There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

The beast sits on seven hills which is a direct reference to Rome which was built on seven hills.

The Church, mother church, is the woman riding the beast drunk on the blood of Gods people.

The bloody antisemitic history of the Catholic Church, your Church, is a matter of historical fact

I'm not Catholic.
"Of Babylon ".…..
Right, Just like Mithraism, the secret Babylonian,"mystery religion" of the Roman government and military which became the Roman Catholic Church when it assimilated and perverted Christianity in 325.CE, and the edible triune mangod, a false Jesus, was unleashed on the world using the power of death consequent to defying the Law of God to subjugate "the nations" of the empire.
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I'm not Catholic.
If you worship Jesus as if he was a triune God in human form then whats the difference? Do you believe he was a perfect atoning human sacrifice for your stupidity as long as you "just believe"?

It's still Mithraism dingbat, Rome using the power of death consequent to the worship of a man brazenly and openly setting aside Divine Law at Mass to fleece use and abuse 'the faithful' for life who die in the very day and every time they do it, always dying but never finding peace in death.

If you don't believe me stay awake next time you blubber about how much you love Jesus at Mass and then watch as you openly defy God and do the exact opposite of the first command.
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If you worship Jesus as if he was a triune God in human form then whats the difference? Do you believe he was a perfect atoning human sacrifice for your stupidity as long as you "just believe"?

It's still Mithraism dingbat, Rome using the power of death consequent to the worship of a man brazenly and openly setting aside Divine Law at Mass to fleece use and abuse 'the faithful' for life who die in the very day and every time they do it, always dying but never finding peace in death.

If you don't believe me stay awake next time you blubber about how much you love Jesus at Mass and then watch as you openly defy God and do the exact opposite of the first command.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

I couldn't have been more clear. Its not rocket science yet it flew right over your addled head.

Thats what I am talking about. Your degrading religious practices and its consequence. Death.

Thank's for proving my point!
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What does the past have to do with Crystal balls?
wrong again ----take another look at your idiot post---
" predicted..." ----your moronic book does not
contain "PREDICTIONS" It does contain lots of shit
as in Lets CLAIM that our "jesus" predicted the
slaughter them by the millions
wrong again ----take another look at your idiot post---
" predicted..." ----your moronic book does not
contain "PREDICTIONS" It does contain lots of shit
as in Lets CLAIM that our "jesus" predicted the
slaughter them by the millions
Disagree or not, the Nicean Council was highly Motivated
their book's self fulfilling prophecy - their legacy.

- the 1st century injustice only began in ruins ... and remains till justice rendered to this day.
True---the OT is a self fulfilling prophecy---Just as is
the NT. The difference is that the writers of the NT
had IMPERIAL ROME to fulfill their prophecy --then
the second Reich, (generally the Austrian Hapsburg
empire AND the British Empire to which the US is heir)--
and then the THIRD REICH-----and the story of the
"human" race marches on
---and the story of the
"human" race marches on

perhaps others than you would place judaism a distant star on the fringe of the universe ...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the idea that Israel would agree to a ceasefire with Hamas, saying Monday evening that those calling for one are in effect calling for Israel to surrender to terrorism.

if only it were possible.

- for all three desert religions.
Disagree or not, the Nicean Council was highly Motivated
True. Before Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325CE Jesus was not a god, there was no such thing as a trinity in Christianity, and the "Lords supper" was just a meal where the body of the teaching that Jesus received from God like bread from heaven was discussed, eaten. No ritual celebrating the death of Jesus, and no worship or eating of the sacrificial matzo man, a pusillanimous, counterfeit, sugar coated, false Jesus that never existed, the anti-christ.

They just put the name of Jesus all over the existing secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military, originally from Babylon, Mithraism, which had seven sacraments, including baptism and sharing in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking blood.

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