There is no pathway to a loss for Trump in November if good real Americans vote like they did in 2016.

In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
Most American voters voted for Hillary in 2016 or is this a 'No True Scotsman' argument and they aren't 'good real' Americans? It wouldn't take many swing state voters to regret their 2016 votes to have the election go to Biden.

I think we both know the filth in Loon York and Mexifornia voted for Hillary...that's all.
Remember, Trump told wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and weirdos to go fuck themselves....He never campaigned in those filth infested shitholes...he knew he couldn't govern for the filth among us and win.
You must really hate America since you think that the majority of Americans are wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis, weirdos, loons, or Mexifornians. Only fair since I'd bet most Americans don't think much of you either. Maybe we should give Texas and California back to Mexico?
Maybe we should give Texas and California back to Mexico?

Boy that's not a traitorous comment or nothing huh?
Folks pay attention...this is the type of American who forced us to ram Trump down your throat.
For the record, we kicked wetback ass for TX and Mexifonia then we paid the beaners for it.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
If not for the electoral college "flippers" he lost the popular vote by 3 million.
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
If not for the electoral college "flippers" he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

I think we both know the filth in Loon York and Mexifornia voted against him...that's all.
Remember, Trump told wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and weirdos to go fuck themselves....He never campaigned in those filth infested shitholes...he knew he couldn't govern for the filth among us and win.
One candidate campaigned to win a meaningless popular vote while the other won the keys to the Oval Office...REMEMBER now?
In 2016 30 states and 2,623 counties voted for Trump, a reality show host with no track record or experience in government....By every metric that matters he's done nothing but restore American virtues and improve the quality of life for good real Americans while Mexicrats have become increasingly hostile, corrupt and unAmerican.
Help me reconcile how Trump could possible lose in November.
Please, save us the "POLLS" bullshit.
If not for the electoral college "flippers" he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

I think we both know the filth in Loon York and Mexifornia voted against him...that's all.
Remember, Trump told wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, degenerate lowlifes, feminazis and weirdos to go fuck themselves....He never campaigned in those filth infested shitholes...he knew he couldn't govern for the filth among us and win.
One candidate campaigned to win a meaningless popular vote while the other won the keys to the Oval Office...REMEMBER now?
You hold a unique view of history, totally fictional but yours entirely.
The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.
Maybe we should give Texas and California back to Mexico?

Boy that's not a traitorous comment or nothing huh?
Folks pay attention...this is the type of American who forced us to ram Trump down your throat.
For the record, we kicked wetback ass for TX and Mexifonia then we paid the beaners for it.
A unique view of history you got there, 'we stole it fair and square'! Of course the 'wetbacks' weren't actually 'wetbacks' since they actually were living in Mexico when we kicked ass. We annexed Texas and made them Americans. That was 170 years ago. How long have your family been Americans?
No direct quote. Just his policies of economy over healthcare. total projection on your part.
What's weird is; every elderly person I know has been very outspoken about this bullshit dragging on for far too long. They say "stay in the house if you're scared but let the people get to work."
Every elderly person I know thinks trump's Covid rhetoric, policies, and desires have a higher chance of impacting them than younger people, and are not planning on voting for him this time, although some did vote for him last time. You just did not make your case that his path to reelection will be same as first time, as you ignore or were unaware that he is losing support among older Americans. I say it is not going to be the same, due to shift in older people (a consistent voting segment of the electorate) and the fact that he does not have villain (such as the Hill) to run against.
The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

I always warn people after the first time around: I don't normally respond to multi-quotes. They are generally posted by insecure people that are not honest and they end up with other posters saying TLDR... which means that they are not being read. But, you will read this as you are being responded to directly.

