There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP

There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
And that is why your party lost on November 8, 2017.

You identified yourselves as "everybody else" and lost White America.

You should check the US Census for the latest demographic breakdown according to the 2010 Census.

Whites still hold the edge, and will for at least a few more decades.

You have owned White, working-class, Blue-Collar America since FDR's time.

Until now, that is.

Maybe your Elitist Twit of a Candidate should not have intimated that White America was "deplorable".

Then again, it is the fate of Man, in general, and dumb-ass Liberal-Progressives, in particular, that they never learn.

You are going to have to kiss a lot of White Ass in order to return to power.


If you think the Democrats have not sold-out to the Corporatists, then you're deluding yourself.

One need look no further than the Rich Ruling Elites like the Kennedys and the Clintons and the Obamas to understand the profound truth of that observation.
I never said White America was deplorable. I only brought up the fact that the GOP is 90% white because that is why they are able to march in lockstep. Because of the lack of diversity, they are able to be scammed by someone like Donald Trump.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and yet, he continues to say he will be bringing jobs back and his desperate base believes that patent lie. Do you believe Donald Trump will bring back those jobs? Answer carefully, you credibility is on the line.

I find that your kind tends to use Carrier as an example. The CEO of Carrier said only 720 jobs are returning, not the more than a thousand Trump claims, and only for a short time. They are taking the money given to them in perks and tax breaks by Trump and Pence and, get this, "automating". There will end up only being a fraction of the jobs and those jobs will be costing tax payers millions because of the perks.

And Trump is supposed to be this marvelous businessman. I guess that isn't the case, is it?
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
And that is why your party lost on November 8, 2017.

You identified yourselves as "everybody else" and lost White America.

You should check the US Census for the latest demographic breakdown according to the 2010 Census.

Whites still hold the edge, and will for at least a few more decades.

You have owned White, working-class, Blue-Collar America since FDR's time.

Until now, that is.

Maybe your Elitist Twit of a Candidate should not have intimated that White America was "deplorable".

Then again, it is the fate of Man, in general, and dumb-ass Liberal-Progressives, in particular, that they never learn.

You are going to have to kiss a lot of White Ass in order to return to power.


If you think the Democrats have not sold-out to the Corporatists, then you're deluding yourself.

One need look no further than the Rich Ruling Elites like the Kennedys and the Clintons and the Obamas to understand the profound truth of that observation.
I never said White America was deplorable. I only brought up the fact that the GOP is 90% white because that is why they are able to march in lockstep. Because of the lack of diversity, they are able to be scammed by someone like Donald Trump.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and yet, he continues to say he will be bringing jobs back and his desperate base believes that patent lie. Do you believe Donald Trump will bring back those jobs? Answer carefully, you credibility is on the line.

I find that your kind tends to use Carrier as an example. The CEO of Carrier said only 720 jobs are returning, not the more than a thousand Trump claims, and only for a short time. They are taking the money given to them in perks and tax breaks by Trump and Pence and, get this, "automating". There will end up only being a fraction of the jobs and those jobs will be costing tax payers millions because of the perks.

And Trump is supposed to be this marvelous businessman. I guess that isn't the case, is it?
...These right wingers are always going on about those awful blacks and how dangerous they are...
With good reason...

Proving once again that Republicans love to blame gun deaths on blacks.
Take a serious look at the article. For example this tiny statement: Gun deaths also vary dramatically by type. The vast majority (77 percent) of white gun deaths are suicides

This article talks about homicides when the vast majority of gun deaths are suicide. Statistically, considering that blacks make up only about 12% of the entire US population and black men of gun welding age only a fraction of that, a white male is much more likely to die by his own hand by how many factors than by being shot by a black man.

And of course, there are many other factors. Look at Chicago. There are many areas of the city that are mostly black but have little crime. Because they are not poor. Too take people out of poverty requires education, jobs, and a thriving community. Why do you think so many white men in Red States commit suicide? It's nice that Republicans seem to have all this compassion and worry for young blacks even if they work overtime trying to keep blacks from voting, but perhaps some of their zeal is misplaced.

For example, help the baby and the mother, that might be more productive than only helping the fetus.

Help young white men get an education so they could get a job and they won't feel inclined to kill themselves.

Perhaps your kind should be doing other than laying blame. Laying blame doesn't have a productive history. Helping people does. And like a good liberal in China once said:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
...I never said White America was deplorable...
Correct. Hillary Clinton came very close to doing just that. The message was received. And acted upon.

...I only brought up the fact that the GOP is 90% white because that is why they are able to march in lockstep. Because of the lack of diversity, they are able to be scammed by someone like Donald Trump...
Rather like how millions of Blacks in several large-scale Inner City environments routinely vote Democratic, in brainwashed lockstep?

...87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and yet, he continues to say he will be bringing jobs back and his desperate base believes that patent lie. Do you believe Donald Trump will bring back those jobs? Answer carefully, you credibility is on the line...
Personally, I doubt that Drumpf could find his own arse in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors.

