There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

That kid probably has some serious problems himself. Any child who would scream for an entire 8 hour flight is . . . not healthy. My son was such a sweetie at that age. He would have been trying to entertain people and make them laugh. I feel quite fortunate, I must say. Lol.

Everybody is different; that woman merely thought whatever her kid wanted to do was just fine, and nobody else had any right to say anything about it, i..e a typical 'libertarian' mentality.

Not if your lifestyle is interfering with other people's lifestyles! Nobody should have to be forced to sit on a planing with a screaming banshee for 8 hours! That is just torture!
I'm talking about REALISTIC solutions here too, not your silly tard fantasies that would never ever happen in reality land. K?
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it. My grand[parents never allowed that sort crap from their kids, nor my parents with us, nor us with our kids, and they also had zero problems with getting other people to shut their kids up, either, not in the least bashful about it, and most around would also get involved. It's sad how brainwashed people are these days, completely stupid.

Yes? And? Your grandparents are not all the people in the world. There are a LOT of ignorant asses in the world, and that is just the way it is and always has been.
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it.

Like what? What are you going to do about it?

I guarantee that kid would stop screaming, and that asshole woman would be falling all over herself to take care of the problem herself. If you lack the skills and fortitude to do anything but sit there like a Snowflake and let people abuse you then you deserve to suffer.
And yet you have zero idea how to accomplish that, so thanks

What thread have you been reading? Not only have I mentioned how to accomplish it on this thread, I have mentioned it on several threads on this board over the past 12 years.

There are 1800 posts in this thread. You got me, I didn't read every post
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it. My grand[parents never allowed that sort crap from their kids, nor my parents with us, nor us with our kids, and they also had zero problems with getting other people to shut their kids up, either, not in the least bashful about it, and most around would also get involved. It's sad how brainwashed people are these days, completely stupid.

Yes? And? Your grandparents are not all the people in the world. There are a LOT of ignorant asses in the world, and that is just the way it is and always has been.

And there are a lot who aren't, and the reason people let their kids annoy others like that woman did is because of assholes just like her indulging her.
I'm no liberal, but this is my plan:

1) Get rid of all semi auto/those capable of being converted to full auto guns
2) Compulsory back ground checks
3) Lock up underground gun dealers
4) License all gun owners

Only thing I definitely WOULDN'T do is register firearms. Waste of time.

The site does have a search feature.

So tell me where I missed when I said your plan is for more gun laws as I said.

And what of these would have prevented the shooting in Florida?

And why would anyone say OK, now we don't need to allow anyone to carry a gun to protect themselves?

As for your plan

1) Get rid of all semi auto/those capable of being converted to full auto guns - he didn't do this in Florida and anyone with an internet connection can do it anyway

2) Compulsory back ground checks - We do that

3) Lock up underground gun dealers - you mean like we do drug dealers? Wow, that plan's working

4) License all gun owners - Right, further restrict legal gun owners. Psst, guess what. It already worked. None of the honest citizens had guns. Good job.

Apparently criminals are different here than they are in Australia/NZ. Our criminals don't follow laws like yours apparently do according to you. Every proposal you make assumes shooters will follow the law
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it.

Like what? What are you going to do about it?

I guarantee that kid would stop screaming, and that asshole woman would be falling all over herself to take care of the problem herself. If you lack the skills and fortitude to do anything but sit there like a Snowflake and let people abuse you then you deserve to suffer.

Aside from saying something to her or to the kid, what else could you do in such a situation? REALISTICALLY, of course. What if she or her kid said, "fuck you." Then what?
They should have adult only flights so adults don't have to deal with other people's screaming brats for 8 hours.
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it.

Like what? What are you going to do about it?

I guarantee that kid would stop screaming, and that asshole woman would be falling all over herself to take care of the problem herself. If you lack the skills and fortitude to do anything but sit there like a Snowflake and let people abuse you then you deserve to suffer.