1) I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right:

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

2) If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation (unless the crime was unintentional and thus not criminal at all.) You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process. You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

3) I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans. Both sides are lying to the American people; both sides are going down the road to the same destination and it's just one hand washing the other. Let me give you one example. The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment. So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks. At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID. So, they get the black vote. it's in their pocket and they don't have to do anything else. Along comes the Republicans. They have the Democrats back and can get the dumb ass gun owners on their side. Just tell them the Mexicans are taking over and what did the Republicans do? They passed the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. Background checks would have been as worthless as tits on a boar hog without some real teeth. One hand washed the other. The Second Amendment was attacked by BOTH sides.

The Democrats and Republicans played the same, exact game with immigration. Now, Trump is pushing Bill Clinton's agenda and the right is more committed to waging a war against people from south of the border with more vigor than the Democrats ever could have. So, did Hillary disagree with hubby Bill? Can your provide a citation to that? All she had to do was remain silent on the issue, giving lip service to sound like she opposed it by condemning the method whereby it was being done.

Donald Trump is best friends with Rupert Murdoch - the globalist who was once (and might still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary Clinton has admitted that the CFR pretty much controls the world:

4) Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States. For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms. Then Biden looks into the cameras and threatens the gun owners:

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

What a moron! Assault weapons were outlawed under Ronald Reagan. Biden just wants to take more firearms on the installment plan. Problem is, military arms are the most protected class of weapons in the Constitution.

If Biden's supporters stand by him after learning he is senile and he cannot create the atmosphere to put people back to work (grudgingly as Trump did), then that speaks to the lack of intelligence of the majority of the American people. But, to be accurate, if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism. Unless someone of higher values steps forward, we're headed toward an internal war or socialism. Trump is the last American president.
something too stupid to bother reading
How do you think Hillary Clinton could have done a better job?


Since when do bed wetting leftist parasites have the capacity to think?

That fucking retard might BELIEVE Hitlery would have done anything better, but the rest of us know all she was seeking the office for was to engage in more corruption and acts of treason to further manage the decline of the US in favor of the global collectivist agenda.

Never use the word "think" in reference to a retarded fucking libturd.

The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

I always warn people after the first time around: I don't normally respond to multi-quotes. They are generally posted by insecure people that are not honest and they end up with other posters saying TLDR... which means that they are not being read. But, you will read this as you are being responded to directly.

1) I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right:

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

2) If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation (unless the crime was unintentional and thus not criminal at all.) You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process. You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

3) I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans. Both sides are lying to the American people; both sides are going down the road to the same destination and it's just one hand washing the other. Let me give you one example. The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment. So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks. At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID. So, they get the black vote. it's in their pocket and they don't have to do anything else. Along comes the Republicans. They have the Democrats back and can get the dumb ass gun owners on their side. Just tell them the Mexicans are taking over and what did the Republicans do? They passed the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. Background checks would have been as worthless as tits on a boar hog without some real teeth. One hand washed the other. The Second Amendment was attacked by BOTH sides.

The Democrats and Republicans played the same, exact game with immigration. Now, Trump is pushing Bill Clinton's agenda and the right is more committed to waging a war against people from south of the border with more vigor than the Democrats ever could have. So, did Hillary disagree with hubby Bill? Can your provide a citation to that? All she had to do was remain silent on the issue, giving lip service to sound like she opposed it by condemning the method whereby it was being done.

Donald Trump is best friends with Rupert Murdoch - the globalist who was once (and might still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary Clinton has admitted that the CFR pretty much controls the world:

4) Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States. For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms. Then Biden looks into the cameras and threatens the gun owners:

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

What a moron! Assault weapons were outlawed under Ronald Reagan. Biden just wants to take more firearms on the installment plan. Problem is, military arms are the most protected class of weapons in the Constitution.

If Biden's supporters stand by him after learning he is senile and he cannot create the atmosphere to put people back to work (grudgingly as Trump did), then that speaks to the lack of intelligence of the majority of the American people. But, to be accurate, if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism. Unless someone of higher values steps forward, we're headed toward an internal war or socialism. Trump is the last American president.

