There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

I keep the commandments.
When Jesus said "Satan was a murderer from the beginning", he was referring to the story of Adam and Eve where Satan never killed anyone. What he did was beguile them into defying the command of God which caused their death, expulsion from Eden, which was not physical death.

It follows then that anyone who sets aside divine instruction, and teaches others to do the same, like people who teach others to worship the lifeless work of human hands or the many christians who teach others to worship Jesus, is a murderer like satan was a murderer from the beginning.

So many of you professed 'believers' that Jesus was God in human form who may never have committed homicide in your entire lives or even thought about it but boast about winning over many converts into your belief system are all just serial murderers in the eyes of the living God.
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If you interpret the Divine commands literally, you do not keep the commandments.

The concern of God who is Spirit is not about diet, fashion, or the sexual preferences of consenting adults. Like Jesus said its not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person its what comes out of the mouth because in the mind is where every evil originates. This reveals that the hidden subject of kosher law is not about food but teaching, ideologies, words, etc. The creatures described in great detail, whether clean or unclean, represent human archetypes.

For instance, one cannot comply with the literal interpretation of the law which prohibits eating the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law because the teaching that the subject of kosher law is about what to eat or not eat for meals is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate. The words used are figurative, the subjects hidden, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. Swine represent people who "just believe" without ruminating, thinking deeply and rationally to discern whether it is clean or unclean teaching that will either enlighten or confuse.

Examples of the consequence, death, for failing to heed that instruction are displayed here daily.

This is what Jesus died trying to teach people. This is what he meant by saying, "Eat my flesh"

Here is the wisdom of God in giving the Law.

Lol 🤣 the 10 commandments not the 300 Jewish ones.

What are you out to prove?
Lol 🤣 the 10 commandments not the 300 Jewish ones.
Isn't murder one of the 10? :eusa_think: If you have set aside the Law by worshipping Jesus as God, and teach others to do the same, then you are a murderer, like Satan, in the eyes of the living God.

Even Jesus says so. See Matthew 5:7-15;

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying least, see Genesis 3:14

What are you out to prove?
I do not have to prove that which you openly confess to. I just shed some light on the subject....

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Daniel wrote about Antiochus IV Epiphanies efforts to Hellenize the Jews and how he defiled the temple and made it an Abomination of Desolation.

More like partial preterism.
He used that as an analogy. Just like Jesus used analogies for his parables. It’s clear he said in the last days when God would come and end the armies against all of Israel. Same with Zechariah. Was there a time the Lord came, stopped the enemies of Israel , parted the Mount of Olives, stood in the midst, showed the wounds of a crucifixion, and was a resurrected being? No. End of times or Millenniums. John did the same thing. As Jesus said, only those with spiritual eyes could understand Isaiah. Same with all the prophets and Jesus himself. Preterists squash the ability to see with spiritual eyes and understand the Lord and his prophets. I know why you are so confused. A Preterist. So, before 70AD, had Jesus come and parted the Mount of Olives and destroy Israel's enemies? When did that happen? It hasn't. Zechariah chapters 12, 13 and 14. This has not happened. Nor, did it happen during the time John wrote Revelation. The Armageddon that Daniel wrote about was not what happened to the Jews before and during the time of Christ.

jesus is the refutation of judaism, the liar moses as those others that gave their lives in the 1st century. liberation theology, self determination is the heavenly path granted a&e as the goal and path to the everlasting.
He used that as an analogy. Just like Jesus used analogies for his parables. It’s clear he said in the last days when God would come and end the armies against all of Israel. Same with Zechariah. Was there a time the Lord came, stopped the enemies of Israel , parted the Mount of Olives, stood in the midst, showed the wounds of a crucifixion, and was a resurrected being? No. End of times or Millenniums. John did the same thing. As Jesus said, only those with spiritual eyes could understand Isaiah.

Same with all the prophets and Jesus himself. Preterists squash the ability to see with spiritual eyes and understand the Lord and his prophets.

It's historically accurate. Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple. What are you talking about?
Revelation makes no mention of a battle taking place in Armageddon, but rather that Armageddon is just a place where armies are assembled.

... how easily they may be fooled - as rather than a heavenly consequence and climatic moment in time - the location not also being its title only makes sense ... for their version.

of course being only the desert revelation than the true conceptual consequence not mentioned as the triumph of good, amageddon, taught by jesus - their book would then be more correct in reference. maybe anyway.
jesus is the refutation of judaism, the liar moses as those others that gave their lives in the 1st century. liberation theology, self determination is the heavenly path granted a&e as the goal and path to the everlasting.
You are an idiot. How’s that for a start? Jesus is Jehovah. Jehovah gave the laws, doctrine, authority and organization to the people of Israel. What Jehovah did as Jesus is condemn the religious leaders for misappropriation of the laws, doctrines, teachings and those things that lead to the denial of His presence as the prophets prophecied. He was denouncing the preterist of his time. Those that didn’t understand the law and the prophets.
It's historically accurate. Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple. What are you talking about?
Doesn’t matter. Jesus denounced the likes of you pretists and those who deny the power of God. There is more in the scriptures and the truth is understanding that much did not happen during those days. Again, good teachers teach with analogies to help the people understand.
... as the prophets prophecied.

why then was there jesus and the 1st century events culminating in a crucifixion and all the others that gave their lives - were they jews ... they are the repudiation of judaism nothing more.

the corruption of the prophets as non such are even needed. no such level exists - all are equal who are heavenly.
... how easily they may be fooled - as rather than a heavenly consequence and climatic moment in time - the location not also being its title only makes sense ... for their version.

of course being only the desert revelation than the true conceptual consequence not mentioned as the triumph of good, amageddon, taught by jesus - their book would then be more correct in reference. maybe anyway.

