There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

You need to examine coincidence. In the Florida 2000 election, people were claiming that the Florida State Troopers were setting up roadblocks to prevent blacks from voting because one just happened to be near a polling place.

Do you know how many times we have had to cancel our tornado drills because there was actual severe weather in the area? You don't have drills on days where people jump to conclusions and think it is real because stupid shit happens!
Yeah, it's a fair point. Probably more about magazine size than the semi-auto aspect. I mean even down here we're allowed semi-autos, mainly to control rabbit and possum populations. But the magazine sizes are limited.
But the magazine sizes are limited.

as long as they are being made, people will find them, and buy them.

if they can't find them or buy them, they'll make them

You think this kid had the means and ability to make one? You think he could make an AR-15?

I was referring to making larger magazines.

Still can't read, I see

Magazines or guns... it still doesn't matter. You are projecting a defeatist attitude.

"Hey we can't stop them, so why make it harder for them to do it?"

I'm facing facts.

I have no idea what this kids mechanical ability is.

It's NOT beyond reason he could not only make an extended magazine, he could also possibly make an auto, or semi auto rifle.

After Orlando, the Homemade AR-15 Industry Surges

Estimates range between 5 and 10 million AR15s in the US. Good luck confiscating them all. It's a pipe dream
Yeah, it's a fair point. Probably more about magazine size than the semi-auto aspect. I mean even down here we're allowed semi-autos, mainly to control rabbit and possum populations. But the magazine sizes are limited.
But the magazine sizes are limited.

as long as they are being made, people will find them, and buy them.

if they can't find them or buy them, they'll make them

You think this kid had the means and ability to make one? You think he could make an AR-15?

I was referring to making larger magazines.

Still can't read, I see

Magazines or guns... it still doesn't matter. You are projecting a defeatist attitude.

"Hey we can't stop them, so why make it harder for them to do it?"

I'm facing facts.

I have no idea what this kids mechanical ability is.

It's NOT beyond reason he could not only make an extended magazine, he could also possibly make an auto, or semi auto rifle.

After Orlando, the Homemade AR-15 Industry Surges

So if it can be done, who the fuck cares if it makes it MUCH more difficult for them to get one? Let's just sell them straight out and make it easier. Yeah that's logical!
So the shooter was......wait for it.........DEMOCRAT as always.......

Where's my Gomer Pyle "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise" meme ?
That’s my point, to have real trained officers, just as a reg police officer.
Personally? I find it ridiculous that licensed school officers are not allowed to carry.

Those "licensed school officers" are often minimum wage earners with no qualifications whatsoever.

People will not give the school districts the funding to pay for fully qualified police officers. At my very large high school in northern Florida, I had two county sheriff's deputies full time. After I left, the county had to cut expenses so they formed a school district police department with lower qualified and less expensive officers assigned to the schools, and only larger schools like middle and high schools had them.
So? If the asshole today didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have been able to kill 17 people.
A knife? A bomb?

YES! He would have.
A knife would not have killed 17 people and bombs are illegal. Great point ya made there. :thup:

And you think them being illegal would have stopped him from sneaking that stuff into the building?

Holy smokes. Quite the compelling point you have there.
No, I think being illegal would have made it more difficult for him to buy the gun.
Well, if you think that, you're sadly mistaken. Making something illegal does not prevent it from happening. Just like making guns illegal would not stop people from getting them.

Think, Faun, think!

What happened to prohibition does not work. Have liberals given up on that one?
So the shooter was......wait for it.........DEMOCRAT as always.......
Where's my Gomer Pyle "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise" meme ?

We have a problem with Leftists........guns........ not so much
Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

Most retards can't pick up on that. " The drill thing" they can't connect the dots that every time one of these bs shootings take place there are DRILLS......... like its said ' its always in plain view".

Further proof you are a dumbass!

When was the drill at the Marshall County High School shooting? School hadn't even started yet!

So the shooter was......wait for it.........DEMOCRAT as always.......
Where's my Gomer Pyle "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise" meme ?

We have a problem with Leftists........guns........ not so much

And just when we thought the thread couldn't get any more you come to push the envelope....:cranky:
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.
. Some leftist probably over road the complaint or watered it down. Would be interesting to know why she wasn't taken seriously, and then actions taken. No child left behind is a fools thinking. If a child becomes evil or so disturbed that he or she can no longer function in a sane way, then swift action must be taken to place the child in a proper setting in order to help that child. How many have to die before we get our head out our aces ?

That has nothing to do with "No child left behind". You are confused.
Well, that is scary, inevitably before every tragedy similar to that, there is a drill!
Have you noticed?
Something is not right.

If true that's an interesting observation.
Can you tell us more?

Well, before tragic events there have been drills nearby. For example in the San Bernardino shooting in 2015, at the same time there were drill exercises for the exact same scenario, close by.

There are several more examples, and - for me at least - it's disturbing, gives food for thought.

Most retards can't pick up on that. " The drill thing" they can't connect the dots that every time one of these bs shootings take place there are DRILLS......... like its said ' its always in plain view".

I agree.

Then why don't the drills prevent these type of school shootings?


You are agreeing with a dumbass!
This is interesting - there wasn't a fire drill....the killer pulled the alarm...

Suspect sought higher death toll
Investigators believe the suspect pulled the school's fire alarm to draw people out and get a higher death toll, according to a law enforcement source.
There had been a fire drill at the school earlier in the day, leading some to believe at first that the afternoon incident was another drill, a student told CNN affiliate WSVN. "Everyone just started freaking out."
"But then word started going around that it was shots and not just, like, something else, everyone just started running towards the canal," the student said.
Oh? How does Debbie Wasserman-Schultz relate to this news? Do you realize what a moron you are? Is that the relation you’re trying to establish?

It was in her distric that this happened.

It relates to the overall news.

But you don't seem to know why Cruz ,the shooter wrote Allahu Akbar in his Instagram

I get it ;)
No, you don’t get it.

You’re too stupid to get it.

Want proof?

That’s not Debbie’s District, it’s Ted Deutch’s. :lmao:

Florida’s 22nd Congressional District - FL-22 Representatives & District Map -


But hey, thanks for proving me 100% right when I say you’re a moron. :badgrin:

Why do you post FL-22?

I said FL-23 is Debbie Wasserman Schultz District!

time for your medicine

I posted the 22nd District because that is where the school is. :eusa_doh:

That’s Ted Deutsch’s district, not Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s. Shit, bitch, I even gave you a link to the 22nd District with a map in it. Are you too stupid to figure out a map? :badgrin:


go away with somedy else

you are a bore
No can do, it’s too much fun making fun of your ignorance.
By the way.....

This tragedy happened in Debbie Wasserman Schultz Distric (FL-23)

Just letting you know. That's all.
We have armed police at state houses...court houses...federal government buildings...congress and the senate are protected by armed guards...The white house is protected with armed police officers...
When are we going to protect our schools with armed guards? How many kids have to be killed...?
We must put on our big boy pants and place a show of force at every school in America...if we can do it for our nations politicians we can do it for our schools...

Hey, arm everybody!! That'll help! !

Actually, it does help....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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