There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

You do know we have like 300 ,000,000
Plus people right? What does Australia have 24 million?

We have more damn illegal Mexicans in America then the entire population of Australia

Which has what to do with the point? Illegals are more law abiding than your own citizens.

And you are wrong. There are 10 million illegals in the US. Oz has 24 million.

By the literal DEFINITION of the word 'illegal,' they are not.

Yes they are ilegals and no mater howward you try you can't change that
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

Well, I agree on the drugs and prostitution.

The thing is that you keep arguing we should just pass laws. You really don't address that we are very different country. We have a million illegal aliens entering our country. And we have no southern border. The drug dealers who already exist can import guns. Think about it.

We also have 300 million guns. All our gun laws are doing is making it easier for mass shooters. And each one tries to outdo the last one and no one has guns to stop them. Gun owners are overwhelmingly good people who learn to use them safely. And the ones who aren't can get them anyway. I know, I came from there even though I've lived my adult life in urban areas.

Australia is like NZ both in demographics and in that you have no borders or millions of illegal aliens, drugs and guns flowing freely in. To just say gun laws is so shallow. And it's clearly not working, and you don't address that either.

The Washington Navy yard was the epitome example of the stupidity of our laws where people who owned and knew how to use them were prohibited from having them and died because of it

There have been more and more and more gun control laws and yet more and more and more violence as well. That is because guns don't cause people to hate and want to kill other people.

Yep. Growing up outside Kalamazoo I lived in both semi-rural and semi-city areas. The gun owners were very responsible people who teach their children to respect guns and use them safely.

As I mentioned before, I have a gun collection and even the ones I can't even buy ammo for, I check to see if they are loaded EVERY time I pick them up. I was taught that, it's habit. Now I'm working on putting down the toilet seat ...
You mean like the dozens of shootings each week in Black South Chicago?

I don't have time to answer any more of your Moon Bat stupidity this morning. I am on my way to the shooting range to shoot three of my AR-15s. God bless America. MAGA Baby!

Yes, I know you need reassurance when these things happen, because you live in terror the rest of us might get fed up with your shit.

Those are the goals Democrats are going for; they want it where their street gangs become completely immune to criminal charges and arrest.

we lock up 2 million people in this country, and we still have the worst crime rates in the world. If locking them up was an answer, we'd be there already.

And we obviously need to lock up a lot more; the crime rates go down when you arrest and lock up violent criminals, especially 'profiled' ones. Thanks for noticing locking up criminals works like a charm. Now, if we start deporting their support network, Democrats like yourself, black neighborhoods can be made a lot safer, as safe as mostly white neighborhoods, which are safer than Europe's statistically. But hey, ans long as it's blacks and latino criminals shooting up the neighborhoods, you're not only okay with that you want to make it far worse. this is why you and your ilk are low life POS gimps who need deporting.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

He was adopted by an older couple. His Dad died when he was younger and Mom died recently.

I gotta wonder if anyone at the school bothered to get the counseling this kid clearly needed or if they just "washed their hands of him" by expelling him. :/

The sicko mentality of those running the schools are major parts of the problem in the first place.

How do you figure that?

How do you figure they aren't? You think amoral deviant mentally ill lunatics should run their own asylums?
And yet you have zero idea how to accomplish that, so thanks

What thread have you been reading? Not only have I mentioned how to accomplish it on this thread, I have mentioned it on several threads on this board over the past 12 years.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

He was adopted by an older couple. His Dad died when he was younger and Mom died recently.

I gotta wonder if anyone at the school bothered to get the counseling this kid clearly needed or if they just "washed their hands of him" by expelling him. :/

The sicko mentality of those running the schools are major parts of the problem in the first place.

How do you figure that?

How do you figure they aren't? You think amoral deviant mentally ill lunatics should run their own asylums?

Because I have worked in them for over 20 years!

The "bad" schools you people point out are on the liberal-dominated coasts or big city schools controlled by liberals.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Well, maybe they are doing everyone a favor! You wouldn't want them bringing children into the world and raising them, would you?
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Indeed. As I pointed out earlier, it's a long term desensitization program, and with some 75% of households now without fathers as well, we have a Progressive Paradise in the making here, and the vanguard is indoctrinated education 'professionals' who are allowed to experiment on kids with the latest pseudo-scientific psychological fads that get invented nearly daily by sicko mentally ill deviants in the laughably named' mental health professionals' and assorted ' education professionals', many whom are clearly nutjobs and poorly educated themselves.

If you can sell the routine slaughter of babies by the 10's of millions, there is not much else to act as a brake on any other acts of mindless self-indulgence one wants to engage in; any whim is considered valid in a culture with that mentality.
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I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Well, maybe they are doing everyone a favor! You wouldn't want them bringing children into the world and raising them, would you?

Or maybe we can go back to the idea, strange as it may seem to modern thought processes, that people need to be taught self-control and self-discipline and be able to do that themselves, and those that can't or won't get removed until they can get through a day without annoying others just because they can.Adult people who try to bring their peacock 'support animals' on passenger sections of airplanes, for instance, need to be immediately tazed, drugged, and put on a tramp freighter to the Philippines or somewhere, and refused permission to come back, not indulged with a bunch of hand wringing and lawsuits from ambulance chasing vermin. Women who can't say no, or don't want to keep their legs closed, don't need to be able to murder a baby just because abortions are cheap and convenient. they are almost entirely unnecessary, for one, except in the minds of idiots.
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You've got to hand it to those passengers. They tolerated that screaming little banshee for 8 hours and he walked out of that airplane alive! Lol! They deserve a cash award.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Well, maybe they are doing everyone a favor! You wouldn't want them bringing children into the world and raising them, would you?

