There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

ROFLMAO @ LUKE------did constantine's friend have a crystal ball too?

It had already happened. The various armies that fought with Vespasian and Titus gathered at Megiddo.
The new Christians fled Jerusalem for Pella and the temple was destroyed.
It had already happened. The various armies that fought with Vespasian and Titus gathered at Megiddo.
The new Christians fled Jerusalem for Pella and the temple was destroyed.
all kinda true----your point? Constantine did his thing
after that ----no crystal ball
Can you read?

"But when you see JERUSALEM surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her.

For these are the DAYS OF VENGEANCE, that ALL things which are WRITTEN may be fulfilled. 23 Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing infants in those days! For there will be great distress on the earth and WRATH AGAINST THIS PEOPLE; 24 they will fall by the edge of the sword and be taken away as captives among all nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Surada, my God is living and interacting with His people this very day. I have no need of surada's opinion or translation.
So why did you bring up a crystal ball?
because FUNCTIONALLY you do. You hang on individual
words in the bible that often cannot be trace to anyone
or anything that were in languages you don't understand and IMBUE them with meanings convenient
to whatever nonsense YOU like to believe
because FUNCTIONALLY you do. You hang on individual
words in the bible that often cannot be trace to anyone
or anything that were in languages you don't understand and IMBUE them with meanings convenient
to whatever nonsense YOU like to believe

Your arrogance is sickening. I don't believe in crystal balls, you nincompoop.

There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Did that get your attention?

Revelation 16:16, "And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."

Movies are made about it. Theologies are built around it. Book series are written about it. Fear is cultivated because of it.

It doesn't exist, nor will it exist in the future. The word is made up of two parts... Ar (har) which means "mountain" and Megiddo which is in the valley of Jezreel. There is no mountain there. (There is a small "tell" which is just where cities have built and rebuilt on top of each other but no mountain).

So what is this passage about? Revelation is to be interpreted according to the first verse of the book... "the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."

Apocalyptic language through signs. ie, there are nearly 400 references to the Hebrew scriptures that sign point to a previous event so we can understand that the destruction of Jerusalem will take place in such a manner. Apocalyptic is written in cataclysmic, cosmic, grandiose, language to paint a strong heart picture.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

It is true the world goes through many upheavals and transitions, but Is. 9 says, "of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." We have a hope filled future that the "KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!"

They say that because he comes as a thief in the night there will be no signs preceding this rapture coming of the Lord.

Invade the Vatican if we want the whole story.
Your arrogance is sickening. I don't believe in crystal balls, you nincompoop.
possibly you don't----you just interpret word by word---
as if each word is magical----utter BS that Constantine
wanted inserted in his OPUS MAGNUS in support of his
bloody Imperialist filth
lol the Constantine myth rolls on, in the heads of lunatics. .Funny stuff, and yet no one can ever cite all the stuff he allegedly rewrote for some reason, probably because it's just rubbish pulled out of the asses of nutjobs who want to rewrite it all themselves.
that's a joke.

no one knew jesus on his 7th day of life - no one knew jesus was born ... the nativity is pure folk lore.

they, the baby - may have been circumcised, does not mean anything than a local custom, how many rcc's are not the same. provide the documentation for your claim. signed by jesus.

those people if so were in name only to keep alive - jesus was never a jew ... those that gave their lives were not jews - and certainly not 4th century christians.

theirs was an attempt for a new religion of liberation theology, self determination - that ended up being written in the 4th century by the crucifiers that includes the awful documents, false coercion of a&e, personification of heavenly commandments that never existed ascribed by moses - the new 1st century religion in all ways repudiated judaism and brought untimely deaths to those that gave their lives as proof of its veracity.

lol two loons arguing. Even more hilarious.
lol the Constantine myth rolls on, in the heads of lunatics. .Funny stuff, and yet no one can ever cite all the stuff he allegedly rewrote for some reason ...

