There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ā€˜Stop Killing Our Kidsā€™

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.ā€¦

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didnā€™t do any good.
They should have more then one. Yet I think that is standard practice here in Florida. My daughters school locks the doors when school is in session . Meaning they can only be opened from the inside or with a key. I dont understand why this school wasn't like this.

It may have been.....does anyone know for sure...besides, these killers plan the attack 6 months to 2 years in advance...if there is any glass on the door, they will simply shoot it out and reach through to unlock the door, since they all have push bars to escape from fire.....or they will buzz in and shoot the office staff......

The only way to stop this....get rid of gun free zones....allow parents to carry their legal guns with them throughout the day as they drop off kids, pick up kids for Dr. appointments, this way the killers will not know who is armed or where they are......this will keep them from targeting schools.....

We have research on this, interviews with these killers and notes from these killers....armed resistance makes them change their targets...
So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didnā€™t do any good.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
There was an armed officer at the school. Didnā€™t do any good.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
You're the one who wasn't able to read and comprehend that sentence
Great, more projection. I had forgotten how much of a parrot you are, mindlessly squawking back what people say about you. Thanks for the reminder. :thup:

You're so stupid that you're a hoot
Slobbers the Liberal who calls a Liberals, ā€œstupid.ā€ :lol:

Wow, you're the fastest person who I ever put back on ignore. Nice job.

Two records this week, that and the 17 dead following your policies that has you on cloud nine.

Look man, insulting me works. But all you want to do is bicker, and that gets dull very quickly

You insulted yourself. Or did you forget already... you called Liberals, ā€œstupidā€ ... then called yourself a Liberal.

Do you also ignore yourself like you do with your fellow Liberals?

Or does your sickness prevent you from comprehending that had the left actually gotten what we wanted, perhaps Cruz wouldnā€™t have gotten his hands on the weapon he used to kill 17 people with?

Before you go, just wanted to remember the good times we had. Remember how we laughed at that dumb ass Obama for saying he was born in Kenya? Obama was the original birther.

You were hysterical when you said, "Then his skanky, fat ass ho did it, she said Kenya was his homeland." Then we rolled on the floor laughing. The jello shots may have had something to do with that too.

Then when Hillary revived it and said Obama was born in Kenya, you were pissed, you said you wouldn't vote for that ignorant bitch for dog catcher
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
Same here in Palm Beach County. It is like Fort Knox.

I agree, particularly a school with over 3000 students and a large campus, the problem seems to be funding. The school districts are not wanting to help fund for these sheriffs deputies/police officers., therefore the cities are picking up most of the expenditures.
Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Thousands Gather At Parkland Vigil To Tell The NRA To ā€˜Stop Killing Our Kidsā€™

The NRA-owned president and Congress may not want to talk about guns in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, but those in Parkland, Florida are demanding immediate action from lawmakers.ā€¦

So ass....what are your solutions....genius?

How about ending gun free zones? How about armed security or armed staff in the buildings....genius....
There was an armed officer at the school. Didnā€™t do any good.
They should have more then one. Yet I think that is standard practice here in Florida. My daughters school locks the doors when school is in session . Meaning they can only be opened from the inside or with a key. I dont understand why this school wasn't like this.
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldnā€™t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didnā€™t deter him.
Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.
Seems the officer was not on campus. See my earlier post. Oh, Iā€™ll repeat it for you-

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

One armed officer in a building that holds 2,000 students........that isn't armed security....
Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.
Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldnā€™t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didnā€™t deter him.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers....
Seems the officer was not on campus. See my earlier post. Oh, Iā€™ll repeat it for you-

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.
You have two of my posts in there. I canā€™t tell what youā€™re responding to.
Seems the officer was not on campus. See my earlier post. Oh, Iā€™ll repeat it for you-

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Oh? How many students per armed guard are needed?

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.

In the Washington Navy Yard, the shooter just shot the security guy first
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldnā€™t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didnā€™t deter him.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers....
And Cruz would have known there could be an armed police officer there.

It didnā€™t deter him.
Someone reported to the fbi tip line, another one-different from the YouTube-, that Cruz wanted to shoot up their school, but it was never followed up on. Just came over the news.
He could have also known their day off...
It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldnā€™t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didnā€™t deter him.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers....
And Cruz would have known there could be an armed police officer there.

It didnā€™t deter him.
It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....
Gun free? There was an armed officer on the campus. Or at least, there was supposed to be one. Someone did say they heard there was no officer present that day, but Cruz couldnā€™t know if there were none, one, or more.

Didnā€™t deter him.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers....
And Cruz would have known there could be an armed police officer there.

It didnā€™t deter him.

You are trolling now. Moron.

The shooters research 6 months to 2 years the information on these shooters...they changed their targets based on the likelihood of facing armed resistance......this is a can find it....the Colorado theater shooter, the Santa Barbara Sorority shooter, the South Carolina church shooter, Sandy Hook.......

Sandy Hook? The only school that didn't have an armed guard was the one that was attacked...the other schools had police resource officers.
An officer is supposed to be roaming the school, not sit at an entrance point, if they are there. And if the city was paying for one to be there, they should not have a day off during the school week, or pulled off by the sheriffs office, as it appears happened here, from what I am hearing.
Seems the officer was not on campus. See my earlier post. Oh, Iā€™ll repeat it for you-

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

Enough to scare off mass shooters......the mass shooters who lived and the ones who left notes? They changed their targets in the face of armed security.....the easiest thing would be to end gun free zones so parents could carry their own weapons onto school grounds, and then have secret training programs for some of the staff......

By simply ending gun free zones you keep shooters away...they are not looking for a gun fight, they either run or commit suicide, so the chance they would face actual armed resistance will keep them from attacking...

Do some research.........
How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.

The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.

In the Washington Navy Yard, the shooter just shot the security guy first
An officer is supposed to be roaming the school, not sit at an entrance point, if they are there. And if the city was paying for one to be there, they should not have a day off during the school week, or pulled off by the sheriffs office, as it appears happened here, from what I am hearing.
Seems the officer was not on campus. See my earlier post. Oh, Iā€™ll repeat it for you-

Actually, an officer is paid for by the city, to be assigned to the school, and everything down here is pointing the fact he/she was not there, from our local paper-

The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant is Stoneman Douglasā€™s one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriffā€™s deputy funded by the city of Parkland. But Maxwell said she doesnā€™t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

ā€œI have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are stretched very thin.ā€

Neither BSO (Broward Sheriffs Office) nor school district officials responded to requests for comment about the whereabouts of the officer.
Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?
I have seen this from a number of sources. Notice how the subject has been broached, -yes, there was an officer assigned to the school-
not that the officer was actually there.

How many is enough? That doesnā€™t answer the question.

It isn't a simple equation...and the best answer is to get rid of gun free zones...then you have any number of people who could be carrying a legal gun, and the killers won't know who or how many....and they will be forced to pick different targets..
It didnā€™t deter Cruz.
The school was a gun free zone, numb nuts...they had one armed guard on a campus of 2,000 gun.......on an entire campus....doofus....

Only leftists are stupid enough that when they get their way and 17 kids are murdered, they think that proves them right
You cut yourself with that double edge sword as the same can be said about conservatives.

In the Washington Navy Yard, the shooter just shot the security guy first

I don't see how that changes anything. Obviously the kid would have known there was a security guard at his school and looked for him

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