1. FUCK YOUR COMMENTING STANDARDS. Get it straight, asshole: You don't tell me how I comment on this board. If you can't handle the cutting edge technology of multi-quotes, I can't help you, and I literally have no interest in helping you. I will continue using the comment tools of the board as it keeps the topics of posts on point for me and makes interactions and rebuttals less complicated. If you refuse to have conversations based on formatting, then you possess the weakest argument anyone can have on this board. Fucking ignore me if you can't handle how I communicate. I'm not changing how I've been formatting several years of replies for you or anyone because you lack the intellect to reciprocate. That said...

I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right

I already knew this.

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

This asshole orange *pResident is not a friend to the Second Amendment. Never has been. This is why I believe Cult45 is a disease that should be fucking jettisoned into the sun. Just try and take my firearms. See how that pans out for you, gov't.

BTW, There were two other presidential candidates in the 2016 election, you muppet. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. You're not too bright. Class dismissed.

If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other.

The Democratic party passed affirmative action too, idiot, and not every (D) is on board. Did that slip the wasteland that is your mind? You are painting an entire party having one agenda with simplistic right winger talking points that don't reflect reality. You can hate minorities to your heart's desire. That's a side effect of having a free country governed by a constitution. I can get onboard with hate crime legislation when I feel it's warranted. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. However, I believe our disgraceful justice system has numerous flaws. The media at times infects their sensationalism and can thus influence public opinion regarding said system to cater their own agendas.

You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process.

I'm an Independent. I can't and won't explain Democrat's motivations. I also don't claim to be able to read minds. What the fuck is your excuse? I have Democrat friends that shoot firearms with me all the time, so your 'Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment' argument is pure bullshit. PURE. BULLSHIT! I have firsthand experience with this, so I sincerely believe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You think Article II or the 12th amendment fully covers this? If so, then you're a moron. The EC is a pure political adaption to the constitution. An outdated clause that needs to go.

You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

Because the Democrats have a long history and agenda of enacting social safety nets for the parts of our society that make less capital than others due to a variance of situations. It's been their agenda for oh, around 40+ years. Either you already know this, and are purposefully being a partisan idiot, or you are completely fucking clueless to politics in America and should shut the fuck up. Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. He embraces the idea of financial social nets to help Americans that need it. It's certainly not the same thing as a full blown socialist ideology. You likely know this, but would rather play stupid political partisan games because you're a partisan ass.

I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans.

Bullshit, I don't believe it. I believe you are way more politically right than left.

The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment.

All of them? Can you prove that? Of course not. So be quiet. You're out of your element, Donnie.

So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks.

Background checks aren't an illegal search and seizure. Any important national security job requires a background check, so why not make it mandatory for weapons? What is your stupid fucking rationalization for that, dummy?

At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID.

Only if it costs me something to get it. If it's free, I'm fine with it. If I have to pay for it, then it's a poll tax, which is unacceptable.

Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States.

Yeah. Sounds exactly like the current asshole pretending to run the country. So, based on that qualifier, Biden should be fine.

For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms.

Some do, some don't. This is more political partisan opinion. It doesn't really reflect reality.

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

Yes. Agreed, I think it was a stupid thing to say. Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) doesn't have a patent on being wrong. Politicians of all political stripes are wrong everyday. Even your orange messiah.

if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism.

No. That isn't going to happen.
Last edited:
The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

I always warn people after the first time around: I don't normally respond to multi-quotes. They are generally posted by insecure people that are not honest and they end up with other posters saying TLDR... which means that they are not being read. But, you will read this as you are being responded to directly.

1) I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right:

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

2) If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation (unless the crime was unintentional and thus not criminal at all.) You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process. You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

3) I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans. Both sides are lying to the American people; both sides are going down the road to the same destination and it's just one hand washing the other. Let me give you one example. The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment. So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks. At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID. So, they get the black vote. it's in their pocket and they don't have to do anything else. Along comes the Republicans. They have the Democrats back and can get the dumb ass gun owners on their side. Just tell them the Mexicans are taking over and what did the Republicans do? They passed the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. Background checks would have been as worthless as tits on a boar hog without some real teeth. One hand washed the other. The Second Amendment was attacked by BOTH sides.

