There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Then you don't believe in traditional mainstream christian theology.

Whats your game? Pretending to be a Christian supporting a pedophile prophet? its not working.
I worship God in Jesus name. That's what I learned in 20 years of Sunday school.
I worship God in Jesus name. That's what I learned in 20 years of Sunday school.

That makes no sense. It took 20 years for you to learn how to parrot gibberish? Wow... :eusa_clap:

How much did that cost you? You would have been better off trying to learn how to fly, off a cliff.
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I worship God in Jesus name. That's what I learned in 20 years of Sunday school.

sunday school, synonym for the 10 commandments ...

could it be those who gave their lives in the 1st century did so for the heavens and for the heavens to be on earth ...

as could be the mythical god's as well as any others. their own determination for whatever they believed.
That makes no sense. It took 20 years for you to learn how to parrot gibberish? Wow... :eusa_clap:

How much did that cost you? You would have been better off trying to learn how to fly, off a cliff.
I was raised in church, vacation Bible school etc.

Why is that offensive to you?
Its not offensive. Its astonishing that it took you 20 years to parrot a few lines that mean nothing.
You aren't an authority on anything other than your own made up religion which bears no resemblance to reality or the texts you claim it is based upon. Your God is you. You worship yourself which you prove with every righteously indignant post you make. You believe you are superior to everyone and that everyone should believe exactly as you do. Because that's exactly how you behave. Like a spoiled child who thinks the world revolves around him.
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You aren't an authority on anything other than your own made up religion which bears no resemblance to reality or the texts you claim it is based upon. Your God is you. You worship yourself which you prove with ever righteously indignation post you make. You believe you are superior to everyone and that everyone should believe exactly as you do. Because that's exactly how you behave. Like a spoiled child who thinks the world revolves around him.
So you can't even try to refute anything I have pointed out about what you are mixed up in, what anyone who has ever attended Mass has seen and heard with their own eyes and ears? Wow....

You defy God and seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands. This is what you are actually doing at mass. I don't think I'm God. I think you are stupid. Irregardless, lol, the truth is irrefutable. How is it that you don't know the right course to take? Can't you smell that smell?

Its time to change your diapers ding
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So you can't even try to refute anything I have pointed out about what you are mixed up in, what anyone who has ever attended Mass has seen and heard with their own eyes and ears? Wow....

Can't you smell that smell Ding? Its time to change your diapers.
There's no need to because you don't matter. You aren't someone whose opinion I value. This may be your idea of fun but it's not mine.
There's no need to because you don't matter. You aren't someone whose opinion I value. This may be your idea of fun but it's not mine.
Well you sure have invested a lot of time obsessing over everything I post and accusing me of being crazy or angry because I have the audacity to notice that your religion is a death trap.

So much time and energy wasted over someone who doesn't matter whose opinion has no value


Anyone versed in scripture whether they believe or not can see that you are doing what God promises results in death, a curse, that you so perfectly display for everyone with eyes to see.

If your aim was for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity you would just shut up
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Well you sure have invested a lot of time obsessing over everything I post and accusing me of being crazy or angry because I have the audacity to notice that your religion is a death trap.
That's pretty rich coming from someone who only posts about one thing here. I post in a lot of forum rooms on many subjects. You don't. Again... you don't matter.
Its not offensive. Its astonishing that it took you 20 years to parrot a few lines that mean nothing.

They mean something to me. Going to church and Sunday school is about worship. My faith is simple.. My interest is in ancient history, archaeology, the middle East and particularly Sumer.
They mean something to me. Going to church and Sunday school is about worship. My faith is simple.. My interest is in ancient history, archaeology, the middle East and particularly Sumer.
Do you realize that Jesus was teaching the only way to understand and comply with the Divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life?

How else can anyone worship God, as Jesus worshipped God, if not by obeying his commands?

