There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Your plans worked. A kid is running around shooting people and no one was shooting back. Exactly as you designed. Well done, your plan to have only government armed is working.

Criminals aren't a threat to you, so that's OK. They just kill a few citizens here and there. It's honest citizens you want to get guns out of the hands of. They're the threat to authoritarian leftism. Nice job. 17 dead, a good count for you. I heard you set a record. What a great week for you

Oh? That was the plan was it? :cuckoo:

Yep, that's why you've been high fiving liberals for days now
Your dementia is noted and discarded. You really are one sick pup, I’ll grant you that.

You got your way in Florida. No one was shooting back. The gunman got to shoot at will. We followed your plan.

That you're cheering on we continue with your policy of disarming honest citizens, the logical conclusion of that is you got what you want
Oh? How we get our way when we’ve been pushing to get laws passed to try and prevent Cruz from getting his hands in such a weapon while the right does everything in their power to make sure he can get it easily.

How's the war on drugs working out for you?

You don't even get that, do you?
I didn’t say those things about you. You said them about yourself.

You're rubber, I'm glue ... got it
^^^ just another 4 year old

You're the one who wasn't able to read and comprehend that sentence
Great, more projection. I had forgotten how much of a parrot you are, mindlessly squawking back what people say about you. Thanks for the reminder. :thup:

You're so stupid that you're a hoot
I didn’t say those things about you. You said them about yourself.

You're rubber, I'm glue ... got it
^^^ just another 4 year old

You're the one who wasn't able to read and comprehend that sentence
Great, more projection. I had forgotten how much of a parrot you are, mindlessly squawking back what people say about you. Thanks for the reminder. :thup:

You're so stupid that you're a hoot
Slobbers the Liberal who calls Liberals, “stupid.” :lol:
Last edited:
You're rubber, I'm glue ... got it
^^^ just another 4 year old

You're the one who wasn't able to read and comprehend that sentence
Great, more projection. I had forgotten how much of a parrot you are, mindlessly squawking back what people say about you. Thanks for the reminder. :thup:

You're so stupid that you're a hoot
Slobbers the Liberal who calls a Liberals, “stupid.” :lol:

Wow, you're the fastest person who I ever put back on ignore. Nice job.

Two records this week, that and the 17 dead following your policies that has you on cloud nine.

Look man, insulting me works. But all you want to do is bicker, and that gets dull very quickly
Doctor Grump likes to pretend everyone lives a small population homogeneous country with no international borders like he does. I mean, what works in Mayberry RFD will work everywhere, right?

He's not interested at all in learning anything about the United States and how it's different than New Zealand. Just lecturing us how they do it and assuming it would work here

Posted by a friend of mine in Sydney, who is a New Yorker. He wondered in his post that maybe the reason wasn't guns, maybe it was the water....

WTF do you people care?

Trust me no one here gives a flying or any other kind of fuck about Australia
He is under the delusion that the buy back program in his country was a success ... Only 1/3 of the country gave up their arms so about the totality of the retarded white regressives in the country. Mind you gun crime in Australia is declining extremely slow. About as slow as ours. Which is something else the authoritarian left doesn't want people to know that gun crime has been declining for decades.
^^^ just another 4 year old

You're the one who wasn't able to read and comprehend that sentence
Great, more projection. I had forgotten how much of a parrot you are, mindlessly squawking back what people say about you. Thanks for the reminder. :thup:

You're so stupid that you're a hoot
Slobbers the Liberal who calls a Liberals, “stupid.” :lol:

Wow, you're the fastest person who I ever put back on ignore. Nice job.

Two records this week, that and the 17 dead following your policies that has you on cloud nine.

Look man, insulting me works. But all you want to do is bicker, and that gets dull very quickly

You insulted yourself. Or did you forget already... you called Liberals, “stupid” ... then called yourself a Liberal.

Do you also ignore yourself like you do with your fellow Liberals?

Or does your sickness prevent you from comprehending that had the left actually gotten what we wanted, perhaps Cruz wouldn’t have gotten his hands on the weapon he used to kill 17 people with?
No...actually, it is about fathers in the homes......single mothers, especially young teenage had that dynamic in Sandy Hook, Vegas, and this one.......

His mother was NOT a teenager! He grew up with older adoptive parents.

WTF does Vegas have to do with it? The guy was my age and I am older than dirt!

The mother was on her own when the husband died.....he was 6 when that happened....

The Vegas shooter, another single mother.....

She was a single mother because her husband was a bank robber and the shooter was 7 when he was arrested! It's not like he ran out on the family!

He didn't have to run out on the family....he wasn't there, she was a single mother raising young males......

That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.

Alleged Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was a Member of White Supremacist Group

An update for you...

Local Police: ‘No Known Ties’ Between Shooting Suspect And White Nationalist Group

he is one of yours the link.......more investigation is needed.......

Leader of White Supremacist Group Claims Florida School Shooting Suspect Was a Member
Cruz was associated with ROF and participated in at least one training in the Tallahassee area, carpooling up with other white supremacists from south Florida. The Republic of Florida describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” that seeks to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida,
I am sure a white supremacist would love a guy named Cruz in his group. Grow up.
Did anyone notice that one of the gun regulations that Trump got rid of was the one banning mentally ill people from buying guns?

