There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!
mental illness you dont have to break a law for a mental health evaluation
If you are on Medicaid, it's a challenge to find good mental health professionals that will take you, primarily because the reimbursement is likely to be 40% to 50%. In my area getting an appointment with a psychiatrist that accepts Medicaid can take months and that's with a referral. If you try to kill yourself, you get pretty fast action, 3 to 5 days of evaluation, discharge, a hand full of pills, and a better luck next time.

Unfortunately those that need help the most are likely to be on Medicaid and likely to get the worst care. Nowhere is income inequality so obvious as mental health care for the poor.
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

There have been more and more and more gun control laws and yet more and more and more violence as well. That is because guns don't cause people to hate and want to kill other people.
I think it is fair to say Big Pharma's drugs have something to do with these mass shootings. It is also interesting how the MSM and the huge omnipresent central government REFUSE to consider the drugs as a possible link.

Big Pharma has bought itself protection from the MSM and Uncle Sam, with it's many billions of the expense of the people. Isn't America great?
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!
mental illness you dont have to break a law for a mental health evaluation
If you are on Medicaid, it's a challenge to find good mental health professionals that will take you, primarily because the reimbursement is likely to be 40% to 50%. In my area getting an appointment with a psychiatrist that accepts Medicaid can take months and that's with a referral. If you try to kill yourself, you get pretty fast action, 3 to 5 days of evaluation, discharge, a hand full of pills, and a better luck next time.

Unfortunately those that need help the most are likely to be on Medicaid and likely to get the worst care. Nowhere is income inequality so obvious as mental health care for the poor.

indeed that is all true and maybe worse in some cases

medicaid just does not cover the cost

out here at our full service facility we only accept x amount of medicaid and medicare enrollments

however in the case of a court ordered mental evaluation the state picks up the tab
Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

Never said he did. All bullshit leftist data posted by others aside, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS has had a liberal influence in the family. Not one of them was from a strong, moral, conservative upbringing. If there are a few white supremacists out there committing crimes, their numbers pale in comparison and hardly make the news. There is something about liberal upbringing that makes people crazy. Normal people don't go out doing this stuff. Liberals are the Antifa who run around in black masks beating up women and knocking down statues of dead soldiers and traveling the country looking for fights to start, tearing up campuses, breaking windows, stomping police cars, rioting in cities, trying to put men in girls bathrooms, attacking their own country and going berserk because some sensible person comes to their campus to give some different views to hear and think about. Liberals are crazy. Liberals are intolerant. They are mental defects. Liberals are liars who punish kids for playing cops and robbers now and we didn't have this national problem until liberals got a hold of controlling our media and our schools. Look at liberals now: When GW Bush was in, they went berserk with vitriol at the man! Now that another non-Leftist is in the WH, they deny he is even President, try to block his administration as if it were Satan incarnate and are trying to get the man impeached on any phony charge they can dream up in their little minds. Good God, he's just a businessman who cared enough to put his life aside to try to help fix the country.

Children are perceptive. They have an intuition about what's bull and what is not. We are forcing kids into these insane asylums we call "schools" now where everyday the system sets up a conflict of irrational restrictions, rules and unfair punishments, and it builds up in these kids and they internalize it until finally, one of them snaps, gets a hold of a gun somewhere, and wants nothing more than to come back and blow away the very people who have tormented their lives.

Guns are not the problem and no gun law in the world will ever solve anything. There are MILLIONS of guns everywhere and people are not going to turn them in and the people will not stand for having their Constitution turned on its head and even if you turn this country into a police state where every home is broken down and searched and every gun is confiscated by force, a solution far worse than the problems sought solved, people will still hide a lot of the guns and all of the criminals will still have guns and millions more guns will be snuck back into the country and all of the elite will still have theirs and all you will do is escalate this country into a police state where everyone fears and mistrusts their neighbor, crime will soar and kids will still find a new way of taking it out on those they hate.

If you want to solve the school problem, you NEED TO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS and you need to change society to get all of this mind numbing PC bullshit out of our culture. We never had this problem until liberalism ran rampant to where it cripples every industry and aspect of our country now, to where states and cities now even fight to oppose their own government to oppose enforcing laws on rounding up CRIMINALS from other countries.