The Democrats and Republicans played the same, exact game with immigration. Now, Trump is pushing Bill Clinton's agenda and the right is more committed to waging a war against people from south of the border with more vigor than the Democrats ever could have. So, did Hillary disagree with hubby Bill? Can your provide a citation to that? All she had to do was remain silent on the issue, giving lip service to sound like she opposed it by condemning the method whereby it was being done.

Donald Trump is best friends with Rupert Murdoch - the globalist who was once (and might still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary Clinton has admitted that the CFR pretty much controls the world:

4) Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States. For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms. Then Biden looks into the cameras and threatens the gun owners:

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

What a moron! Assault weapons were outlawed under Ronald Reagan. Biden just wants to take more firearms on the installment plan. Problem is, military arms are the most protected class of weapons in the Constitution.

If Biden's supporters stand by him after learning he is senile and he cannot create the atmosphere to put people back to work (grudgingly as Trump did), then that speaks to the lack of intelligence of the majority of the American people. But, to be accurate, if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism. Unless someone of higher values steps forward, we're headed toward an internal war or socialism. Trump is the last American president.

1. FUCK YOUR COMMENTING STANDARDS. Get it straight, asshole: You don't tell me how I comment on this board. If you can't handle the cutting edge technology of multi-quotes, I can't help you, and I literally have no interest in helping you. I will continue using the comment tools of the board as it keeps the topics of posts on point for me and makes interactions and rebuttals less complicated. If you refuse to have conversations based on formatting, then you possess the weakest argument anyone can have on this board. Fucking ignore me if you can't handle how I communicate. I'm not changing how I've been formatting several years of replies for you or anyone because you lack the intellect to reciprocate. That said...

I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right

I already knew this.

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

This asshole orange *pResident is not a friend to the Second Amendment. Never has been. This is why I believe Cult45 is a disease that should be fucking jettisoned into the sun. Just try and take my firearms. See how that pans out for you, gov't.

BTW, There were two other presidential candidates in the 2016 election, you muppet. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. You're not too bright. Class dismissed.

If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other.

The Democratic party passed affirmative action too, idiot, and not every (D) is on board. Did that slip the wasteland that is your mind? You are painting an entire party having one agenda with simplistic right winger talking points that don't reflect reality. You can hate minorities to your heart's desire. That's a side effect of having a free country governed by a constitution. I can get onboard with hate crime legislation when I feel it's warranted. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. However, I believe our disgraceful justice system has numerous flaws. The media at times infects their sensationalism and can thus influence public opinion regarding said system to cater their own agendas.

You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process.

I'm an Independent. I can't and won't explain Democrat's motivations. I also don't claim to be able to read minds. What the fuck is your excuse? I have Democrat friends that shoot firearms with me all the time, so your 'Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment' argument is pure bullshit. PURE. BULLSHIT! I have firsthand experience with this, so I sincerely believe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You think Article II or the 12th amendment fully covers this? If so, then you're a moron. The EC is a pure political adaption to the constitution. An outdated clause that needs to go.

You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

Because the Democrats have a long history and agenda of enacting social safety nets for the parts of our society that make less capital than others due to a variance of situations. Either you already know this, and are purposefully being a partisan idiot, or you are completely fucking clueless to politics in America and should shut the fuck up. Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. He embraces the idea of financial social nets to help Americans that need it. It's certainly not the same thing as a full blown socialist ideology. You likely know this, but would rather play stupid political partisan games because you're a partisan ass.

I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans.

Bullshit, I don't believe it. I believe you are more politically right than left.

The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment.

All of them? Can you prove that? Of course not. So be quiet. You're out of your element, Donnie.

So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks.

Background checks aren't an illegal search and seizure. Any important national security job requires a background check, so why not make it mandatory for weapons? What is your stupid fucking rationalization for that, dummy?

At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID.