He's so hell bent on getting rid of everything Obama that he's actually gotten rid of some stuff that actually makes sense.
You are ether lying or misinformed.... He never TOUCHED the provision for mentally ill and gun ownership. He should have though. It is way to broad a description.... What kind of mental; illness??? Does it cover depression? Because if so NO ONE can get a gun and thats what the authoritarians are after using a very small minority of mentally ill as a scapegoat.
Imagine this. A guy goes in to buy an AR-15.

He is turned down because he was weird in High School.

Or he was turned down because he was a member of a White Supremacist group.

Or he gets turned down because he posted a video showing Muslim violence?

Or he was turned down because a parent died within the past year?

My God, the NRA would go ballistic.

Trump just blocked an effort to keep crazy people from buying guns that Obama put in place.

So quit talking about missed signs. Talk about the idea that we keep handing out these killing machines at all. They serve no purpose. Stop the NRA's expansion into things like silencers & bump stocks.

If you really think you have to have these things, get some mental help.
He got the gun because up until he shot up the school HE COMMITTED NO CRIME. You should NEVER have the right to curb rights for what thought crimes. Jesus that is so 1984 it is scary.
His mother was NOT a teenager! He grew up with older adoptive parents.

WTF does Vegas have to do with it? The guy was my age and I am older than dirt!

The mother was on her own when the husband died.....he was 6 when that happened....

The Vegas shooter, another single mother.....

She was a single mother because her husband was a bank robber and the shooter was 7 when he was arrested! It's not like he ran out on the family!

He didn't have to run out on the family....he wasn't there, she was a single mother raising young males......

That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
Great, so what do you propose should be done with cases like Cruz, whose father died while he was a young kid?
The mother was on her own when the husband died.....he was 6 when that happened....

The Vegas shooter, another single mother.....

She was a single mother because her husband was a bank robber and the shooter was 7 when he was arrested! It's not like he ran out on the family!

He didn't have to run out on the family....he wasn't there, she was a single mother raising young males......

That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
Great, so what do you propose should be done with cases like Cruz, whose father died while he was a young kid?
Have better parents. Your regressive left policies make these people. Your there is no loser mindset makes these people. Did you think there wouldn't be any consequences to the consistent attack on men and fathers? The policies you support created a generation of boys and very very very few men.
Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglas’s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriff’s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesn’t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

“I have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,” she said. “They are stretched very thin.”

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.
She was a single mother because her husband was a bank robber and the shooter was 7 when he was arrested! It's not like he ran out on the family!

He didn't have to run out on the family....he wasn't there, she was a single mother raising young males......

That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
Great, so what do you propose should be done with cases like Cruz, whose father died while he was a young kid?
Have better parents. Your regressive left policies make these people. Your there is no loser mindset makes these people. Did you think there wouldn't be any consequences to the consistent attack on men and fathers? The policies you support created a generation of boys and very very very few men.
Dying of natural causes while you’re kids are young makes one a bad parent??
Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglas’s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriff’s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesn’t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

“I have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,” she said. “They are stretched very thin.”

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.
They should have more then one. Yet I think that is standard practice here in Florida. My daughters school locks the doors when school is in session . Meaning they can only be opened from the inside or with a key. I dont understand why this school wasn't like this.
He didn't have to run out on the family....he wasn't there, she was a single mother raising young males......

That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
Great, so what do you propose should be done with cases like Cruz, whose father died while he was a young kid?
Have better parents. Your regressive left policies make these people. Your there is no loser mindset makes these people. Did you think there wouldn't be any consequences to the consistent attack on men and fathers? The policies you support created a generation of boys and very very very few men.
Dying of natural causes while you’re kids are young makes one a bad parent??
wtf are you talking about? his mother died recently.
That is not the problem. Lots of single mothers raise fine kids. How do you explain Ben Carson? How many people did he shoot and kill?

Your overly simplistic explanation has no basis in reality. Anecdotal evidence is not data.

When my daughter was in middle school, a classmate from an upper class neighborhood with two fine and upstanding parents murdered a neighbor child and stuffed her body under a waterbed in his room. How did that happen? My daughter said he was just like any other kid, but he took a baseball bat and bashed a little girl's head in!
It isn't anecdotal it is statistical that on average most of the crimes in this country are committed by those with no father in the house. It is the number one reason the poor community hasn't progressed much since the 60's. A woman shouldn't have to raise her kids alone and a father is far more important then any feminist will ever admit.
Great, so what do you propose should be done with cases like Cruz, whose father died while he was a young kid?
Have better parents. Your regressive left policies make these people. Your there is no loser mindset makes these people. Did you think there wouldn't be any consequences to the consistent attack on men and fathers? The policies you support created a generation of boys and very very very few men.
Dying of natural causes while you’re kids are young makes one a bad parent??
wtf are you talking about? his mother died recently.
Seriously? You don’t realize I was talking about his dad?? Never mind. You’re too fucked in the head to have this conversation. <smh>

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesn’t answer the question.

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