There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

I have noticed the bed wetters have almost entirely stopped making NAZI references towards conservatives, because the argument that the National Socialist Workers Party platform is far more like the DNC than anything a conservative would endorse has won.

On top of it, the moonbats are getting more antisemitic every day.

And the contemporary Democrat Party stands for the same things the Communist Party did.

Cite the abolition of private property in the Democratic platform.

Environmentalism, Liberal Democrat entity is exactly that.
The aim is de facto control of private property.

On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism. The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010

That's your tedious way of conceding that there is no call for the abolition of private property in the Democratic Party Platform.

Case closed.
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Conservative political delusions are limited by the will of the People.

You mean what you morons call mob rule when it's something you oppose. California voted with Prop 8 the will of the people. Those like you opposed that will. So much for your argument.
The Prop 8 vote was nothing more than a mobocracy acting upon their will to deny equal protection under the law (via marriage) to a defined minority. It was New Age Jim Crow. Have you ever wondered why their are no provisions for National referendums or plebiscites in the US Constitution?

He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

That would, by two out of three, make you a Leftist.
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Not really.......The GOP helped run it up, and will do nothing to take it down...
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.

So who are the people who call moderate right of center Republicans RINO's? Who are the people who ridicule many Republicans for not being conservative enough?

Who and where are they politically?
Oh, there's a Far Right in this country, sure enough...

It's just that it is miniscule and barely registers on the scope...

Trouble is, the phrase is mis-used and over-used by Leftists, who employ it to demean damned-near anyone who stands in their way...

There is a gigantic Center in this country...

There is a good-sized Right in this country...

There is a good-sized Left in this country...

There is a small Far Right in this country...

There is a small Far Left in this country...

We've been hearing the little wankers on the Left braying about the Far Right for so long that we're starting to lose sight of Reality in that context...

Reality makes itself known on Election Day...
Last edited:
You mean what you morons call mob rule when it's something you oppose. California voted with Prop 8 the will of the people. Those like you opposed that will. So much for your argument.
The Prop 8 vote was nothing more than a mobocracy acting upon their will to deny equal protection under the law (via marriage) to a defined minority. It was New Age Jim Crow. Have you ever wondered why their are no provisions for National referendums or plebiscites in the US Constitution?

He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps instead of wanting to get rid of muslims.

that should happen at about the time china calls in the debt that baby bush ran up.


This post is CLASSSIC!!!!!

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

1. Did you actually post:

"....maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps...."

2. Can you really be this stupid??????
Your demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive....totalitarian....did exactly that!!!!!!! put your foot not just in your mouth.....but up to your duodenum!!!!

3. More:
." Why did the [Roosevelt] administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president."FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude toward other minorities....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.

The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Not really.......The GOP helped run it up, and will do nothing to take it down...

By all means lets hear your plan to pay down the debt, hell lets hear your plan to even keep it from growing another $10 trillion in 8 years. Got nothing? Yeah I thought so.
Oh, there's a Far Right in this country, sure enough...

It's just that it is miniscule and barely registers on the scope...

Trouble is, the phrase is mis-used and over-used by Leftists, who employ it to demean damned-near anyone who stands in their way...

There is a gigantic Center in this country...

There is a good-sized Right in this country...

There is a good-sized Left in this country...

There is a small Far Right in this country...

There is a small Far Left in this country...

We've been hearing the little wankers on the Left braying about the Far Right for so long that we're starting to lose sight of Reality in that context...

Reality makes itself known on Election Day...

Are you ashamed of being on the Far Right? lol
The Prop 8 vote was nothing more than a mobocracy acting upon their will to deny equal protection under the law (via marriage) to a defined minority. It was New Age Jim Crow. Have you ever wondered why their are no provisions for National referendums or plebiscites in the US Constitution?

He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps instead of wanting to get rid of muslims.

that should happen at about the time china calls in the debt that baby bush ran up.


This post is CLASSSIC!!!!!

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

1. Did you actually post:

"....maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps...."

2. Can you really be this stupid??????
Your demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive....totalitarian....did exactly that!!!!!!! put your foot not just in your mouth.....but up to your duodenum!!!!

3. More:
." Why did the [Roosevelt] administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president."FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude toward other minorities....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.
And not a one GOP Congressman condemned the Japanese internment camps...
You mean what you morons call mob rule when it's something you oppose. California voted with Prop 8 the will of the people. Those like you opposed that will. So much for your argument.
The Prop 8 vote was nothing more than a mobocracy acting upon their will to deny equal protection under the law (via marriage) to a defined minority. It was New Age Jim Crow. Have you ever wondered why their are no provisions for National referendums or plebiscites in the US Constitution?

He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps instead of wanting to get rid of muslims.

that should happen at about the time china calls in the debt that baby bush ran up.

Didn't the DEMOCRATS already do that?
The Far Right consists of those Americans who

1. Hold few if any moderate, centrist or liberal views.

2. have contempt for moderates

3. are uncompromising in their political beliefs

4. in short, are the most staunchly conservative Americans. how many of you RW'ers out there wish to disavow that characterization of your status?

Be specific on why you disavow it.
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Not really.......The GOP helped run it up, and will do nothing to take it down...

By all means lets hear your plan to pay down the debt, hell lets hear your plan to even keep it from growing another $10 trillion in 8 years. Got nothing? Yeah I thought so.
I see you are a premature ejaculatory poster......Shooting off at the mouth so fast no one can reply...
Oh, there's a Far Right in this country, sure enough...