Aside from saying something to her or to the kid, what else could you do in such a situation? REALISTICALLY, of course. What if she or her kid said, "fuck you." Then what?

Well, I for one can scream louder and longer than any kid can, and so can my wife; and neither of us are intimidated by much, certainly not airline stewardesses, who should be doing their jobs instead of screwing off, and we actually enjoy running over lawyers as well, so there is that, and of course when a dozen or more other passengers do the right thing as well, amazingly such problems are taken care of really really fast.

And, I confess to enjoying the applause that follows, too.
You are confused Moon Bat. That is where the minority Democrat voting druggy welfare assholes live. The ones who elect filthy ass Democrats to take away their guns but yet get guns anyhow and shoot one another.

Here in Florida (as in many states) there are just as many (or more) people that don't live in the Democrat voting big city shitholes and own the majority of firearms in this country that very seldom commit the crimes that are so prevalent every day in the shitholes.

Again, then why do these mass shootings only seem to happen in nice white communities?

You mean like the dozens of shootings each week in Black South Chicago?

I don't have time to answer any more of your Moon Bat stupidity this morning. I am on my way to the shooting range to shoot three of my AR-15s. God bless America. MAGA Baby!
MAGA baby!

. So he was attempting to set Trump and the conservatives up eh ?? Is that what your inference is here ??? Didn't work, because he was a fraud. Now if he was a leftist, then what have the leftist created now is the question ??
Nope, he was not trying to set up Trump or conservatives. He IS a conservative who supports Trump.
That kid probably has some serious problems himself. Any child who would scream for an entire 8 hour flight is . . . not healthy. My son was such a sweetie at that age. He would have been trying to entertain people and make them laugh. I feel quite fortunate, I must say. Lol.

Everybody is different; that woman merely thought whatever her kid wanted to do was just fine, and nobody else had any right to say anything about it, i..e a typical 'libertarian' mentality.

Not if your lifestyle is interfering with other people's lifestyles! Nobody should have to be forced to sit on a planing with a screaming banshee for 8 hours! That is just torture!

Leftist ....

libertarian: You can do whatever you want as long as you don't infringe on the right of others to do the same

leftist: Oh, so you can do whatever you want

libertarian: No, only if you're not infringing on the right of of others to do the same

leftist: Oh, so you can do whatever you want

They hear what they want to hear, then the pretend everyone else hears the same thing they do
They should have adult only flights so adults don't have to deal with other people's screaming brats for 8 hours.

Well, as a management consultant who flew for a living for a couple of decades, that didn't happen to me too often. A few times.

The worst was a mother who was holding a kid in her lap vomiting for an hour. I don't really know what she could have done
That's as believable as your claim...

... the shooter's name is Nicolas Cruz

... the shooter is a registered Democrat

... the shooter was wearing a communist t-shirt

... the shooter is with Antifa

You're wrong so much, and you continue to post from unreliable sites, who can believe anything you post?

You are pretty fkn stupid.

Gun control mania returns. While our hearts go out to victims of a Parkland high school shooting, would gun control make us safer or remove a vital defense against government tyranny and mass murder that killed over 100 MILLION people in totalitarian states in the 20th century?

US Arms Prevented Democides Like Mao, Stalin, Hitler
No...actually, it is about fathers in the homes......single mothers, especially young teenage had that dynamic in Sandy Hook, Vegas, and this one.......

Unfortunately, even if both parents are physically there, that doesn't mean they are really "there" for their kids. I think a lot of people just have kids because it's a status symbol or just something that is expected of them, and the kids are more like objects than people. I was just looking at a video on another thread where a little boy freaked out screaming on an 8-hour airplane flight. The mother had absolutely NO control over this child. She wanted to rely on the iPad to do her child rearing for her. Instead of sitting that child down and disciplining him properly, she wanted to just occupy his attention with something instead of using it as a teaching/learning experience for the child, and that is BIG problem I think.

DOES ANYONE EVER STOP TO THINK of the possible connection between all this school violence and other behavior problems and attitudes and kids 24/7 obsession with smartphones and games? Kids are now being RAISED online in software and in chat-rooms. Kids around here never even come outside to play.