...I find that your kind tends to use Carrier as an example. The CEO of Carrier said only 720 jobs are returning, not the more than a thousand Trump claims, and only for a short time. They are taking the money given to them in perks and tax breaks by Trump and Pence and, get this, "automating". There will end up only being a fraction of the jobs and those jobs will be costing tax payers millions because of the perks...
Nolo contendere.

...And Trump is supposed to be this marvelous businessman. I guess that isn't the case, is it?
He's a huckster and con-man and largely clue-less outside a narrow business framework.
...I never said White America was deplorable...
Correct. Hillary Clinton came very close to doing just that. The message was received. And acted upon.

...I only brought up the fact that the GOP is 90% white because that is why they are able to march in lockstep. Because of the lack of diversity, they are able to be scammed by someone like Donald Trump...
Rather like how millions of Blacks in several large-scale Inner City environments routinely vote Democratic, in brainwashed lockstep?

...87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and yet, he continues to say he will be bringing jobs back and his desperate base believes that patent lie. Do you believe Donald Trump will bring back those jobs? Answer carefully, you credibility is on the line...
Personally, I doubt that Drumpf could find his own arse in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors.

...I find that your kind tends to use Carrier as an example. The CEO of Carrier said only 720 jobs are returning, not the more than a thousand Trump claims, and only for a short time. They are taking the money given to them in perks and tax breaks by Trump and Pence and, get this, "automating". There will end up only being a fraction of the jobs and those jobs will be costing tax payers millions because of the perks...
Nolo contendere.

...And Trump is supposed to be this marvelous businessman. I guess that isn't the case, is it?
He's a huckster and con-man and largely clue-less outside a narrow business framework.
They vote Democrat for a reason. There is a large black contingency in the Democratic Party. Just like a large Hispanic contingency and a large gay contingency. You would expect that in a coaltion party. For God's sakes, that last president was black.
The Republican Party is nuts and racist. Look at what they vote for. Reagan, Bush Jr. and Trump. Bush Sr. was actually pretty good. And he only lasted a single term.
There is a huge portion of America called Appalachia covering several states. These people are doing just as badly and sadly as blacks in the inner city. Even though those blacks are crammed together and not as spread out. And they vote GOP all the time, every time. And what has the GOP done for them? Job's plans? No. If they have any job's plans they come from Democrats. That's the irony. Any help they get is from Democrats yet they vote Republican every time. Well, maybe Trump royally screwing them over this time will change their minds.
...I never said White America was deplorable...
Correct. Hillary Clinton came very close to doing just that. The message was received. And acted upon.

...I only brought up the fact that the GOP is 90% white because that is why they are able to march in lockstep. Because of the lack of diversity, they are able to be scammed by someone like Donald Trump...
Rather like how millions of Blacks in several large-scale Inner City environments routinely vote Democratic, in brainwashed lockstep?

...87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They are never coming back and yet, he continues to say he will be bringing jobs back and his desperate base believes that patent lie. Do you believe Donald Trump will bring back those jobs? Answer carefully, you credibility is on the line...
Personally, I doubt that Drumpf could find his own arse in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors.

...I find that your kind tends to use Carrier as an example. The CEO of Carrier said only 720 jobs are returning, not the more than a thousand Trump claims, and only for a short time. They are taking the money given to them in perks and tax breaks by Trump and Pence and, get this, "automating". There will end up only being a fraction of the jobs and those jobs will be costing tax payers millions because of the perks...
Nolo contendere.

...And Trump is supposed to be this marvelous businessman. I guess that isn't the case, is it?
He's a huckster and con-man and largely clue-less outside a narrow business framework.
Nolo contendere.

That was funny.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
Scum-Sucking Pigs

Diversity is perversity. Integration is disintegration. You power-hungry bottom-feeders distort an ideal that only applies to beneficial people and try to make it apply to all kinds. In fact, you make it exclude good people and preach that it applies only to the Leftists' basket of true deplorables: gangbangers, welfare queens, Unabombers, thrill-killing sleeper cells, sexual freaks, crybabies, pinhead professors, pedophiles, and penis-envy piranhas.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

To be perfectly honest you have to say conservatives and liberals since the ideology changed between the parties in the mid-sixties. The most profound statement between the two parties today is that Democrats want higher wages for workers, while Republicans want higher profit for business, which DOES NOT in any way equate to higher wages for workers.
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

The Democrats did not. And why not? The thing is, Republicans are 90% white. Mostly one religion. A high percentage of the same education level.

