There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP

1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

You can't even spell, but are supposed to lecture us about threats.

Second, learn to hard left properly. Leftists don't perceive threats, but instead whine about lack of convenience, free shit, and the ability to be equal to the hard working ones while sitting on one's ass. that your numbers are shown to be move on to fake studies on suicide.....

Again.....Japan, China and South Korea have absolute gun control...they have higher suicide rates than we do....

Guns had nothing to do with that.....

Notice.........all of these countries have either total gun control over law abiding citizens...which means only criminals and cops get guns...or they have extreme gun control...which means they have more gun control on what they do allow...

And they all have higher suicide rates than we do....notice....two different sources.....

You are wrong again as is that study...

Suicide rates around Europe

New Zealand...18.1

United States....17.7

World suicide rates by country

World suicide rates by country

Per 100,000

Hungary ... 21.0
Belgium .... 18.4
Finland... 16.5
France... 14.6
Poland... 13.8
Austria... 13.8
Czech Republic... 12.7
New Zealand.... 11.9
Denmark... 11.3

United States.......10.1
There is no "fake study" on suicide...there is a PEER REVIEWED study by medical professionals.....

and there is some fucking innumerate douche on the Innertubes pissing and moaning about it.....

I just showed you countries that ban guns for law abiding citizens....and their suicide rates are higher than ours....and for 2014 and 2015 our non gun suicide rate was higher than our gun suicide rate....

Are you really failing to understand those points?
which is entirely irrelevant to the point....the US would have an EVEN LOWER suicide rate if people weren't being convinced to keep arsenals in their homes...

this informs the NRAs objection to AMA collecting such statistics....

Anyone having anything to do with that bunch of ammosexual perverts should be spatchcocked in public and their children sold into servitude.... those countries show....guns are not the issue since they have stricter gun control than we do...and higher suicide if you take guns away, people will still kill themselves.

Now you are acting like a bigger child than you were when we started this.
Do ALL countries have the same suicide rate?

You've never been paid to think, have you?

The cited study demonstrates that suicide and spouse shooting is far more likely in a home occupied by one or more ammosexuals indulging their fetish.

Like these Poster Children of Accelerated Natural Selection...

Gun-toting soccer mom is shot dead

Moron...we are talking entire countries with absolute gun control for law abiding citizens...only cops and criminals have guns....and their suicide rates are higher than guns are not the fucking issue.

I gave you the stats....and as to your newest link on the mom....

with 400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self many accidental gun deaths have we had...

2015.... 489

How many accidental car deaths..... 36,000

Please....try to learn facts, truth and try to face reality...nothing you believe about guns and nothing the anti gunners believe about guns is true or accurate or based in the reality of guns in the United States.
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

You actually listed the democrat party platform and activities log........

Are you sure about that?

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

There is nothing more fun than reading GOP Party State Platforms.

Those are all code words for leftwing indoctrination. Lefties always mislabel their propaganda so they can claim they are on the side of truth and righteousness.

The last thing I want is some commie teacher "clarifying" my child's values.

More Pravda rant?

Pravda is probably more accurate and honest than CNN.
Now we know for whom you work.
Flaming out means to fail which you Canadians do on a regular bases.

So you believe Obama and the entire Dim party "flamed out?"
You gonna argue with the Evidence again, Meathead?
There is no evidence, halfwit.

Plenty of evidence has been presented, you lying piece of shit.

Do you snowflakes ever stop lying about everything?

Now, Bri....would you like to see what the OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE OF FAILURE looks like?

We already have it: Obamacare.
You have Obama Care in Canada?
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

/---- Well it's a good thing that we are a Republic and not a democracy, you drooling imbecile.
View attachment 126081

You have a "representative democracy". And this is why you don't understand shit. Not just you, but all of you statist clowns. You don't know jack shit about your own government but you pick sides. And you don't know jack shit about the sides you pick other than what you are told to blindly believe. And you refuse to admit there exists hardly any difference between Party A and Party B or C.

Look at your "leaders" (your gods). They make no effort to work together or to fix any fucking thing. It's a constant shit slinging contest and you jokers are in the middle acting the same damn way. Grow the fuck up. Your government has failed you and has YOU 20 trillion dollars in debt. If your brother had you $200 in debt you'd probably be mad as hell at him. Your government gets you 20 trillion and you think voting for the right master is going to fix it all. Just how stupid are you people?
/---- Don't tell me about my country. The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (Benjamin Franklin)

"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."

Snob Rule by Elitist Guillotine-Fodder

The enemies of democracy have a selfish, snobbish contempt for the majority, desperately trying to make themselves feel superior because of personal inadequacies. If you hold your fellow Americans in such contempt, you will betray us.

You twist everything around in your fanatical search to glorify your Bircher ideology. First of all, you try to promote Benjamin Franklin as some infallible guru. Second, obviously all he said was that we wouldn't be forced to live under a monarchy. In his context, a "republic" only means "not a monarchy."
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

/---- Well it's a good thing that we are a Republic and not a democracy, you drooling imbecile.
View attachment 126081

You have a "representative democracy". And this is why you don't understand shit. Not just you, but all of you statist clowns. You don't know jack shit about your own government but you pick sides. And you don't know jack shit about the sides you pick other than what you are told to blindly believe. And you refuse to admit there exists hardly any difference between Party A and Party B or C.