Only if it costs me something to get it. If it's free, I'm fine with it. If I have to pay for it, then it's a poll tax, which is unacceptable.

Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States.

Yeah. Sounds exactly like the current asshole pretending to run the country. So, based on that qualifier, Biden should be fine.

For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms.

Some do, some don't. This is more political partisan opinion. It doesn't really reflect reality.

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

Yes. Agreed, I think it was a stupid thing to say. Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) doesn't have a patent on being wrong. Politicians of all political stripes do are wrong everyday. Even your orange messiah.

if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism.

No. That isn't going to happen.

Nice job.
The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

I always warn people after the first time around: I don't normally respond to multi-quotes. They are generally posted by insecure people that are not honest and they end up with other posters saying TLDR... which means that they are not being read. But, you will read this as you are being responded to directly.

1) I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right:

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

2) If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation (unless the crime was unintentional and thus not criminal at all.) You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process. You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

3) I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans. Both sides are lying to the American people; both sides are going down the road to the same destination and it's just one hand washing the other. Let me give you one example. The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment. So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks. At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID. So, they get the black vote. it's in their pocket and they don't have to do anything else. Along comes the Republicans. They have the Democrats back and can get the dumb ass gun owners on their side. Just tell them the Mexicans are taking over and what did the Republicans do? They passed the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. Background checks would have been as worthless as tits on a boar hog without some real teeth. One hand washed the other. The Second Amendment was attacked by BOTH sides.

The Democrats and Republicans played the same, exact game with immigration. Now, Trump is pushing Bill Clinton's agenda and the right is more committed to waging a war against people from south of the border with more vigor than the Democrats ever could have. So, did Hillary disagree with hubby Bill? Can your provide a citation to that? All she had to do was remain silent on the issue, giving lip service to sound like she opposed it by condemning the method whereby it was being done.

Donald Trump is best friends with Rupert Murdoch - the globalist who was once (and might still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary Clinton has admitted that the CFR pretty much controls the world:

4) Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States. For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms. Then Biden looks into the cameras and threatens the gun owners:

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

What a moron! Assault weapons were outlawed under Ronald Reagan. Biden just wants to take more firearms on the installment plan. Problem is, military arms are the most protected class of weapons in the Constitution.

If Biden's supporters stand by him after learning he is senile and he cannot create the atmosphere to put people back to work (grudgingly as Trump did), then that speaks to the lack of intelligence of the majority of the American people. But, to be accurate, if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism. Unless someone of higher values steps forward, we're headed toward an internal war or socialism. Trump is the last American president.

1. FUCK YOUR COMMENTING STANDARDS. Get it straight, asshole: You don't tell me how I comment on this board. If you can't handle the cutting edge technology of multi-quotes, I can't help you, and I literally have no interest in helping you. I will continue using the comment tools of the board as it keeps the topics of posts on point for me and makes interactions and rebuttals less complicated. If you refuse to have conversations based on formatting, then you possess the weakest argument anyone can have on this board. Fucking ignore me if you can't handle how I communicate. I'm not changing how I've been formatting several years of replies for you or anyone because you lack the intellect to reciprocate. That said...

I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right

I already knew this.

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

This asshole orange *pResident is not a friend to the Second Amendment. Never has been. This is why I believe Cult45 is a disease that should be fucking jettisoned into the sun. Just try and take my firearms. See how that pans out for you, gov't.

BTW, There were two other presidential candidates in the 2016 election, you muppet. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. You're not too bright. Class dismissed.

If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other.

The Democratic party passed affirmative action too, idiot, and not every (D) is on board. Did that slip the wasteland that is your mind? You are painting an entire party having one agenda with simplistic right winger talking points that don't reflect reality. You can hate minorities to your heart's desire. That's a side effect of having a free country governed by a constitution. I can get onboard with hate crime legislation when I feel it's warranted. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. However, I believe our disgraceful justice system has numerous flaws. The media at times infects their sensationalism and can thus influence public opinion regarding said system to cater their own agendas.