If you want to see why these kids are shooting up schools, if you are a liberal, go put down your computer for a minute right now, walk to the nearest mirror and LOOK RIGHT AT THE PROBLEM.
It is not about liberal upbringing vs. conservative upbringing. It's not a political or right/left thing. You aren't wrong that a stable family is pretty important to kids, but you're totally wrong to politicize who is "right" and who is "wrong."

No...actually, it is about fathers in the homes......single mothers, especially young teenage had that dynamic in Sandy Hook, Vegas, and this one.......
He lived in an adoptive home. His bio parents had died and his adoptive mother died in November, leaving him homeless. Get your facts straight.
I keep hearing people say that the shooters aren't crazy or they don't "seem" crazy, but there are different levels of crazy. Some people can hide their crazy quite well. Psychopaths have been described as being some of the most charming and nicest of people who fit in well with their communities. You don't have to be a blubbering tard to be crazy.
I heard a psychiatrist talking about this last night. People who feel powerless, ignored, can get a great feeling of power from having a gun, and the idea of having the power of life and death in their hands.
She said one thing everyone can do to help is, if you see a "loner," a kid who is alone at the lunch table or on the playground, try to find him a pal, a group he can be part of. If shooting others is a way of proving "I'm powerful," help empower kids so they don't need to prove it like that.
Unfortunately, there are a bunch of kids like that who get teased, rejected or just plain ignored. Cruz was a trouble maker for years, so maybe he was being ignored for good reason, but it's a suggestion.
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Obviously what is needed is a thorough study of what motivates these students that decide to kill their fellow students and try and remedy it ....'.bullying'... ...many past shooters have been victims of bullying. Teachers should be trained to be on the lookout for bullying activity and take the appropriate action before it goes too far...bullying should not be tolerated.

Or stop with the "bullying emoji" bullshit and tell them to punch the bully square in the nose and keep swinging until he goes down!

That's how it was when I was a kid, dammit!

One time this big bully kid picked me up in the air, I punched him in his ear, next thing I know, a kid bigger than him had him up in the air.
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

Secure the points or entry and exit to all U.S. schools, and do it with metal detectors, barriers, and armed gaurds. No one in or out without being processed through these check points.

It can be done, and it can be done without it looking or feeling like a prison system.

For those of you who are big metal detector fans, let me tell you my story.

I went to a job interview at the area VA headquarters last week. There are armed security guards, pass cards, and x-ray machine at the entrance. I carefully removed my wallet, keys, cell phone and notebook and placed them on the conveyor. It took about 10 seconds. When I stepped through the metal detector, guess what? It went off.

I was directed to stand on some footprints and the guard went over me with the hand wand. My sport coat buttons went off on each arm, my wrist watch (plastic BTW), every button down the front, my belt buckle, my zipper in my pants, and for some reason it alarmed on both of my ankles, despite there being nothing there to alarm. I was wanded front and back, had to raise my hands above my head so the buttons could be checked, the guard then hand checked my beltline all the way around and I had to pull my pant legs up to show I had nothing around my ankles. That took at least 3 minutes.

Imagine having to do the same thing to 4000 high school students in about a 20 minute period of time. Think it can be done? Not a chance! Numbers don't lie!

That was poorly run. You can set up metal detectors on much looser terms which would prevent things like large weapons from coming through without doing that.

What I wonder is OK, you're in line with hundreds of students and you can't get through the metal detector. So start shooting there, right?

There is no replacement for allowing administrators and teachers who want to be armed to be armed.

Also, while gun rights in general cannot be restricted, there's nothing from requiring any admin/teacher who wants to be armed on school property to have say a safety certificate from the NRA or another organization. Of course you have to ensure that information isn't on the Internet so a shooter at the school can't simply Google who is armed
And yet you have zero idea how to accomplish that, so thanks

What thread have you been reading? Not only have I mentioned how to accomplish it on this thread, I have mentioned it on several threads on this board over the past 12 years.

There are 1800 posts in this thread. You got me, I didn't read every post

Not my problem..;oP

You made it your problem when you started to whine people aren't reading every one of your posts.

And BTW, that post was written to me and I remembered it correctly.

