There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

I think it's hilarious how worked up you get over other people's religion.

they relish their misgivings of joy ...


heed not the religion of others, when those who do live as their neighbor. bing.
they relish their misgivings of joy ...

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Not to worry Breezy! Everything must be this way until the appointed time. The Bible tells me so.

I see and hear the Words of the living God, Words confirmed by reality, and so I am a believer.

Bing is dedicated to desperately clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age. What a rube!

I think its pathetic that your only response to the irrefutable truth that your entire religion is based on defying the Law of God and desecrating the Words of Jesus is juvenile derision.

It never ceases to amaze me how low believers will stoop even when you know that you're wrong
I think it's pathetic that you disparage the faith of others for no other reason than it is different than yours. Who are you to tell others how they should worship God? It's none of your business.
I think it's pathetic that you disparage the faith of others for no other reason than it is different than yours. Who are you to tell others how they should worship God? It's none of your business.

how is it you keep repeating yourself without a shred of evidence.

- that dying to yourself did a number on your mental stability.
I think it's pathetic that you disparage the faith of others for no other reason than it is different than yours.
Wrong dingo. I do not 'disparage' your religion because its different than mine, I do not belong to any religion. I am just pointing out what you do, which anyone can verify if they peek inside any church performing Mass on Sunday. The priest openly says to the congregation that a piece of bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for "us" the Body of Christ. Then he holds up the matzo and the entire congregation falls to their knees in worship as if it was God even though it cannot see speak hear or walk, has no life to give and is not God which is irrefutably idolatry, the abomination that causes desolation, but only if the definition for idolatry in the dictionary is true not to mention if the entire Bible, the Law and the prophets and the gospels are the Word of God

Is this something that you didn't already know? Seriously? Don't you see and hear what goes on?

You should be grateful someone has the stones, not to mention the faith, to say so to your face.
Who are you to tell others how they should worship God? It's none of your business.
Who am I? lol.. I am he who is. And it becomes my business when idolators like you, actors and lying frauds, try to legislate morality that reflects your perverted views of life and right and wrong, criminalizing and persecuting the innocent, without having even an inkling about the meaning of the words or subjects about which you are all so sanctimoniously dogmatic.

And I am not telling you or anyone how they should worship God. I am telling you and everybody if they ever hope to enter the kingdom of God, Heaven, they will not do exactly what God says results in death, which is exactly what your Roman Catholic Church teaches people to do, not to mention every one of the 30,000 denominations that worships Jesus, a man, as if he was God.

Your entire religion teaches that defying the Law of God is the way to eternal life. Its just a lie. No mystery there too difficult for the human mind to grasp except how anyone can fall for that con.

If you can't handle the truth, go to church. No one there will upset you as much I obviously do
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how is it you keep repeating yourself without a shred of evidence.

- that dying to yourself did a number on your mental stability.
He doesn't only repeat himself. He keeps asking the same questions that have been clearly answered over and over again for years as if he is experiencing a terminal mental malfunction.

Ding is a sad story. A poster boy, warning, and object lesson about the reality of hell on earth.

And some people don't believe in the death, a curse, consequent to defying the Laws of God.

Imagine that!
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Wrong dingo. I do not 'disparage' your religion because its different than mine, I do not belong to any religion. I am just pointing out what you do, which anyone can verify if they peek inside any church performing Mass on Sunday. The priest openly says to the congregation that a piece of bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for "us" the Body of Christ. Then he holds up the matzo and the entire congregation falls to their knees in worship as if it was God even though it cannot see speak hear or walk, has no life to give and is not God which is irrefutably idolatry, the abomination that causes desolation, but only if the definition for idolatry in the dictionary is true not to mention if the entire Bible, the Law and the prophets and the gospels are the Word of God

Is this something that you didn't already know? Seriously? Don't you see and hear what goes on?

You should be grateful someone has the stones, not to mention the faith, to say so to your face.

Who am I? lol.. I am he who is. And it becomes my business when idolators like you, actors and lying frauds, try to legislate morality that reflects your perverted views of life and right and wrong, criminalizing and persecuting the innocent, without having even an inkling about the meaning of the words or subjects about which you are all so sanctimoniously dogmatic.

And I am not telling you or anyone how they should worship God. I am telling you and everybody if they ever hope to enter the kingdom of God, Heaven, they will not do exactly what God says results in death, which is exactly what your Roman Catholic Church teaches people to do, not to mention every one of the 30,000 denominations that worships Jesus, a man, as if he was God.

Your entire religion teaches that defying the Law of God is the way to eternal life. Its just a lie. No mystery there too difficult for the human mind to grasp except how anyone can fall for that con.