I have. Also when kids are told in school their parents are wrong about the existing society does not help either. It disrespects the role only a parent can play in framing a reality based opinion for his/her child to emulate, or not. None is for lack of trying if the parent is responsible.

A teacher has NO BUSINESS commenting on a child's home life or what his parents teach him---- stick to the reading, writing and math, and if my kid came home and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, was wrong or disrespected me because his school teacher TOLD HIM SO, I would beat the flying crap out of that teacher and they would never see or touch my kid again or I would sue the school and take him out of there and never pay another cent tax to that school district, after me and my kid had a "stiff" talk as well. To be an effective parent, you must be the first and last and final word on everything in your kid's life or eyes otherwise you might as well just walk away.
. But what if you were an abusive parent on drugs or an alcoholic ?? Would your post still ring true for all children or students that a teacher might try to help ?

Is your school really the watchdogs of the community now? Who the hell is this teacher to think it is their place to "help?" Are they now community counselor? Degreed in social psychology? Ready to take your kids off of you at the slightest suspicion? Who works for who? I thought you sent your kids there to learn geography, history and science. Do you really need one more government agency subtly snooping into your life? I know I don't. "Does your parents own any guns, son? Do they ever hit you? Does your parents drink? Smoke? Where'd you get that bruise on your leg, boy? Anyone ever touch you funny? Do you feel safe at home, junior? Have your parents ever yelled at you? Any "funny" people ever come to visit your folks?"

What next, someone checking to see what you get in the mail? The kind of places you shop? What about the kind of friends you keep? Hobbies you have? Why stop there---- let's put a fucking camera in the house to watch you day and night! Where does it stop? You know, the Soviets used to have neighborhood watchdogs who would "report" anyone they thought was a malcontent. They got food for their trouble. Turned out that if you got too hungry, you just had to "turn someone in" to get fed. Pretty soon it was a popular job, I mean, why go hungry like the others? Best you stayed on the "good side" of your neighbors.

The road to Orwell's 1984 is paved with good intentions. People aren't perfect, but if your kids are not yours to raise as YOU see fit, best you can, then whose are they? The school's? The community? You just get to pay for all of their costs to raise them. Maybe that's the problem now, the schools are getting so deep into kid's heads, their lives, some kids just need to fight back------ take a gun to school. Can you imagine being a kid and having the weight of this "big brother" pressing down on you as you helplessly go there everyday forced to deal with it and learn?

Obviously, if there is some real problem, if someone really needs help, it should eventually get its needs made felt, but no one can be all things to all people. I grew up next door to a family where the kids were always getting yelled at and beaten. We used to cringe. I never needed that. Those kids grew up to be solid gold. Who were we to judge what worked for them or was needed? It comes down to privacy, everyone deserves some personal privacy. Not Big Brother. It's not a perfect world and no one can make it one by making the world 1984. It always starts with good intentions.
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

Secure the points or entry and exit to all U.S. schools, and do it with metal detectors, barriers, and armed gaurds. No one in or out without being processed through these check points.

It can be done, and it can be done without it looking or feeling like a prison system.
Unfortunately, even if both parents are physically there, that doesn't mean they are really "there" for their kids. I think a lot of people just have kids because it's a status symbol or just something that is expected of them, and the kids are more like objects than people. I was just looking at a video on another thread where a little boy freaked out screaming on an 8-hour airplane flight. The mother had absolutely NO control over this child. She wanted to rely on the iPad to do her child rearing for her. Instead of sitting that child down and disciplining him properly, she wanted to just occupy his attention with something instead of using it as a teaching/learning experience for the child, and that is BIG problem I think.

DOES ANYONE EVER STOP TO THINK of the possible connection between all this school violence and other behavior problems and attitudes and kids 24/7 obsession with smartphones and games? Kids are now being RAISED online in software and in chat-rooms. Kids around here never even come outside to play.