What are you talking about?
Doesn’t matter. Jesus denounced the likes of you pretists and those who deny the power of God. There is more in the scriptures and the truth is understanding that much did not happen during those days. Again, good teachers teach with analogies to help the people understand.

It isn't an analogy. Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple with pig sacrifices and statues of Zeus. He made it an Abomination of Desolation.
why then was there jesus and the 1st century events culminating in a crucifixion and all the others that gave their lives - were they jews ... they are the repudiation of judaism nothing more.

the corruption of the prophets as non such are even needed. no such level exists - all are equal who are heavenly.
All starts back when the Heavens were organized by Heavenly Father and Mother. They had spirit children in which their spirit bodies housed their intelligence that always existed. The greatest of spirit children was Jehovah. He obtained the status of lord God who is the Son of God. Father in Heaven brought us all together in a grand council to explain His Plan of Salvation that he himself had once maybe gone through. As Father in Heaven is a glorified perfect incorruptible man. His plan is to bring to past the immortality and eternal life of his spirit children. So, he organized His universe to be Father and God over to organize worlds upon end and populate them with his spirit children. Our earth was organized for one specific purpose. To send to the earth, lord Jehovah to atone for the sins that us humans would commit and prepare the way for the resurrection so that we too can become immortal and eternal and continue the plan for our eventual spirit children.

The most precious gift Father and Mother gave to us was free moral agency to choose for ourselves to follow Father in Heaven and lord Jehovah so that we can return after coming to this earth. Other of His children went to other planets to live on. What is unique about the souls who are here on our earth have the ability to actually kill their lord and Savior who would atone for their sins. There was a war in heaven. It was a disagreement between Jehovah and Lucifer. Lucifer wanted not to go through the trials and tribulations that this earth would present. He wanted to take us down here, control our every thought and action so that we would all return whether we wanted to or not. Father rejected Lucifer and a third of all of Father's children who wanted Lucifer's plan. Jehovah instructed Michael to form an army of righteous spirits who had accepted Father's plan and throw Lucifer and his minions out.

The stage was set and he sent Michael down to earth to take on the physical body of Adam. His spirit breathed life into Adam. He gave Eve to Adam as his wife. They had two choices that seemed at odds with each other. Don't eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil because they were in a state of innocence that could not be tempted. The other was to multiply and replenish the earth so that the rest of us could get down here and be tried and tested. Adam, pigheaded, didn't really stop and think about which is the greater good. Eve did and chose to start the process of bringing her and Adam's brothers and sister spirits to the earth.

While at the grand council, there were several chosen and accepted the call to be a mouthpiece for the Godhead of The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Godhead would reveal knowledge about the Godhead and what they wanted us to know so that we could choose to find our way back to Heaven. Specifically, the highest degree of Heaven (1Cor. 15. These persons would be called as apostles and prophets. Through them and only them would we know the proper plan of salvation to choose. Unfortunately, there were times that the world was so wicked that if there were prophets, no one was listening and keeping the commandments correctly as well a performing the ordinances of salvation and exaltation correctly. These times of total apostasy also made it impossible for people to know the plan to choose. So, our Godhead also made it possible for those people without opportunity to choose to choose after their life was over while in spirit prison. 1Peter 3:18-21. And, to also allow proxy baptism and other ordinances needed for exaltation. 1Cor.15:29.

So, it wasn't a repudiation of Jews or anyone else. Jews had free moral agency to choose for themselves. Some did but most at that time didn't. No one forced anyone to follow Jesus. Not God or Jesus or the Holy Ghost. Same today. No one is forcing you to follow the prophets of God of yesterday, today and the rest of the time before the 2nd Coming of the Lord. Now, the Catholic Church is guilty of forcing people to be converted or die or be expelled out of a country like Spain during the Inquisition as Pope Sixtus IV ordered Jews and Muslims killed. It's estimated between 32,000 and 300,000 were killed with the best estimate 125,000. There were other inquisitions before as well. Then, there is what happened to many indigenous people of the Americas by the Catholic Church as they slaughtered thousands if they would not convert. This is the work of Lucifer (Satan) to force people into converting.

