There Is No Better Reason

Here is wildman the pussy's role model

a man who rolled in his own shit for a week to avoid going to Vietnam ..two Right wing pussies Wildman and Nugs
Saul would be proud of your debate skills
Your attempts at "snark" are dubious and stupid exactly reflecting who you are Saul and tell him you need help with snark...

Here is wildman the pussy's role model


a man who rolled in his own shit for a week to avoid going to Vietnam ..two Right wing pussies Wildman and Nugs
Saul would be proud of your debate skills

You'd be amazed at how much better this site is, with that imbecile on permanent ignore.

It's night and day. I mean any objective reading of it's contributions proves that it has not once offered a cogent point... and THAT defies even the odds of probability.

It is of course up to you... and I understand the desire for batting practice. But honestly, responding to that level of idiocy will actually dull your skills. 'Cause... idiocy is contagious.

How do ya think the DNC came to the unenviable place it is today?
You'd be amazed at how much better this site is, with that imbecile on permanent ignore.
I have been thanked 3000 time plus and you are just another weakling to me ....
Some people can only dish it out, but not take it...cowards...
all them Right wing "tough guys" go to ignore because they are impotent pussies pretending to be hard nosed realist ...Fk all of them
The anger emanates from their fear.....
Student to academic Counselor

"I want a job where I can be exonerated and not held accountable no matter how badly I f**k up."

Counselor: Have you considered Law enforcement ?

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