There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

True. Before Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome Jesus was not a god, there was no such thing as a trinity in Christianity, and the "Lords supper" was just a meal where the body of the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven was discussed, eaten....

No ritual celebration of the death of Jesus and no worship or eating of the sacrificial matzo man.

They just put the name of Jesus all over the existing secret mystery religion of the Roman government and military that originated in Babylon, Mithraism which had seven sacraments, including baptism and sharing in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking blood.
oh gee----drinking blood-----glad the Pope substituted
wine and invented the MAGICAL uhm ? transubstan--- does that go???
True. Before Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325CE Jesus was not a god, there was no such thing as a trinity in Christianity, and the "Lords supper" was just a meal where the body of the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven was discussed, eaten No ritual celebration of the death of Jesus and no worship or eating of the sacrificial matzo man, a substitute, counterfeit, sugar coated, false Jesus that never existed, the anti-christ.

They just put the name of Jesus all over the existing secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military, originally from Babylon, Mithraism, which had seven sacraments, including baptism and sharing in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking blood.

How do you know?
I'm smart.

militaries are first and foremost - their own religion, their command structure to attain 5 stars - u s ...


and all the other intricacies they embolden themselves with -

you may think your smart, hobo ... sortof like your religion - hidden from sight.

mirthism is for idiots. the legions had one god - caesar - and no other.

There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Did that get your attention?

Revelation 16:16, "And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."

Movies are made about it. Theologies are built around it. Book series are written about it. Fear is cultivated because of it.

It doesn't exist, nor will it exist in the future. The word is made up of two parts... Ar (har) which means "mountain" and Megiddo which is in the valley of Jezreel. There is no mountain there. (There is a small "tell" which is just where cities have built and rebuilt on top of each other but no mountain).

So what is this passage about? Revelation is to be interpreted according to the first verse of the book... "the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."

Apocalyptic language through signs. ie, there are nearly 400 references to the Hebrew scriptures that sign point to a previous event so we can understand that the destruction of Jerusalem will take place in such a manner. Apocalyptic is written in cataclysmic, cosmic, grandiose, language to paint a strong heart picture.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

It is true the world goes through many upheavals and transitions, but Is. 9 says, "of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." We have a hope filled future that the "KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!"

They say that because he comes as a thief in the night there will be no signs preceding this rapture coming of the Lord.

Revelation 16:16 - And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Revelation 16:16 - And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."
the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."
amageddon - is the triumph of good ... not found in the desert bibles.

no need for the return of anyone or anything.

surly not the direction of humanity, their destruction of habitat alone will finish them off in not too distant into the future - 150 years will probably be the end.
amageddon - is the triumph of good ... not found in the desert bibles.

no need for the return of anyone or anything.

surly not the direction of humanity, their destruction of habitat alone will finish them off in not too distant into the future - 150 years will probably be the end.

Armageddon is a place.
militaries are first and foremost - their own religion, their command structure to attain 5 stars - u s ...

So what? Isn't that a good thing?

Anyway, as far as dealing with people who perpetuate evil intentionally, if you want good to triumph, what good can any unstructured military do even with legions of feral lily white curs?

don't be glib----I'LL TELL!!!!!!

Alright then, but there is a lot of hocus-pocus going on. If you don't believe me go to Church. o_O

When a priest 'consecrates' the bread marked with the Mithraic cross + it becomes the Body and Blood of Christ IN ACTUALITY even though it still looks and tastes just like bread (derp).

A miracle! :happy-1:For a nominal service charge! (10% of your income for life, your soul, ability to be rational, and all of your children)

Such a priest without a clue is just a perverted twist to the story about the king with no clothes...
Alright then.

When a priest 'consecrates' the bread marked with the Mithraic cross + it becomes the Body and Blood of Christ IN ACTUALITY (derp) even though it still looks and tastes just like bread.

A miracle! :happy-1:For a nominal service charge! (10% of your income for life, your soul, ability to be rational, and all of your children)

A priest without a clue is just a perverted twist to the story about the king with no clothes...
did the MITHRA people use the cross as a symbol? gee---I am beginning to understand that LAST SUPPER
thing in which Jesus is purported to have said of the
MANISHEWITZ matzoh----this is my body and the
MANISHEWITZ wine---this is my blood----SHEEEESH
I AM HORRIFIED. I have been to lots of seders----the wine never turned to blood and the matzoh----stayed matzoh. I thought that whole thing in THAT seder
was some sort of symbolism that I just did not understand
I thought that whole thing in THAT seder was some sort of symbolism that I just did not understand

Can you understand that to Jesus, his disciples, followers, and unknown authors of the gospels who witnessed the destruction of Judea, the temple, way of life, and slaughter enslavement and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men women and children 'the nations' were the enemy.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword" (Seemed like the hubris of a drunk, just funny)

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant"

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword" ......Not so funny anymore......or is it?

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Not really.
Don't be silly.

I'm at least as smart as any child with a second grade education who knows serpents can't talk (except for the human sort in a fairy tale) and smart enough to know that anyone who professes to believe that Jesus was an edible triune god who diddled a virgin to father himself so that believers who celebrate his death as a perfect human sacrifice can set aside Divine Law and sin with impunity for life and not die is a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old.

A murderer.
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Don't be silly.

I'm at least as smart as any child with a second grade education who knows serpents can't talk (except for the human sort in a fairy tale) and smart enough to know that anyone who professes to believe that Jesus was an edible triune god who diddled a virgin to father himself so that believers who celebrate his death as a perfect human sacrifice can set aside Divine Law and sin with impunity for life and not die is a direct descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old.

A murderer.

The reality of you in no way resembles the way your ego makes you see yourself.
The reality of you in no way resembles the way your ego makes you see yourself.

their flaw is the same as yours - the christian bible ...

based on a single individual for all three religions, moses who lied about etched tablets from the heavens and their salacious accusations against a&e.

they have betrayed jesus no less than the crucifixion to include them in such a publication.

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