If you can't handle the truth, go to church. No one there will upset you as much I obviously do
And yet you are still disparaging the faith of others even as you argue you are not. Preach on.
And yet you are still disparaging the faith of others even as you argue you are not. Preach on.
You may not realize this (go figure) but everything that I have made known not only vindicates the faith that Christianity professes to have in Jesus, proving him right, but at the same time it vindicates historical Jewish objections to your false Jesus, the antichrist, preferring persecution suffering exile and death to living a lie defying the very God who gave them life ever since Rome unleashed on the world the almighty yet edible triune mangod with a thing for virgins in 325CE.

You know if you weren't such an asshole I would actually feel sorry for you.
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Armageddon is in the past. That's the point.
No, actually it isn't but believe as you wish and others will do the same. You are correct in one sense. While you're wrong that it is an event that has already happened, you are correct that there will be no "battle" in the sense we think of it.
The armies of an openly God-hating world will gather on the plains of Megiddo, also called the Jezreel Valley, or the plain of ESDRAELON... but the "battle" will consist of the Creator speaking His judgment and the armies being instantly destroyed.

I see people online more and more often trying to convince readers (themselves?) that the God of the Bible is a myth and those who believe in Him are ignorant, backward and foolish. The irony of that is palpable.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father but through Me"...

In the days ahead, such are going to find that denying scripture will become more and more difficult as the prophetic descriptions become ever more plainly obvious. They will be faced with the choice of admitting they were wrong and seeking forgiveness which He will READILY give to a truly repentant heart. OR they will harden their hearts and stick with their own pride, and be destroyed.
You may not realize this (go figure) but everything that I have made known not only vindicates the faith that Christianity professes to have in Jesus, proving him right, but at the same time it vindicates historical Jewish objections to your false Jesus, the antichrist, preferring persecution suffering exile and death to living a lie defying the very God who gave them life ever since Rome unleashed the almighty yet edible triune mangod with a thing for virgins on the world in 325CE.

You know if you weren't such an asshole I would actually feel sorry for you. If.
The one who aggressively attacks the faith of others is the asshole. It's none of your business.
Look at how angry you are. My faith shouldn't make you that angry. So it must be something else.
What makes you think that I am angry? Do you tell someone they smell because you are angry?

I am not angry at all. And you have no faith at all, at least according to your responses. I found what everyone has been looking for ever since the creation of Heaven and earth. There are no words to describe my peace and joy in being honored by God in this way leading me to find a treasure of incalculable value that had been hidden in dark vaults, stored in secret places by God
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No, actually it isn't but believe as you wish and others will do the same. You are correct in one sense. While you're wrong that it is an event that has already happened, you are correct that there will be no "battle" in the sense we think of it.
The armies of an openly God-hating world will gather on the plains of Megiddo, also called the Jezreel Valley, or the plain of ESDRAELON... but the "battle" will consist of the Creator speaking His judgment and the armies being instantly destroyed.

I see people online more and more often trying to convince readers (themselves?) that the God of the Bible is a myth and those who believe in Him are ignorant, backward and foolish. The irony of that is palpable.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father but through Me"...

In the days ahead, such are going to find that denying scripture will become more and more difficult as the prophetic descriptions become ever more plainly obvious. They will be faced with the choice of admitting they were wrong and seeking forgiveness which He will READILY give to a truly repentant heart. OR they will harden their hearts and stick with their own pride, and be destroyed.
I never said God was a myth. The rapture and end times scenario is futurism and invented by John Nelson Darby in 1830. It's the same thing taught by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. My beliefs more traditional mainstream Christian theology.
What makes you think that I am angry? Do you tell someone they smell because you are angry?

I am not angry at all. And you have no faith at all, at least according to your responses. I found what everyone has been looking for ever since the creation of Heaven and earth. There are no words to describe my peace and joy in being honored by God in this way letting me find a treasure of incalculable value that had been hidden in dark vaults, stored in secret places by God
Your words give you away.
He doesn't only repeat himself. He keeps asking the same questions that have been clearly answered over and over again for years as if he is experiencing a terminal mental malfunction.

Ding is a sad story. A poster boy, warning, and object lesson about the reality of hell on earth.

And some people don't believe in the death, a curse, consequent to defying the Laws of God.

Imagine that!
I make you so angry.
I never said God was a myth. The rapture and end times scenario is futurism and invented by John Nelson Darby in 1830. It's the same thing taught by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. My beliefs more traditional mainstream Christian theology.
Do you worship Jesus as if he was God in human form?

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