You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process.

I'm an Independent. I can't and won't explain Democrat's motivations. I also don't claim to be able to read minds. What the fuck is your excuse? I have Democrat friends that shoot firearms with me all the time, so your 'Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment' argument is pure bullshit. PURE. BULLSHIT! I have firsthand experience with this, so I sincerely believe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You think Article II or the 12th amendment fully covers this? If so, then you're a moron. The EC is a pure political adaption to the constitution. An outdated clause that needs to go.

You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

Because the Democrats have a long history and agenda of enacting social safety nets for the parts of our society that make less capital than others due to a variance of situations. Either you already know this, and are purposefully being a partisan idiot, or you are completely fucking clueless to politics in America and should shut the fuck up. Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. He embraces the idea of financial social nets to help Americans that need it. It's certainly not the same thing as a full blown socialist ideology. You likely know this, but would rather play stupid political partisan games because you're a partisan ass.

I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans.

Bullshit, I don't believe it. I believe you are more politically right than left.

The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment.

All of them? Can you prove that? Of course not. So be quiet. You're out of your element, Donnie.

So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks.

Background checks aren't an illegal search and seizure. Any important national security job requires a background check, so why not make it mandatory for weapons? What is your stupid fucking rationalization for that, dummy?

At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID.

Only if it costs me something to get it. If it's free, I'm fine with it. If I have to pay for it, then it's a poll tax, which is unacceptable.

Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States.

Yeah. Sounds exactly like the current asshole pretending to run the country. So, based on that qualifier, Biden should be fine.

For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms.

Some do, some don't. This is more political partisan opinion. It doesn't really reflect reality.

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

Yes. Agreed, I think it was a stupid thing to say. Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) doesn't have a patent on being wrong. Politicians of all political stripes do are wrong everyday. Even your orange messiah.

if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism.

No. That isn't going to happen.

Nice job.

something too stupid to bother reading
How do you think Hillary Clinton could have done a better job?


Since when do bed wetting leftist parasites have the capacity to think?

That fucking retard might BELIEVE Hitlery would have done anything better, but the rest of us know all she was seeking the office for was to engage in more corruption and acts of treason to further manage the decline of the US in favor of the global collectivist agenda.

Never use the word "think" in reference to a retarded fucking libturd.


I concede your point.
The only choices offered were Clinton or Trump.

There were other choices. Perhaps statistically those choices didn't stand a chance in hell, but there were other choices. There's no truth in what you said.

Clinton is a buffoon and the Democrats do not deserve to be counted as Americans since they hate the Constitution with every fiber of their being.

Have you polled every registered Democrat in the country? Nope. You're broad-brushing the motivations of the entirety of one political party and I can't take your opinion seriously because it fundamentally lacks critical thought. You don't read minds and aren't as smart as you think. Maybe stop doing that and we could have some semblance of conversation.

That, in no way, means I'm giving the Republicans a free pass.

Uh huh.

Trump is an ex-Democrat that came to the Republican side to soften them up and help them make that transition to socialism.

I already know he's an ex-Democrat. I believe he's not softening anything except the emboldening of political extremists in this country. I believe he has sown political division like no other *pResident before him. If you think he's a socialist, than I disagree with your assessment.

Trump is a temporary window for real Americans to get their excrement together and prepared.

Whatever. The 'No True Scotsman' fallacy argument will always be meaningless to me. In fact, your whole comment reflects this sentiment.

Once Trump is gone, there will not be another president of the United States - except in name and the Constitution will be flushed down the toilet and relegated to those "historical documents."

That's just a long winded way of stating Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) shat all over the decorum and prestige of the presidential office. To that, I agree. However, I don't believe it will last forever.

Right now, my money says that if Biden picks an unknown woman and avoids a debate with Trump, then Trump is a one term president.