In any event, the need for Jesus Christ is to help good people repent when they make mistakes and want to be forgiven by those they hurt as well as by the Lord and by Father. The Holy Ghost can help those who do not understand to understand if they repent and are teachable. The goal is to return to Heaven and after being judged to receive our incorruptible eternal resurrected bodies and go to the kingdom of heaven that we are assigned to, Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial (1Corinthians chapter 15). ONly through the resurrection of Jesus would this be possible.
It isn't an analogy. Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple with pig sacrifices and statues of Zeus. He made it an Abomination of Desolation.
Of course it it. And, of course it happened. But, it is just to help those with the gift of understanding that it means so much more. See, history does repeat itself. Your rejection of Jesus Christ is history repeating itself.
All starts back when the Heavens were organized by Heavenly Father and Mother. They had spirit children in which their spirit bodies housed their intelligence that always existed. The greatest of spirit children was Jehovah. He obtained the status of lord God who is the Son of God. Father in Heaven brought us all together in a grand council to explain His Plan of Salvation that he himself had once maybe gone through. As Father in Heaven is a glorified perfect incorruptible man. His plan is to bring to past the immortality and eternal life of his spirit children. So, he organized His universe to be Father and God over to organize worlds upon end and populate them with his spirit children. Our earth was organized for one specific purpose. To send to the earth, lord Jehovah to atone for the sins that us humans would commit and prepare the way for the resurrection so that we too can become immortal and eternal and continue the plan for our eventual spirit children.

The most precious gift Father and Mother gave to us was free moral agency to choose for ourselves to follow Father in Heaven and lord Jehovah so that we can return after coming to this earth. Other of His children went to other planets to live on. What is unique about the souls who are here on our earth have the ability to actually kill their lord and Savior who would atone for their sins. There was a war in heaven. It was a disagreement between Jehovah and Lucifer. Lucifer wanted not to go through the trials and tribulations that this earth would present. He wanted to take us down here, control our every thought and action so that we would all return whether we wanted to or not. Father rejected Lucifer and a third of all of Father's children who wanted Lucifer's plan. Jehovah instructed Michael to form an army of righteous spirits who had accepted Father's plan and throw Lucifer and his minions out.

The stage was set and he sent Michael down to earth to take on the physical body of Adam. His spirit breathed life into Adam. He gave Eve to Adam as his wife. They had two choices that seemed at odds with each other. Don't eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil because they were in a state of innocence that could not be tempted. The other was to multiply and replenish the earth so that the rest of us could get down here and be tried and tested. Adam, pigheaded, didn't really stop and think about which is the greater good. Eve did and chose to start the process of bringing her and Adam's brothers and sister spirits to the earth.

While at the grand council, there were several chosen and accepted the call to be a mouthpiece for the Godhead of The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Godhead would reveal knowledge about the Godhead and what they wanted us to know so that we could choose to find our way back to Heaven. Specifically, the highest degree of Heaven (1Cor. 15. These persons would be called as apostles and prophets. Through them and only them would we know the proper plan of salvation to choose. Unfortunately, there were times that the world was so wicked that if there were prophets, no one was listening and keeping the commandments correctly as well a performing the ordinances of salvation and exaltation correctly. These times of total apostasy also made it impossible for people to know the plan to choose. So, our Godhead also made it possible for those people without opportunity to choose to choose after their life was over while in spirit prison. 1Peter 3:18-21. And, to also allow proxy baptism and other ordinances needed for exaltation. 1Cor.15:29.

So, it wasn't a repudiation of Jews or anyone else. Jews had free moral agency to choose for themselves. Some did but most at that time didn't. No one forced anyone to follow Jesus. Not God or Jesus or the Holy Ghost. Same today. No one is forcing you to follow the prophets of God of yesterday, today and the rest of the time before the 2nd Coming of the Lord. Now, the Catholic Church is guilty of forcing people to be converted or die or be expelled out of a country like Spain during the Inquisition as Pope Sixtus IV ordered Jews and Muslims killed. It's estimated between 32,000 and 300,000 were killed with the best estimate 125,000. There were other inquisitions before as well. Then, there is what happened to many indigenous people of the Americas by the Catholic Church as they slaughtered thousands if they would not convert. This is the work of Lucifer (Satan) to force people into converting.

In any event, the need for Jesus Christ is to help good people repent when they make mistakes and want to be forgiven by those they hurt as well as by the Lord and by Father. The Holy Ghost can help those who do not understand to understand if they repent and are teachable. The goal is to return to Heaven and after being judged to receive our incorruptible eternal resurrected bodies and go to the kingdom of heaven that we are assigned to, Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial (1Corinthians chapter 15). ONly through the resurrection of Jesus would this be possible.
Did Joseph Smith teach all of that?
Of course it it. And, of course it happened. But, it is just to help those with the gift of understanding that it means so much more. See, history does repeat itself. Your rejection of Jesus Christ is history repeating itself.
Who is rejecting Jesus?
Did Joseph Smith teach all of that?
Nope. Jesus Christ and angels taught Joseph all of this. Something the early Saints were taught. But evil early church leaders either lost or destroyed this information since early RCC Popes could not have the people thinking they had the right to know the words of God and have a choice to choose good or evil.

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