shoot up schools, because it justifies their demands that we remove guns from the population.

Gun nut move #1 . Immediately declare that any gun control = a total ban on guns .

I'm sure if your kid were at the school, your first thought would have been, thank God that no one has a gun to shoot back, right?

The reason shooters keep going to schools and other gun free zones is ... wait for it ... that's where they know there are no ... wait for it again ... guns ...

Oh yeah . We should have high school kids packing heat ?

What an idiot, your typical crap. I am talking about adults. The administrators and teachers. Just some of them. You just need the shooter not to know who's armed.

Kids packing heat, what a useless dick you are
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

These types are almost invariably found to have been identified previously as a threat.

What does that mean, exactly?

Identified by who? What sort of threat? Why are they a threat?

Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?
Another mentally ill person who everybody knew was a threat..and yet who wasn't institutionalized before he killed people.

Cuz leftists think the inmates should run the asylum. They WANT crazy people to shoot up schools, because it justifies their demands that we remove guns from the population.

Gun nut move #1 . Immediately declare that any gun control = a total ban on guns .

I'm sure if your kid were at the school, your first thought would have been, thank God that no one has a gun to shoot back, right?

The reason shooters keep going to schools and other gun free zones is ... wait for it ... that's where they know there are no ... wait for it again ... guns ...

Oh yeah . We should have high school kids packing heat ?

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

17 dead, Timmy cheered 17 times
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?
. No, but we can identify the threat, and get the person help after removing them from the main population. I mean if you ever worked in a prison, you would know exactly what is the correct answer to it all.

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
I'm a 'gun rights' guy... I think it's time to 'talk' about new gun laws.... of the top of my head I think the 'reciprocity carry' legislation is spot on... I can give you a few more that I'd love to talk about if your so inclined...

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying
what-??--with people running around with guns--no one will no who the shooter is--especially when the police get there

here's an example--there's a shooting in Walmart or a mall--you meet up with someone with a gun.....what will you do?? tell me what will be your reaction??
both of you do not know if the other is the gunman
This is bullshit.

I am only drawing and shooting someone shooting at me. Don't shoot at me. Don't get shot.

Get your what/if scenarios the fuck out of here.
real dumb aren't you
if many people are armed you will not know who the shooter is---he can shoot anyone he wants--you're dead

How do the cops seem to figure it out all the time?
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?
. No, but we can identify the threat, and get the person help after removing them from the main population. I mean if you ever worked in a prison, you would know exactly what is the correct answer to it all.

You can't lock up people for something you think they might do. We have no idea yet what kind of help he might have gotten.

Lots of people go to sites on how to make a bomb that NEVER shoot up a school. You can't lock someone up for watching a video.
These types are almost invariably found to have been identified previously as a threat.

What does that mean, exactly?

Identified by who? What sort of threat? Why are they a threat?

Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.

So you're going to use the deaths of children as an excuse to troll and call me names?

You're quite the classy guy, aren't you?

So you're going to shut down the dialogue that correctly identifies leftists as being directly responsible for the shooting up of our schools?

Of course you are.

Everybody knew this kid was a threat. Including the leftist school admin.
Vic Micolucci WJXT on Twitter

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.
I'm a 'gun rights' guy... I think it's time for new laws.... of the top of my head I think the 'reciprocity carry' legislation is spot on... I can give you a few more that I'd love to talk about if your so inclined...

I would be. I started a thread to get ideas like that. Would love to hear yours.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?

Imagine how much we could change things if administrators and teachers could be armed and shooters didn't know who is armed. That could have saved a lot of lives today.

The liberals are all fist pumping each other that 17 died. Every body is in their mind a political win for them

No one is pumping fists over kids dying.

The problem is, when one of these events happens gun rights people say it isn't the time to talk about new laws... but when is? Next week when the next shooting happens? Or the week after that? Or maybe the week after that?

Congress won't even pass a law to prevent people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns.

Bull shit. The first thing the liberals did here was to run to the board and start a thread cheering the carnage. You know they love this, stop lying

You pick out one or two people for that, and I can point towards one or two on the other side stepping on the dead bodies of the kids to say they wouldn't have been killed if MORE people had guns.

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