You pulled out of your ass that you'd written some well thought through solution that was different than the more laws solution of the leftist Americans.

I actually remembered it exactly correctly. You'd written the more laws solution of the leftist Americans
I keep hearing people say that the shooters aren't crazy or they don't "seem" crazy, but there are different levels of crazy. Some people can hide their crazy quite well. Psychopaths have been described as being some of the most charming and nicest of people who fit in well with their communities. You don't have to be a blubbering tard to be crazy.
I heard a psychiatrist talking about this last night. People who feel powerless, ignored, can get a great feeling of power from having a gun, and the idea of having the power of life and death in their hands.
She said one thing everyone can do to help is, if you see a "loner," a kid who is alone at the lunch table or on the playground, try to find him a pal, a group he can be part of. If shooting others is a way of proving "I'm powerful," help empower kids so they don't need to prove it like that.
Unfortunately, there are a bunch of kids like that who get teased, rejected or just plain ignored. Cruz was a trouble maker for years, so maybe he was being ignored for good reason, but it's a suggestion.

I see, so the problem is kids who don't have anyone to eat lunch with, that's the problem.

The mind of a leftist, an oxymoron
There are lots of people saying the FBI should have done something!

Everyone claims they have the power to impose their will on people who have not committed a crime

And the fun part of that is that leftists drive both sides. When you try to do something, leftists scream about their rights. Then when you don't, leftists are the first to point fingers

What should they have done?

So far, I have yet to see anyone come up with a course of action for them other than, "They should have done something!"

As a freedom loving American, who sanctioned them to be the thought police?

Why doesn't someone explain just what you propose they should have done?

Well, we need the ability to detain people for psychiatric care who can be proven to be threats if it can be proven in a court of law that they are a threat. Whether they could have proven that in this case or not, I don't know. But again, it's the left that fights that as well
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

Secure the points or entry and exit to all U.S. schools, and do it with metal detectors, barriers, and armed gaurds. No one in or out without being processed through these check points.

It can be done, and it can be done without it looking or feeling like a prison system.

For those of you who are big metal detector fans, let me tell you my story.

I went to a job interview at the area VA headquarters last week. There are armed security guards, pass cards, and x-ray machine at the entrance. I carefully removed my wallet, keys, cell phone and notebook and placed them on the conveyor. It took about 10 seconds. When I stepped through the metal detector, guess what? It went off.

I was directed to stand on some footprints and the guard went over me with the hand wand. My sport coat buttons went off on each arm, my wrist watch (plastic BTW), every button down the front, my belt buckle, my zipper in my pants, and for some reason it alarmed on both of my ankles, despite there being nothing there to alarm. I was wanded front and back, had to raise my hands above my head so the buttons could be checked, the guard then hand checked my beltline all the way around and I had to pull my pant legs up to show I had nothing around my ankles. That took at least 3 minutes.

Imagine having to do the same thing to 4000 high school students in about a 20 minute period of time. Think it can be done? Not a chance! Numbers don't lie!
. Simple, if installed then proper attire would be recommended for the students to wear in order to speed up their entrance processing. Once trained up it would be routine without it being on the minds of students as a burden to have to deal with. These things can be done, and they should be done. No more excuses.. Our kids depend on us to make their environment safe.

Why wouldn't the gunman simply look at hundreds of students in line and start shooting there?
It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

Secure the points or entry and exit to all U.S. schools, and do it with metal detectors, barriers, and armed gaurds. No one in or out without being processed through these check points.

It can be done, and it can be done without it looking or feeling like a prison system.
It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

Secure the points or entry and exit to all U.S. schools, and do it with metal detectors, barriers, and armed gaurds. No one in or out without being processed through these check points.

It can be done, and it can be done without it looking or feeling like a prison system.