whether written by constantine is not the issue - everything in the christian bible is choreographed one way or another for the purposes of those that wrote the book with very little relevant detail for the true events of the first century or the people that gave their lives for the goal of liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus during that time.
lol the Constantine myth rolls on, in the heads of lunatics. .Funny stuff, and yet no one can ever cite all the stuff he allegedly rewrote for some reason, probably because it's just rubbish pulled out of the asses of nutjobs who want to rewrite it all themselves.
no one can cite the stuff Constantine or his minions did not invent, or rewrite either despite the fact of the continuously
literate societies which putatively produced it---to wit Greece and Rome.
The NT is not an ancient scriptural writing.
It is only 1600 years old. None of its sources are extant nor was it a matter of a continuously transmitted epic over centuries. The Odyssey is older The vedas
at least 3000 years old, ie. twice as many centuries older
but continuously transmitted over those ~3000 years.
ANYONE using the Vedas or the Oddyssey to PREDICT
the future or to guess at what Shiva said to Krishnah or
Poseidan said to Athena?
no one can cite the stuff Constantine or his minions did not invent, or rewrite either despite the fact of the continuously
literate societies which putatively produced it---to wit Greece and Rome.
The NT is not an ancient scriptural writing.
It is only 1600 years old. None of its sources are extant nor was it a matter of a continuously transmitted epic over centuries. The Odyssey is older The vedas
at least 3000 years old, ie. twice as many centuries older
but continuously transmitted over those ~3000 years.
ANYONE using the Vedas or the Oddyssey to PREDICT
the future or to guess at what Shiva said to Krishnah or
Poseidan said to Athena?

lol rubbish. It is clearly writings from exactly the time they were supposed to be, no anachronisms. and most certainly by Jewish scholars, including Luke, himself a student of Paul's, most definitely a scholar. There are more sources for comparison than any other ancient works, and they are older than the Talmuds and other modern Jewish cult writings; Christianity is older than rabbinical Judaism and your racist nutjob Hasidics are way newer, 17th-18th Century Messiah cultists.

What the NT 'predicts' pretty much follows human nature, which doesn't necessarily repeat itself exactly throughout history, but as Twain said, it rhymes, so it's not particularly 'magical' to come close to 'seeing into the future'. The current chaos in the ME was certainly predicted, by many people, but nobody claimed it was Constantine's rewrite of their predictions.
lol rubbish. It is clearly writings from exactly the time they were supposed to be, no anachronisms. and most certainly by Jewish scholars, including Luke, himself a student of Paul's, most definitely a scholar. There are more sources for comparison than any other ancient works, and they are older than the Talmuds and other modern Jewish cult writings; Christianity is older than rabbinical Judaism and your racist nutjob Hasidics are way newer, 17th-18th Century Messiah cultists.

What the NT 'predicts' pretty much follows human nature, which doesn't necessarily repeat itself exactly throughout history, but as Twain said, it rhymes, so it's not particularly 'magical' to come close to 'seeing into the future'. The current chaos in the ME was certainly predicted, by many people, but nobody claimed it was Constantine's rewrite of their predictions.
GARBLE ^^^^^
It is clearly writings from exactly the time they were supposed to be ...

the hundred year, 4th century christian bible of endless conclaves --- you're a joke ... provide the archive, appendixes w/ all the documents used to write their book, even one document.

- not one letter written by jesus, knowing the heavenly prescribed spoken religion of antiquity was all that was necessary or as well the golden rule both being what they lived, taught and died for.

* as a note for the absence of writings by jesus in the c-bible - do you really believe moses wrote what is in the jewish bible.
The Whore of Babylon is the spirit of seductive culture, actively engaged in the deception and destruction of God’s people. That she rides upon “the beast” means she is propped up by the forces of anti-Christian government.

The beast sits on seven hills which is a direct reference to Rome which was built on seven hills.

The Church, mother church, is the woman riding the beast drunk on the blood of Gods people.

The bloody antisemitic history of the Catholic Church, your Church, is a matter of historical fact
The beast sits on seven hills which is a direct reference to Rome which was built on seven hills.

The Church, mother church, is the woman riding the beast drunk on the blood of Gods people.

The bloody antisemitic history of the Catholic Church, your Church, is a matter of historical fact

Jerusalem sits on seven hills.

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