Democrats are everyone else. Black, brown, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, married single, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, uneducated, scientists, rich, poor, young, old and so on. With such broad diversity, they are difficult to unify. Can you really compare the two parties in any meaningful way?
Scum-Sucking Pigs

Diversity is perversity. Integration is disintegration. You power-hungry bottom-feeders distort an ideal that only applies to beneficial people and try to make it apply to all kinds. In fact, you make it exclude good people and preach that it applies only to the Leftists' basket of true deplorables: gangbangers, welfare queens, Unabombers, thrill-killing sleeper cells, sexual freaks, crybabies, pinhead professors, pedophiles, and penis-envy piranhas.
First you say Democrats are some awful people but the descriptions you use look purely conservative. Sexual freaks, crybabies, pedophiles, penis envy? Could they be any more right wing?
There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

To be perfectly honest you have to say conservatives and liberals since the ideology changed between the parties in the mid-sixties. The most profound statement between the two parties today is that Democrats want higher wages for workers, while Republicans want higher profit for business, which DOES NOT in any way equate to higher wages for workers.
Green Is the Color of Bread Mold

It can if the Treehuggers are eliminated, their growth-killing restrictions lifted, and the pie doubles in size So even if capital and management get the same hogging percentage of the revenue they get now, the workers' wages will double too.

Scum-Sucking Pigs

the Leftists' basket of true deplorables: gangbangers, welfare queens, Unabombers, thrill-killing sleeper cells, sexual freaks, crybabies, pinhead professors, pedophiles, and penis-envy piranhas.
First you say Democrats are some awful people but the descriptions you use look purely conservative. Sexual freaks, crybabies, pedophiles, penis envy? Could they be any more right wing?
"Tyranny of the Majority" Came From a Snooty Frenchman, the Kind Who Just Voted for Tyranny of the Mahdis

No, they're populist descriptions. Right Wing means we live in a republic and can't vote on legislation. All those pets of the Democrats would have been outlawed if the legislation turning them loose had been put on a national referendum. It would have been nullified, despite the Constitution-banging of the two elitist Wings.
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

LOL, you're on heroin.



Does all this compensating leave you exhausted, Snowflake?

Typical libtart, you're the snowflake/crybaby, not everyone else you Fing moron...

I'm not the one compensating so you hike your scrawny consumptive carcass into a Dodge RAM pickup? With those testicles hanging off the bumper hitch?

You still flying that "Scrub/Esquire Shooter '04" sticker?

You're a case study in sexual dysfunction.


Does all this compensating leave you exhausted, Snowflake?
Typical libtart, you're the snowflake/crybaby, not everyone else you Fing moron...
I'm not the one compensating so you hike your scrawny consumptive carcass into a Dodge RAM pickup? With those testicles hanging off the bumper hitch?

You still flying that "Scrub/Esquire Shooter '04" sticker?

You're a case study in sexual dysfunction.

Do you own, like, 3 Papillions you've named after FOX personalities?

1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)
During the past 8 years, the Rich(like Warren Buffet) got much richer by easy money, and the poor got more poor. stupid liberals.
6. The embrace of Fascism / 7. The threat to women's rights
So at UC Berkley the fascist leftists stopped free speech and punch women who disagreed with them.
9. Anti science
Like the science that says XY chromosomes are males and XX chromosomes are female? The left definitely denies that science that has been around for 10's of 1,000 years or more.
11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.
Time and again we hear stories about illegals who have come here after multiple deportations who have raped , murdered and child molested US citizens. Yet we all know liberals hate US citizens.
b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin
Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility once Obama gets re-elected, and the crooked vagina ex candidate has a reset button for Mother Russia. Yep cant get more in bed with Russia than the past admin.
c. Incompetence
At this point what difference does it make that the middle east has gone up in flames and the Jr Varsity team is killing Christian men, women and children, liberals hate Christians.
d. Disregard for the constitution
First time ever in the history of the US, has Obama's admin FORCED upon free people no CHOICE to have health care or not, totally disregarding the Constitution.

When a liberal says a Republican has done something, you can bet the liberal is referring to "the pot is calling the kettle black, or a spade is a spade", if you know what I mean.

There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP
I am beginning to wonder whether this might actually be true.

The Republicans became whores of the Corporatists long ago, as far back as the 1910s and 1920s, and have been banging Corporate America ever since.

Trouble is, the Democrats sold-out ages ago, as well.

It's just that they held out longer, and masked the stink better, for a couple of decades.

Really? As obama takes a 400,000 dollar pay day to talk to Wall St. and hilary was Wall St. candidate vs. guys are fucking stupid...
Oh really? And Trump said he would drain the swamp. He made fun of Hillary taking a check from Goldman and Sachs. And now, Trump has hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs EXCEPT Goldman and Sachs.

Too hilarious for words. At least Obama and Hillary don't owe anyone a billion dollars.

My god but you're stupid, deanie-weenie.

It's not "Goldman and Sachs," retard. It is "Goldman Sachs." The founder of the firm, Marcus Goldman died 150 years ago.

Look you drooling moron, you have ONE job, copy the hating points from the Soros sites and paste them here.

Get at least that right.

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