At a tremendous cost and not even the best approach.....I would sanction arming school teachers or the ones who could be trained to handle a weapon in a competent mode...much more economical fact it would be at a miniscule cost....but even more to the point there needs to be a study as to what motivates these school shooters.....the first thing that must be recognized is that it appears the majority of these shooter are the victims of bullies....thust the first thing that needs to be dealt with is all the bullying that is going on in schools...the schools have not dealt with that situation and until they do we will continue to see these bullied kids try and get a lot of these cases if not most the teachers know who is bullied and they know who the bullies are...yet they do nothing. This latest case even the FBI was notified about the threat this kid posed and they did lots of people are dropping the ball....and this must be understood and remedied. Unfotunately well meaning people mostly liberals are muddying their waters and with their supporters in the mainstream media have convinced a lot of gullible folks that guns are the problem....definitely not the main problem. We could do a better job on weeding out the psychos ability to legally purchase weapons though.

There are lots of people saying the FBI should have done something!

Everyone claims they have the power to impose their will on people who have not committed a crime.

What should they have done?

So far, I have yet to see anyone come up with a course of action for them other than, "They should have done something!"

As a freedom loving American, who sanctioned them to be the thought police?

Why doesn't someone explain just what you propose they should have done?
. They should have taken the statement seriously, and found out who wrote it, and once found they would have found the other more sinister side to the demon. They would have realized that he was serious when wrote that statement.

A lot of people say things like that on the internet
Yay!! And which country claims to be the freest of them all...RATFLMAO!!!

We could be more like China and execute more people convicted rather than incarcerate them.
Not that I think that is a good idea ... But it would certainly make our incarceration numbers look better ... :thup:

Doctor Grump likes to pretend everyone lives a small population homogeneous country with no international borders like he does. I mean, what works in Mayberry RFD will work everywhere, right?

He's not interested at all in learning anything about the United States and how it's different than New Zealand. Just lecturing us how they do it and assuming it would work here

Posted by a friend of mine in Sydney, who is a New Yorker. He wondered in his post that maybe the reason wasn't guns, maybe it was the water....


Yeah, but our mass murderers kill a lot fewer people than the leftist mass murderers like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, ... do.

And guns are one of the reasons why. Your country is very homogeneous, you have no borders, you have a tiny population compared to ours, you aren't importing murderers and criminals without checking them out like we are, you have the ability to lock up the mentally ill like we don't.

There are so many differences and yet all you do to address any of that is throw out insightful statistics.

What is clear in shooting after shooting is that our gun laws work, the victims aren't armed. Good job on that
Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative can have radically different meanings in different countries, particularly in the US. In many ways American Conservatives are actually very liberal and American liberals at times would be considered very conservative in other countries.
IMHO, it is the issues that are important, not the ideologies.

Leftists in the United States aren't liberal, you're authoritarians. You're intolerant and hateful, you shut down speech, call any idea you disagree with racist and want government to silence your enemies, who is anyone who disagrees with you. There is absolutely nothing liberal about you.

Libertarians are liberals. We may not agree with your ideas, but we don't want government to have the power to silence you even though you believe government can and should silence us ... and everyone else

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.
There are lots of people saying the FBI should have done something!

Everyone claims they have the power to impose their will on people who have not committed a crime

And the fun part of that is that leftists drive both sides. When you try to do something, leftists scream about their rights. Then when you don't, leftists are the first to point fingers

What should they have done?

So far, I have yet to see anyone come up with a course of action for them other than, "They should have done something!"

As a freedom loving American, who sanctioned them to be the thought police?

Why doesn't someone explain just what you propose they should have done?

Well, we need the ability to detain people for psychiatric care who can be proven to be threats if it can be proven in a court of law that they are a threat. Whether they could have proven that in this case or not, I don't know. But again, it's the left that fights that as well about not letting the news agencies report on these mass shootings? How do you think the lefties would like that Right being infringed? They would only be allowed to state a "police action" at a school......and that would be it....or how about a tax on all movies and video games PG rated and above.....will the left like that idea? We could use that "violent entertainment tax" to "Conduct research on media and violence" ....let's see how they like that idea...

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ‘Stop Killing Our Kids’

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.…

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didn’t do any good.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
or how about a tax on all movies and video games PG rated and above.....will the left like that idea?


LOL ... :21:

You have been talking about it too long.
You bet your ass the left would be for increased taxes ... They would tax the air you breathe if they could ... :thup:

The end costs for video game or movies would matter.
If they didn't have enough money to cover the tax ... They would just tell you that you needed to pay them more ... For a living wage of course.


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