That's a weird take for me, since I've never understood the winger belief that Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is any sort of master debater on any stage. I suppose I don't understand the origin, since he's been proven to be a fairly stupid, arrogant, unintelligent speaker his whole life. IMO, Biden would likely kick the shit out of him in a debate, because I believe the current *pResident has been monumentally deficient, unintelligent and flat out of touch with about 75% of American citizens his whole life. He's a salesman, period. Turns out many people detest salesmen for their own reasons.

If anti-white (I want reparations) Stacey Abrams gets picked for Biden's #2 or maybe Kamala Harris, who knowingly sent innocent people to prison during her stint as DA, Biden is toast.

Why is that? Is it because both examples are female, or is it because they both have darker skin? I personally believe it's their political extremism that turns people off. I just can't keep up with the daily personal insults and plethora of selective bigotry coming from political extremists, so any help is appreciated.

If Biden debates Trump and has a few of those brain farts, exposing his senility, even the Dems are going to jump ship.

Nonsense. If Biden is going the be the Democratic nominee, they will stand by him, period.

If you plan on resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER, you must unify, organize, and prepare for a very hard fight.

From what I understand of NWO nutters, this means they oppose globalists. I believe Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is a globalist, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

I always warn people after the first time around: I don't normally respond to multi-quotes. They are generally posted by insecure people that are not honest and they end up with other posters saying TLDR... which means that they are not being read. But, you will read this as you are being responded to directly.

1) I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right:

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

2) If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other. A crime is a crime regardless of the motivation (unless the crime was unintentional and thus not criminal at all.) You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process. You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

3) I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans. Both sides are lying to the American people; both sides are going down the road to the same destination and it's just one hand washing the other. Let me give you one example. The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment. So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks. At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID. So, they get the black vote. it's in their pocket and they don't have to do anything else. Along comes the Republicans. They have the Democrats back and can get the dumb ass gun owners on their side. Just tell them the Mexicans are taking over and what did the Republicans do? They passed the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. Background checks would have been as worthless as tits on a boar hog without some real teeth. One hand washed the other. The Second Amendment was attacked by BOTH sides.

The Democrats and Republicans played the same, exact game with immigration. Now, Trump is pushing Bill Clinton's agenda and the right is more committed to waging a war against people from south of the border with more vigor than the Democrats ever could have. So, did Hillary disagree with hubby Bill? Can your provide a citation to that? All she had to do was remain silent on the issue, giving lip service to sound like she opposed it by condemning the method whereby it was being done.

Donald Trump is best friends with Rupert Murdoch - the globalist who was once (and might still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary Clinton has admitted that the CFR pretty much controls the world:

4) Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States. For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms. Then Biden looks into the cameras and threatens the gun owners:

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

What a moron! Assault weapons were outlawed under Ronald Reagan. Biden just wants to take more firearms on the installment plan. Problem is, military arms are the most protected class of weapons in the Constitution.

If Biden's supporters stand by him after learning he is senile and he cannot create the atmosphere to put people back to work (grudgingly as Trump did), then that speaks to the lack of intelligence of the majority of the American people. But, to be accurate, if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism. Unless someone of higher values steps forward, we're headed toward an internal war or socialism. Trump is the last American president.

1. FUCK YOUR COMMENTING STANDARDS. Get it straight, asshole: You don't tell me how I comment on this board. If you can't handle the cutting edge technology of multi-quotes, I can't help you, and I literally have no interest in helping you. I will continue using the comment tools of the board as it keeps the topics of posts on point for me and makes interactions and rebuttals less complicated. If you refuse to have conversations based on formatting, then you possess the weakest argument anyone can have on this board. Fucking ignore me if you can't handle how I communicate. I'm not changing how I've been formatting several years of replies for you or anyone because you lack the intellect to reciprocate. That said...

I told the entire truth. Donald Trump was a friend of the Clintons; he voted Democrat; he brought to the table with him Bill Clinton's immigration agenda and flipped the right

I already knew this.

