There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

The teachers had been told last year he was not allowed on campus if carrying a backpack, as he had previously threatened students and others before.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?

no but a mental health referral should have been made

For what?

You have no information to go on other than rumors and tweets, and yet you've determined the all the answers.
Care to compare with Chicago Illinois?
Why Chicago? They are only ranked 25th with Orlando FL ranked 20th.
Because Chicago has strict gun control as opposed to Florida which apparently is awash with guns! Right?
You tell are the one who jumped from talking about Florida to talking about Chicago IL. I just brought the discussion back to Florida. Couldn't you see that?
So, you cannot focus on the topic of the thread and have to call names. Pathetic.
Ewe got a twist in yer britches bout something?
like I said --there's no arguing if they don't even care about a whole class of kindergarteners being slaughtered

if something isn't working--year after year after year---you have to try something else
and things aren't working now --are they???
we keep sticking our fingers in the fire year after year after year
Right. We should try ending gun free murder zones and letting teachers who want to carry do so. Thats' the only way to stop it.
Will make parent conferences more interesting.
Florida is a state drowning in guns. thanks in large part to people like Gov. Rick Scott.
I live in Florida and I have 50 firearms. It is great to live in a state that protects our Constitutional rights. God bless Florida and god bless Rick Scott. MAGA Baby!
That's ironically fun-ny phallic fondeling retort fein...too, denthead diva
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

These types are almost invariably found to have been identified previously as a threat.

What does that mean, exactly?

Identified by who? What sort of threat? Why are they a threat?

Review the cases. The answer is within your grasp.

What "cases"?

Either you're full of shit, or you've got some magic access to information that none of us have.

Which is it?

For you, I recommend Prevagen™.
Frankly, I don't give a damn what his political leanings are. He needs to be swiftly escorted off this mortal plane.
I don't care what you care about.

We need to understand the thinking that breeds these killers. Constitutionalists don't create these killers. The left, however, breeds them like flies.

That's enough!

I'm going to try to stomach some dinner now.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?

no but a mental health referral should have been made

For what? Do you have any info that he threatened to kill anyone before today? Was he suicidal? How do you know he hadn't talked to one?

You can't lock people up just because they are anti-social. We don't have long term mental health hospitals anymore. They got rid of those in the 80's.

well that is what is being reported

he was on the radar of officials

to include that he was not allowed on campus with a back pack
it['s called a suicide, not a school shooting.

Was it a shooting in a school?

Many of the gun nutters in this thread blame these incidents on mental illness... well seeing someone blow their brains out in front of you causes serious negative mental effects. Not all damages to a person have to be physical. If you've ever found a dead person, or seen someone die in front of you, you'd understand.

he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.
especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Did I say dems? republicans? green party?

I'm only biased against the idiots that only read half the information on a subject, and crow that's all there is.

(Like you)

half, if that, of the school shootings on your list are actual 'school' shootings.

but, you've got your number, and you're not bothered by the actual facts.

I feel VERY sorry for you
The teachers had been told last year he was not allowed on campus if carrying a backpack, as he had previously threatened students and others before.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.

Sadly we can't arrest people for crimes they haven't committed yet. Could you imagine the outrage if we started doing that?

no but a mental health referral should have been made

For what?

You have no information to go on other than rumors and tweets, and yet you've determined the all the answers.
indeed he has
Was it a shooting in a school?

Many of the gun nutters in this thread blame these incidents on mental illness... well seeing someone blow their brains out in front of you causes serious negative mental effects. Not all damages to a person have to be physical. If you've ever found a dead person, or seen someone die in front of you, you'd understand.

he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.
especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Did I say dems? republicans? green party?

I'm only biased against the idiots that only read half the information on a subject, and crow that's all there is.

(Like you)

half, if that, of the school shootings on your list are actual 'school' shootings.

but, you've got your number, and you're not bothered by the actual facts.

I feel VERY sorry for you

You should worry more about yourself. Your bias was already proven the other day. :)
The kid was a mentally ill antifa nutbag who had threatened students there before.

Why wasn't he locked up?

Because leftists approve of black-garbed, mentally ill commies shooting up schools. They don't want to prevent them.
Just shredded that on another thread.

guy shooting a pellet gun at a bus is a 'school shooting'?

No, that isn't one on the list.

It's on this list:

12 school shooting incidents have occurred in the U.S. so far in 2018

"A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered."

That's some local news site...

and that makes the info wrong?

It makes it wrong that you think because that one local news site lists a pellet gun shooting at a school bus as a school shooting that all the other sites must be as well. That's just not logical.

That shows the bias by the writer, which calls everything they say into question.

Remember when I first read the article, I pointed right at their attempt to be vague what constitutes a "shooting"

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