There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

it['s called a suicide, not a school shooting.

Was it a shooting in a school?

Many of the gun nutters in this thread blame these incidents on mental illness... well seeing someone blow their brains out in front of you causes serious negative mental effects. Not all damages to a person have to be physical. If you've ever found a dead person, or seen someone die in front of you, you'd understand.

he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Who says? What number is that rule, and where can it be found?
Was it a shooting in a school?

Many of the gun nutters in this thread blame these incidents on mental illness... well seeing someone blow their brains out in front of you causes serious negative mental effects. Not all damages to a person have to be physical. If you've ever found a dead person, or seen someone die in front of you, you'd understand.

he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Who says? What number is that rule, and where can it be found?

Really? You think that needs to be listed as a rule?


Do you need a sign in the restroom that tells you to put your zipper down before you take a piss too?
Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

Most retards can't pick up on that. " The drill thing" they can't connect the dots that every time one of these bs shootings take place there are DRILLS......... like its said ' its always in plain view".
he did it in FRONT of someone?

Where did you read that?

keep grasping straws, lew...

I'm tired of your, and the other bedwetters, crap.

Oh you are? Maybe you should step down from being a mod then? Seems pretty hard to be unbiased with that type of statement.


Too funny.

What planet are YOU from? The mods here are as biased as the rest of us, and rightfully so.

Mods aren't supposed to be biased. They are allowed their opinions, but they aren't supposed to be biased... especially making a comment like they are fed up with an entire group in a political spectrum.

Who says? What number is that rule, and where can it be found?

Really? You think that needs to be listed as a rule?


Do you need a sign in the restroom that tells you to put your zipper down before you take a piss too?

Please make sense so that I can respond.
School shootings are seldom ideologically or politically motivated. This isn’t a left right issue.
I'm willing to bet everything I own, he wasn't an NRA member.

Ill go farther. His politics leans LEFT.
I doubt he has political leanings, but feel free to offer some sort of actual evidence to support your bias.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.
. Some leftist probably over road the complaint or watered it down. Would be interesting to know why she wasn't taken seriously, and then actions taken. No child left behind is a fools thinking. If a child becomes evil or so disturbed that he or she can no longer function in a sane way, then swift action must be taken to place the child in a proper setting in order to help that child. How many have to die before we get our head out our aces ?
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What do you suggest should have been done?

It's really easy to point fingers and find a scapegoat to blame in hindsight.
Not going to name names, but I have lost a tremendous amount of respect for some people on this board after this travesty of a thread. Both left, and right.

It is truly sad that political division gets in the way of caring for the those who lost their lives and those who are grieving. For some politically obsessed people, agenda trumps compassion.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

These types are almost invariably found to have been identified previously as a threat.

yes at least a few that I remember plus the Colorado theater shooter was well
Great, now compare the number of mass shootings with the number of mass stabbings.

Doesn't matter....more people die from knives each and every year than from all mass shootings since 1982...that is a fact......but you don't care about those murdered with knives.....
Why do you limit it to mass shootings ? You are a fraud.

Moron....I limit it to mass shootings because it is the topic...of the the thread....and showing that knives murder more people every single year than all mass shooting victims since 1982 shows that you guys don't care about dead only care about guns........
You’re a fucking rightard. You’re comparing killing multiple people with guns with killing individuals with knives. You might as well compare apples with oranges. :cuckoo:

No, shit stain.....what I am doing is showing that it isn't the number of dead that you care about.....since knives actually murder a lot more people than mass public shooters do.........since only care about the gun........and clubs and empty hands murder more people than mass public shooters do each year as well...and you don't care about those methods either.......the body count is higher, but you don't care...
Knives have a purpose outside of killing people.
Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

Most retards can't pick up on that. " The drill thing" they can't connect the dots that every time one of these bs shootings take place there are DRILLS......... like its said ' its always in plain view".

I agree.
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School shootings are seldom ideologically or politically motivated. This isn’t a left right issue.
I'm willing to bet everything I own, he wasn't an NRA member.

Ill go farther. His politics leans LEFT.
I doubt he has political leanings, but feel free to offer some sort of actual evidence to support your bias.
The evidence will come. Do you believe there is ANY chance he's a member of the evil NRA?

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