I have. Also when kids are told in school their parents are wrong about the existing society does not help either. It disrespects the role only a parent can play in framing a reality based opinion for his/her child to emulate, or not. None is for lack of trying if the parent is responsible.

A teacher has NO BUSINESS commenting on a child's home life or what his parents teach him---- stick to the reading, writing and math, and if my kid came home and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, was wrong or disrespected me because his school teacher TOLD HIM SO, I would beat the flying crap out of that teacher and they would never see or touch my kid again or I would sue the school and take him out of there and never pay another cent tax to that school district, after me and my kid had a "stiff" talk as well. To be an effective parent, you must be the first and last and final word on everything in your kid's life or eyes otherwise you might as well just walk away.
. But what if you were an abusive parent on drugs or an alcoholic ?? Would your post still ring true for all children or students that a teacher might try to help ?

Is your school really the watchdogs of the community now? Who the hell is this teacher to think it is their place to "help?" Are they now community counselor? Degreed in social psychology? Ready to take your kids off of you at the slightest suspicion? Who works for who? I thought you sent your kids there to learn geography, history and science. Do you really need one more government agency subtly snooping into your life? I know I don't. "Does your parents own any guns, son? Do they ever hit you? Does your parents drink? Smoke? Where'd you get that bruise on your leg, boy? Anyone ever touch you funny? Do you feel safe at home, junior? Have your parents ever yelled at you? Any "funny" people ever come to visit your folks?"

What next, someone checking to see what you get in the mail? The kind of places you shop? What about the kind of friends you keep? Hobbies you have? Why stop there---- let's put a fucking camera in the house to watch you day and night! Where does it stop? You know, the Soviets used to have neighborhood watchdogs who would "report" anyone they thought was a malcontent. They got food for their trouble. Turned out that if you got too hungry, you just had to "turn someone in" to get fed. Pretty soon it was a popular job, I mean, why go hungry like the others? Best you stayed on the "good side" of your neighbors.

The road to Orwell's 1984 is paved with good intentions. People aren't perfect, but if your kids are not yours to raise as YOU see fit, best you can, then whose are they? The school's? The community? You just get to pay for all of their costs to raise them. Maybe that's the problem now, the schools are getting so deep into kid's heads, their lives, some kids just need to fight back------ take a gun to school. Can you imagine being a kid and having the weight of this "big brother" pressing down on you as you helplessly go there everyday forced to deal with it and learn?

Obviously, if there is some real problem, if someone really needs help, it should eventually get its needs made felt, but no one can be all things to all people. I grew up next door to a family where the kids were always getting yelled at and beaten. We used to cringe. I never needed that. Those kids grew up to be solid gold. Who were we to judge what worked for them or was needed? It comes down to privacy, everyone deserves some personal privacy. Not Big Brother. It's not a perfect world and no one can make it one by making the world 1984. It always starts with good intentions.
. 1984 is already here brother.... Your attitude is a bit late.... Sad situation in America today.
You are confused Moon Bat. That is where the minority Democrat voting druggy welfare assholes live. The ones who elect filthy ass Democrats to take away their guns but yet get guns anyhow and shoot one another.

Here in Florida (as in many states) there are just as many (or more) people that don't live in the Democrat voting big city shitholes and own the majority of firearms in this country that very seldom commit the crimes that are so prevalent every day in the shitholes.

Again, then why do these mass shootings only seem to happen in nice white communities?

You mean like the dozens of shootings each week in Black South Chicago?

I don't have time to answer any more of your Moon Bat stupidity this morning. I am on my way to the shooting range to shoot three of my AR-15s. God bless America. MAGA Baby!
MAGA baby!

. So he was attempting to set Trump and the conservatives up eh ?? Is that what your inference is here ??? Didn't work, because he was a fraud. Now if he was a leftist, then what have the leftist created now is the question ??
Nope, he was not trying to set up Trump or conservatives. He IS a conservative who supports Trump.
. Prove it !!

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