It's just that it is miniscule and barely registers on the scope...

Trouble is, the phrase is mis-used and over-used by Leftists, who employ it to demean damned-near anyone who stands in their way...

There is a gigantic Center in this country...

There is a good-sized Right in this country...

There is a good-sized Left in this country...

There is a small Far Right in this country...

There is a small Far Left in this country...

We've been hearing the little wankers on the Left braying about the Far Right for so long that we're starting to lose sight of Reality in that context...

Reality makes itself known on Election Day...

Are you ashamed of being on the Far Right? lol

That's not who I am.

Nor how I manifest.

I steer Right on some issues.

I steer Left on other issues.

In a sufficiently substantive and profound manner so as to earn and hold the title of Centrist.

I borrow some from each.

A "cafeteria centrist" - a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
Oh, there's a Far Right in this country, sure enough...

It's just that it is miniscule and barely registers on the scope...

Trouble is, the phrase is mis-used and over-used by Leftists, who employ it to demean damned-near anyone who stands in their way...

There is a gigantic Center in this country...

There is a good-sized Right in this country...

There is a good-sized Left in this country...

There is a small Far Right in this country...

There is a small Far Left in this country...

We've been hearing the little wankers on the Left braying about the Far Right for so long that we're starting to lose sight of Reality in that context...

Reality makes itself known on Election Day...

Are you ashamed of being on the Far Right? lol

I shoot myself if I was stupid enough to be anywhere on the left. Try it.
The Far Right consists of...
And right there is where you lose people...

People get to decide for themselves, how to characterize their views...

People are not obliged to subscribe to your self-serving definition...

Furthermore, people are not obliged to provide you with detailed justifications as to their choice of labels for their views...

Hope that helps...
The Far Right consists of...
And right there is where you lose people...

People get to decide for themselves, how to characterize their views...

People are not obliged to subscribe to your self-serving definition...

Furthermore, people are not obliged to provide you with detailed justifications as to their choice of labels for their views...

Hope that helps...

Oh, there's a Far Right in this country, sure enough...

It's just that it is miniscule and barely registers on the scope...

Trouble is, the phrase is mis-used and over-used by Leftists, who employ it to demean damned-near anyone who stands in their way...

There is a gigantic Center in this country...

There is a good-sized Right in this country...

There is a good-sized Left in this country...

There is a small Far Right in this country...

There is a small Far Left in this country...

We've been hearing the little wankers on the Left braying about the Far Right for so long that we're starting to lose sight of Reality in that context...

Reality makes itself known on Election Day...

Are you ashamed of being on the Far Right? lol

That's not who I am.

Nor how I manifest.

I steer Right on some issues.

I steer Left on other issues.

In a sufficiently substantive and profound manner so as to earn and hold the title of Centrist.

I borrow some from each.

A "cafeteria centrist" - a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

And your liberal positions are?
He supported the latter until I brought up Prop 8, that he agreed with. Suddenly he became pro-mob rule.

lefties are big supporters of mob rule how many times has the left cheered on the prezbo

when he said he simply wrote law using the XO claiming the majority of the people wanted it

Nah....Leftists ARE a mob.

  1. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
a. Gustave was the second to bring up mass psychology, the first "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was published in 1841 and was written by the Scottish journalist (back when they actually did real journalism) Charles Mackay, which exposed mass psychosis for the first time..... accounts of classic scams, grand-scale madness, and deceptions.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds by Charles MacKay

Hitler, Mussolini...and their pal, Franklin Roosevelt.......Leftists all.

maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps instead of wanting to get rid of muslims.

that should happen at about the time china calls in the debt that baby bush ran up.


This post is CLASSSIC!!!!!

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

1. Did you actually post:

"....maybe you should worry more about when your rightwingnut ilk feel so threatened by asians that they put everyone asian into camps...."

2. Can you really be this stupid??????
Your demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive....totalitarian....did exactly that!!!!!!! put your foot not just in your mouth.....but up to your duodenum!!!!

3. More:
." Why did the [Roosevelt] administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president."FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude toward other minorities....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.
And not a one GOP Congressman condemned the Japanese internment camps...

As a Roosevelt apologist.....this is the best you can do??????
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Not really.......The GOP helped run it up, and will do nothing to take it down...

By all means lets hear your plan to pay down the debt, hell lets hear your plan to even keep it from growing another $10 trillion in 8 years. Got nothing? Yeah I thought so.
I see you are a premature ejaculatory poster......Shooting off at the mouth so fast no one can reply...

I destroy your post and your reaction is a personal attack and projection, got it. Go lick your wounds.
The "far right" is just another fabricated lie from the establishment hacks trying to paint common sense constitutional defending Americans as somehow extreme. I'll show you extreme, $19 fucking trillion dollars in debt that's extreme.
Not really.......The GOP helped run it up, and will do nothing to take it down...

By all means lets hear your plan to pay down the debt, hell lets hear your plan to even keep it from growing another $10 trillion in 8 years. Got nothing? Yeah I thought so.
I see you are a premature ejaculatory poster......Shooting off at the mouth so fast no one can reply...

I destroy your post and your reaction is a personal attack and projection, got it. Go lick your wounds.
You destroyed your ability to banter is all...

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