Or maybe we can go back to the idea, strange as it may seem to modern thought processes, that people need to be taught self-control and self-discipline and be able to do that themselves, and those that can't or won't get removed until they can get through a day without annoying others just because they can.Adult people who try to bring their peacock 'support animals' on passenger sections of airplanes, for instance, need to be immediately tazed, drugged, and put on a tramp freighter to the Philippines or somewhere, and refused permission to come back, not indulged with a bunch of hand wringing and lawsuits from ambulance chasing vermin. Women who can't say no, or don't want to keep their legs closed, don't need to be able to murder a baby just because abortions are cheap and convenient. they are almost entirely unnecessary, for one, except in the minds of idiots.

Mmm. Yeah. In a world where people go into schools and gun down children, lol. What are you going to do to control someone's child who you don't even know on a day to day basis? You don't even KNOW what is going on in that household. Let's try to be realistic and realize that we can't control other people's behaviors unless we want to throw them in jail!
That kid probably has some serious problems himself. Any child who would scream for an entire 8 hour flight is . . . not healthy. My son was such a sweetie at that age. He would have been trying to entertain people and make them laugh. I feel quite fortunate, I must say. Lol.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Well, maybe they are doing everyone a favor! You wouldn't want them bringing children into the world and raising them, would you?

Or maybe we can go back to the idea, strange as it may seem to modern thought processes, that people need to be taught self-control and self-discipline and be able to do that themselves, and those that can't or won't get removed until they can get through a day without annoying others just because they can.Adult people who try to bring their peacock 'support animals' on passenger sections of airplanes, for instance, need to be immediately tazed, drugged, and put on a tramp freighter to the Philippines or somewhere, and refused permission to come back, not indulged with a bunch of hand wringing and lawsuits from ambulance chasing vermin. Women who can't say no, or don't want to keep their legs closed, don't need to be able to murder a baby just because abortions are cheap and convenient. they are almost entirely unnecessary, for one, except in the minds of idiots.

Mmm. Yeah. In a world where people go into schools and gun down children, lol. What are you going to do to control someone's child who you don't even know on a day to day basis? You don't even KNOW what is going on in that household. Let's try to be realistic and realize that we can't control other people's behaviors unless we want to throw them in jail!

No surprise you don't get the point, nor want to; it might create the notion there is no instant fix and we would be wrong to interfere with anything anybody wants to do, just because they felt like it at the time. By the trendy standards of right and left wing morality and social principles, the only thing this kid did wrong was get caught.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so bent out of shape for the 17 tragic deaths in Florida yesterday.

Every day 3,000 American children are murdered by the policy of abortion on demand that these filthy Moon Bats love more than life itself.

Well, maybe they are doing everyone a favor! You wouldn't want them bringing children into the world and raising them, would you?

Or maybe we can go back to the idea, strange as it may seem to modern thought processes, that people need to be taught self-control and self-discipline and be able to do that themselves, and those that can't or won't get removed until they can get through a day without annoying others just because they can.Adult people who try to bring their peacock 'support animals' on passenger sections of airplanes, for instance, need to be immediately tazed, drugged, and put on a tramp freighter to the Philippines or somewhere, and refused permission to come back, not indulged with a bunch of hand wringing and lawsuits from ambulance chasing vermin. Women who can't say no, or don't want to keep their legs closed, don't need to be able to murder a baby just because abortions are cheap and convenient. they are almost entirely unnecessary, for one, except in the minds of idiots.

Mmm. Yeah. In a world where people go into schools and gun down children, lol. What are you going to do to control someone's child who you don't even know on a day to day basis? You don't even KNOW what is going on in that household. Let's try to be realistic and realize that we can't control other people's behaviors unless we want to throw them in jail!

No surprise you don't get the point, nor want to; it might create the notion there is no instant fix and we would be wrong to interfere with anything anybody wants to do, just because they felt like it at the time.

Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!
That kid probably has some serious problems himself. Any child who would scream for an entire 8 hour flight is . . . not healthy. My son was such a sweetie at that age. He would have been trying to entertain people and make them laugh. I feel quite fortunate, I must say. Lol.

Everybody is different; that woman merely thought whatever her kid wanted to do was just fine, and nobody else had any right to say anything about it, i..e a typical 'libertarian' mentality.
Anyways, that kid on the plane could definitely be a candidate for having some mental issues. It can't be normal in any way for a child to scream like that for the whole 8 hours.
Create what, where? Huh?

There is nothing you can do about how someone else is raising their child unless you are going to go live with them 24/7! Duh! Some "parents" even abuse and murder their own children!

Yes, there is something you can do about it. My grand[parents never allowed that sort crap from their kids, nor my parents with us, nor us with our kids, and they also had zero problems with getting other people to shut their kids up, either, not in the least bashful about it, and most around would also get involved. It's sad how brainwashed people are these days, completely stupid.

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