Look at your "leaders" (your gods). They make no effort to work together or to fix any fucking thing. It's a constant shit slinging contest and you jokers are in the middle acting the same damn way. Grow the fuck up. Your government has failed you and has YOU 20 trillion dollars in debt. If your brother had you $200 in debt you'd probably be mad as hell at him. Your government gets you 20 trillion and you think voting for the right master is going to fix it all. Just how stupid are you people?
/---- Frequently, politicians, and many ordinary Americans, refer to the United States as a democracy. Others find this aggravating because, unlike in a democracy where citizens vote directly on laws, in the United States, elected representatives do – and, therefore, the U.S. is a republic.

Rubble Room

If you say so. But free men don't have to listen to political bullies trying to make the silenced majority slavishly submit to an enforced slavery by the 1%. A "republic" is a hereditary oligarchy. Those who try to push it on us should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong and choke on its dust.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

You can't even spell, but are supposed to lecture us about threats.

Second, learn to hard left properly. Leftists don't perceive threats, but instead whine about lack of convenience, free shit, and the ability to be equal to the hard working ones while sitting on one's ass.

I notice you didn't disagree with the substance. Nitpicking from a nitwit is all you have. Pitiful, just pitiful.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?

Then why did the Democrats lose 90% of the country? So you're now telling us no blacks, Asians , Mexicans live here?
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

Really? As obama takes a 400,000 dollar pay day to talk to Wall St. and hilary was Wall St. candidate vs. guys are fucking stupid...
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
And that is why your party lost on November 8, 2017.

You identified yourselves as "everybody else" and lost White America.

You should check the US Census for the latest demographic breakdown according to the 2010 Census.

Whites still hold the edge, and will for at least a few more decades.

You have owned White, working-class, Blue-Collar America since FDR's time.

Until now, that is.

Maybe your Elitist Twit of a Candidate should not have intimated that White America was "deplorable".

Then again, it is the fate of Man, in general, and dumb-ass Liberal-Progressives, in particular, that they never learn.

You are going to have to kiss a lot of White Ass in order to return to power.


If you think the Democrats have not sold-out to the Corporatists, then you're deluding yourself.

One need look no further than the Rich Ruling Elites like the Kennedys and the Clintons and the Obamas to understand the profound truth of that observation.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

Really? As obama takes a 400,000 dollar pay day to talk to Wall St. and hilary was Wall St. candidate vs. guys are fucking stupid...
Whatever in the world are you talking about?
There is no "fake study" on suicide...there is a PEER REVIEWED study by medical professionals.....

and there is some fucking innumerate douche on the Innertubes pissing and moaning about it.....

I just showed you countries that ban guns for law abiding citizens....and their suicide rates are higher than ours....and for 2014 and 2015 our non gun suicide rate was higher than our gun suicide rate....

Are you really failing to understand those points?
which is entirely irrelevant to the point....the US would have an EVEN LOWER suicide rate if people weren't being convinced to keep arsenals in their homes...

this informs the NRAs objection to AMA collecting such statistics....

Anyone having anything to do with that bunch of ammosexual perverts should be spatchcocked in public and their children sold into servitude.... those countries show....guns are not the issue since they have stricter gun control than we do...and higher suicide if you take guns away, people will still kill themselves.

Now you are acting like a bigger child than you were when we started this.
Do ALL countries have the same suicide rate?

You've never been paid to think, have you?

The cited study demonstrates that suicide and spouse shooting is far more likely in a home occupied by one or more ammosexuals indulging their fetish.

Like these Poster Children of Accelerated Natural Selection...

Gun-toting soccer mom is shot dead

Moron...we are talking entire countries with absolute gun control for law abiding citizens...only cops and criminals have guns....and their suicide rates are higher than guns are not the fucking issue.

I gave you the stats....and as to your newest link on the mom....

with 400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self many accidental gun deaths have we had...

2015.... 489

How many accidental car deaths..... 36,000

Please....try to learn facts, truth and try to face reality...nothing you believe about guns and nothing the anti gunners believe about guns is true or accurate or based in the reality of guns in the United States.
Oh wow, you want to do "gun facts"? I love "gun facts". Yours was kind of "skimpy". Let's fill it out, shall we?

Death by gun: Top 20 states with highest rates

FARS Encyclopedia

In 2013, there were 33,636 Americans killed by guns versus 33, 782 fatal crashes. Cool.

1) One in three people in the U.S. know someone who has been shot

2) The U.S. firearm homicide rate is 20 times higher than the combined rates of 22 countries that have similar wealth and population

3) An average of seven children and teens under the age of 20 are killed by guns every day

(Really, the best way is to look at gun deaths by populations of 100,000, not by State. Since California is the most populous state, you would think it would have the most gun deaths. But per 100,000, it doesn't even rank in the top 20. Isn't that interesting?)

In order of increasingly awful:

Tie, Georgia and Utah
Tie, Idaho and Arizona
West Virginia
South Carolina
New Mexico
Tie, Wyoming and Montana
And number one in gun deaths is, ta da!, Alaska

In Alaska, suicide was the leading cause of gun deaths, with it being the main factor in more than 80% of all firearm deaths. John Roman, senior fellow at the Urban Institute, an economic and social policy think tank told USA Today that states with the highest rates of suicide also usually had the strongest culture of gun ownership. "There are many more suicides in places where it's easy to get a gun," he said.

These right wingers are always going on about those awful blacks and how dangerous they are. And are far as gun deaths go, not even Illinios is in the top 20.

And who commits most of those suicides? White men in those oh so Red States.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

Really? As obama takes a 400,000 dollar pay day to talk to Wall St. and hilary was Wall St. candidate vs. guys are fucking stupid...
Oh really? And Trump said he would drain the swamp. He made fun of Hillary taking a check from Goldman and Sachs. And now, Trump has hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs EXCEPT Goldman and Sachs.

Too hilarious for words. At least Obama and Hillary don't owe anyone a billion dollars.

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