There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

I was worried there for a while.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
the fact he is hated by both partys is a sign he was for the country and not china like the bidens and so many of both partys are,,,
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

Down in history as the worst President this country ever elected. Worse than Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover.
What's even more depressing and telling is the fact that the guy never had any interest in being President. He just like the accolades and adoration
that came from constantly campaigning for it. One of the reasons he was so comfortable at his pep rallies...and so terrible at official events and
press conferences.

Good riddance to bad garbage.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
next dems will be taking credit for operation warp speed ......... and you will fall in line with that falsehood .
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

Actually, you people were eagerly anticipating 2 million dead Americans, remember? Trump prevented that by instituting travel bans early, while JoeXi Biden called them racist and xenophobic, and Nancy Pelosi told people to visit their local Chinatown to prove they weren't racist.

Then the Democrats disobeyed their own fascist lockdown restrictions while they laughed their asses off at you for hiding under your bed, and their economies imploded. THAT'S how history will remember this.

Throughout this pandemic, one this has not changed: the surest way to die from Covid is to live in a place run by Democrats.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
the fact he is hated by both partys is a sign he was for the country and not china like the bidens and so many of both partys are,,,

Trump didn't monetize his presidency like Obama, Carter and Clinton, all of whom started off with nothing when they took the oath and came out the other side as multi millionaires.

Unlike the failed liberals, he didn't run for President to become rich and famous- he already was rich and famous. Air Force One was a step down in transportation compared to the Trump jet. The WH is pathetic and small compared to the Trump homestead on 5th Avenue in New York, Trump Tower. He took a decline in living standards to serve the country.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.
Fact of the matter is Trump's legacy is still WIDE OPEN, growing, and still being written with no end in sight.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic
He handled the Covid beautifully and kept deaths down to the minimum the experts intended. All the real harm was done by Democrats like Cuomo who killed tens of thousands in NYC as the hapless boob he is and will be sued, and all the damage was done by the pointless shutdown that the Democrats demanded to try to cost Trump votes. As soon as Joe gets in, they'll end the shutdown finding no more "need" for it. They would have already done that as well as passed the stimulus, but again, they have to be sure first Joe gets in and they'd rather the nation suffer so as to not give Trump any credit.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election.
All you libs keep blowing smoke up your asses telling yourself that because no one else believes it, we all know what total frauds you are.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
You're priceless, Buttercup. Trump hasn't gone anywhere and ISN'T going anywhere!

He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.
but its not ancient history that joe bidens son works for the chinese government,,,

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