There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

I think you have missed the most important point about revelation. The strongest evidence available says it was written in 96 AD--Showing it has not occurred as of yet. Plus all the other evidence i have shared to you from that book that has not occurred.. And i as well know that a few have tried to say it was written in 68 or 69 ad. But the strongest evidence says 96 ad.

Or 75 AD...
Or 75 AD...
Whats the difference? For as long as the children of darkness usurp positions of authority to perpetuate hell on earth waging war and demonizing the children of light, Armageddon rages on

No future final confrontation between good and evil? Where have you been for your entire life?

Whats the difference? For as long as the children of darkness usurp positions of authority to perpetuate hell on earth waging war and demonizing the children of light, Armageddon rages on

No future final confrontation between good and evil? Where have you been for your entire life?


Traditional Christianity... not Hal Lindsey or John Nelson Darby.

Foreign soldiers gathered at the Plain of Megiddo to fight under Vespasian and Titus in 66 AD.
Traditional Christianity... not Hal Lindsey or John Nelson Darby.

Foreign soldiers gathered at the Plain of Megiddo to fight under Vespasian and Titus in 66 AD.
Maybe so, just like it was the site of several previous conflicts, but that was just the inspiration for the prophecy. They wouldn't have written about armageddon as a future event and final confrontation between good and evil if it had already happened. It certainly hasn't happened yet even if it is happening now because evil seems to be still running amok. Haven't you noticed?
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Whats the difference? For as long as the children of darkness usurp positions of authority to perpetuate hell on earth waging war and demonizing the children of light, Armageddon rages on

No future final confrontation between good and evil? Where have you been for your entire life?

Armageddon is actually a very HINDU concept. Read the Mahabharata
There are only two ages talked about in the Bible, "this age," which was the Old Covenant age, and "the age to come" which was the New Covenant age. The New Covenant has no last days, no end time; so the end of the age must refer to the end of the Old Covenant. There is no newer covenant to end the New Covenant.

According to you. No true Christian destroys Scripture as you do.
Its confusing..

Some scholars say there were other writers of Daniel over time and it was only completed in 165 BC.

Wading thru this may help.

Jesus is God, He would never make a mistake in the interpretation of Scripture. Jesus IS Scripture.
whom did Jesus call a "prophet" ---do you know the word he used for "prophet"?


Strong's Concordance
prophétés: a prophet (an interpreter or forth-teller of the divine will)​
Original Word: προφήτης, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: prophétés
Phonetic Spelling: (prof-ay'-tace)
Definition: a prophet (an interpreter or forth-teller of the divine will)
Usage: a prophet, poet; a person gifted at expositing divine truth.

Strong's Concordance
prophétés: a prophet (an interpreter or forth-teller of the divine will)​
Original Word: προφήτης, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: prophétés
Phonetic Spelling: (prof-ay'-tace)
Definition: a prophet (an interpreter or forth-teller of the divine will)
Usage: a prophet, poet; a person gifted at expositing divine truth.
Jesus spoke greek?
Armageddon is in the past. That's the point.
When in the past? When you think it happened, was man capable of destroying all life on earth? Was the gospel preached worldwide when you think Armageddon took place?
Was Israel born in a day? Like they were on May 14, 1948?
If you are correct then you can finally answer the age old question:
Who were the two prophets that were killed and left in the street for the world to watch as they come to life 3 and 1/2 days later? Because that prophesy needs satellites to enable the world to watch the event.
And where is Jesus? He's sticking around and taking His place on the throne of David once he returns to prevent all life from being destroyed. And the millennial reign of Christ took place when?
When your Armageddon took place, what weapon dissolved eyes in their sockets and tongues in their mouths, and melts the flesh before the person hits the ground? Was there a special spear or arrow that could inflict that type of damage?

When you see these things...
Greek is the Language of the NT. Bottom line is that Jesus (being the living embodiment of the Word itself) would never make a mistake in translation.
if he SAID something and that something is recorded in the NT----the original
would have been in aramaic or hebrew. Translations do not pick up the NUANCES
of a word
It seems to be a universal concept of those who notice the distinction between good and evil

Maybe the Mahdi, the Moshiach, Moishe, or Jesus will come again and straighten it all out.
the Mahdi is in Qom
if he SAID something and that something is recorded in the NT----the original
would have been in aramaic or hebrew. Translations do not pick up the NUANCES
of a word

the Mahdi is in Qom
Actually, the Greek language does pick up the nuances. We say, "They loved each other". Greek describes what kind of love is being expressed, from brotherly, to patriotic, to eros...

Lots of men professed to be God. Only one returned from the dead to prove it...
Actually, the Greek language does pick up the nuances. We say, "They loved each other". Greek describes what kind of love is being expressed, from brotherly, to patriotic, to eros...

Lots of men professed to be God. Only one returned from the dead to prove it...
but Jesus did not speak Greek.

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