Jesus didn't go to Sunday school or church... He didn't carry around a bible and prayed in secret

anyway, I'm glad you're satisfied with the simplicity of not understanding what Jesus died for, what he taught about divine law or how to obtain salvation, which isn't about reciting a few words
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That's pretty rich coming from someone who only posts about one thing here. I post in a lot of forum rooms on many subjects. You don't. Again... you don't matter.

Right. I don't matter so much that you can't help obsessing over every word that I post...

I suspect its guilt that drives you, your conscience condemns you. Good luck with all that!

There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Did that get your attention?

Revelation 16:16, "And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."

Movies are made about it. Theologies are built around it. Book series are written about it. Fear is cultivated because of it.

It doesn't exist, nor will it exist in the future. The word is made up of two parts... Ar (har) which means "mountain" and Megiddo which is in the valley of Jezreel. There is no mountain there. (There is a small "tell" which is just where cities have built and rebuilt on top of each other but no mountain).

So what is this passage about? Revelation is to be interpreted according to the first verse of the book... "the Revelation (apocalypse-unveiling) of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must SHORTLY take place. And He sent and SIGNIFIED it by His angel to His servant John."

Apocalyptic language through signs. ie, there are nearly 400 references to the Hebrew scriptures that sign point to a previous event so we can understand that the destruction of Jerusalem will take place in such a manner. Apocalyptic is written in cataclysmic, cosmic, grandiose, language to paint a strong heart picture.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

It is true the world goes through many upheavals and transitions, but Is. 9 says, "of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end." We have a hope filled future that the "KNOWLEDGE of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!"

They say that because he comes as a thief in the night there will be no signs preceding this rapture coming of the Lord.

You are so full of crap. John wrote that after the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. The battle will be all over the world of good versus evil. Including in the US. We will have internal wars and bloodshed.
You are so full of crap. John wrote that after the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. The battle will be all over the world of good versus evil. Including in the US. We will have internal wars and bloodshed.
When the prophet speaks of the end of the age of darkness when the celestial powers will be shaken, stars will fall from the sky, mountains will crumble, and valleys lifted up it is not about cosmic catastrophe but social upheaval and change that does not require bloodshed in the US.

whats up with all of the blood lust oozing from the unclean lips of all of you drooling 'believers'?
Wrong dingo. I do not 'disparage' your religion because its different than mine, I do not belong to any religion. I am just pointing out what you do, which anyone can verify if they peek inside any church performing Mass on Sunday. The priest openly says to the congregation that a piece of bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for "us" the Body of Christ. Then he holds up the matzo and the entire congregation falls to their knees in worship as if it was God even though it cannot see speak hear or walk, has no life to give and is not God which is irrefutably idolatry, the abomination that causes desolation, but only if the definition for idolatry in the dictionary is true not to mention if the entire Bible, the Law and the prophets and the gospels are the Word of God

Is this something that you didn't already know? Seriously? Don't you see and hear what goes on?

You should be grateful someone has the stones, not to mention the faith, to say so to your face.

Who am I? lol.. I am he who is. And it becomes my business when idolators like you, actors and lying frauds, try to legislate morality that reflects your perverted views of life and right and wrong, criminalizing and persecuting the innocent, without having even an inkling about the meaning of the words or subjects about which you are all so sanctimoniously dogmatic.

And I am not telling you or anyone how they should worship God. I am telling you and everybody if they ever hope to enter the kingdom of God, Heaven, they will not do exactly what God says results in death, which is exactly what your Roman Catholic Church teaches people to do, not to mention every one of the 30,000 denominations that worships Jesus, a man, as if he was God.

Your entire religion teaches that defying the Law of God is the way to eternal life. Its just a lie. No mystery there too difficult for the human mind to grasp except how anyone can fall for that con.

If you can't handle the truth, go to church. No one there will upset you as much I obviously do

"Your" truth means nothing to us at all.
I never said God was a myth. The rapture and end times scenario is futurism and invented by John Nelson Darby in 1830. It's the same thing taught by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. My beliefs more traditional mainstream Christian theology.

There is nothing "mainstream" about your "faith".

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