There is no evidence Joe Biden took a bribe.

No, you retard. I didn't say anything like that. It was U.S. policy of why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?

Sooooo, 10 million into a MALTESE bank account was foooooooor US policy.......

Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
I haven't seen it. I'm seen some stuff y'all think is proof, but, when the rubber hits the road, it's not.

You know the old saying.....

Put up or shut up!

Show me whatcha got.
Change your name to head up my ass.
No, you retard. I didn't say anything like that. It was U.S. policy of why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?
Douches like you keep saying that, but you never post any proof. We all know it's a big fat lie.
The proof appears every evening on the cable news, you fucking douchebag.


If that were true, you'd be able to post a link to it instead of bluffing like you are.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Link to that $10m deposit...
How curious.

All you needed was for Liberal Talking Heads to tell you that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia, that Hunter's laptop was Russian misinformation, that masks would protect you from COVID, and everyone has to be forced to take an experimental vaccine or we would all die. You questioned NOTHING.
Sooooo, 10 million into a MALTESE bank account was foooooooor US policy.......

Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
If any of it really happened. How many times can they cry “wolf” and not have people be skeptical? Remember “Lock her up”? What happened to all that, when Trump had all the power? It’s obvious it was just a campaign ploy, without much in the way of evidence, or Trump, not known for his restraint, would have pulled the trigger. Compare that to now and it’s apparent the evidence must be much stronger, to get the “Deep State” types to agree to prosecute.

If that were true, you'd be able to post a link to it instead of bluffing like you are.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

I can post a link to it, you colossal dumbfuck. What makes you think I'm going to waste my time posting links for your benefit? You know the truth. You're simply denying it because you're a douchebag,
Who said anyone has?
I know how you folks violently recoil at facts so read this thread slowly..........

Of course he did not take a bribe.

There is no evidence of such.

According to the same group of people that have claimed to have evidence against trump multiple times yet can never produce said evidence in order to "get him".

So a group of people working with Biden lied about trump over and over again and can't prove anything turn around and say there is no evidence against Biden and we're supposed to just say "well everything is fine then".
Plenty of evidence of the Biden family crimes without the tapes.

Kinda weird.

They think that because they gave the bride money to other Biden families members to hand to Joe. instead of just handing the money to joe personally, that it is okay.

That's their position, since Biden is a Democrat.

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