Trump signed an Executive Order, bypassing the legislative branch to ban bump stocks while Kamala Harris was threatening to use the precedent to outlaw so - called "assault weapons"

This asshole orange *pResident is not a friend to the Second Amendment. Never has been. This is why I believe Cult45 is a disease that should be fucking jettisoned into the sun. Just try and take my firearms. See how that pans out for you, gov't.

BTW, There were two other presidential candidates in the 2016 election, you muppet. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. You're not too bright. Class dismissed.

If you're claiming that Democrats don't hate the Constitution, you'd have to explain their efforts to pass "Hate Crime Laws" so that the lives of one group is protected and valued over any other.

The Democratic party passed affirmative action too, idiot, and not every (D) is on board. Did that slip the wasteland that is your mind? You are painting an entire party having one agenda with simplistic right winger talking points that don't reflect reality. You can hate minorities to your heart's desire. That's a side effect of having a free country governed by a constitution. I can get onboard with hate crime legislation when I feel it's warranted. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. However, I believe our disgraceful justice system has numerous flaws. The media at times infects their sensationalism and can thus influence public opinion regarding said system to cater their own agendas.

You'd have to explain the Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment OR maybe why they don't understand how the Electoral College protects the weak from the strong and guarantees all demographics an equal representation in the political process.

I'm an Independent. I can't and won't explain Democrat's motivations. I also don't claim to be able to read minds. What the fuck is your excuse? I have Democrat friends that shoot firearms with me all the time, so your 'Democrats hatred of the Second Amendment' argument is pure bullshit. PURE. BULLSHIT! I have firsthand experience with this, so I sincerely believe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You think Article II or the 12th amendment fully covers this? If so, then you're a moron. The EC is a pure political adaption to the constitution. An outdated clause that needs to go.

You would have to explain the reasons Dems tolerate self proclaimed Democratic SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders or maybe their defense of his socialist agenda (endorsed by many) for Socialized Health Care

Because the Democrats have a long history and agenda of enacting social safety nets for the parts of our society that make less capital than others due to a variance of situations. It's been their agenda for oh, around 40+ years. Either you already know this, and are purposefully being a partisan idiot, or you are completely fucking clueless to politics in America and should shut the fuck up. Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. He embraces the idea of financial social nets to help Americans that need it. It's certainly not the same thing as a full blown socialist ideology. You likely know this, but would rather play stupid political partisan games because you're a partisan ass.

I'm not a "winger" as I am nobody's puppet. I don't like the Democrats nor the Republicans.

Bullshit, I don't believe it. I believe you are way more politically right than left.

The Democrats hate and despise the Second Amendment.

All of them? Can you prove that? Of course not. So be quiet. You're out of your element, Donnie.

So they demand we violate the Fourth Amendment and force people undergo background checks.

Background checks aren't an illegal search and seizure. Any important national security job requires a background check, so why not make it mandatory for weapons? What is your stupid fucking rationalization for that, dummy?

At the same time, the Dems policy is to oppose Voter ID.

Only if it costs me something to get it. If it's free, I'm fine with it. If I have to pay for it, then it's a poll tax, which is unacceptable.

Joe Biden is a senile, stupid political hack and he isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand, much less the presidency of the United States.

Yeah. Sounds exactly like the current asshole pretending to run the country. So, based on that qualifier, Biden should be fine.

For decades, the Democrats denied they wanted out outlaw firearms.

Some do, some don't. This is more political partisan opinion. It doesn't really reflect reality.

"...gun owners worried that Biden would be coming for their guns, he quickly answered: "Bingo! You're right, if you have an assault weapon."

Yes. Agreed, I think it was a stupid thing to say. Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) doesn't have a patent on being wrong. Politicians of all political stripes are wrong everyday. Even your orange messiah.

if Biden becomes president, we would either have an internal civil war OR gun owners will capitulate, bend over and accept socialism.

No. That isn't going to happen.

You do not have the capacity to help me. The fact that you go off on a tangent saying things anonymously that you don't have the courage to say to my face proves my point. I saw your first sentence and decided that you are not worth my time and have proven my point. Those who want to criticize every point another poster makes are usually insecure, ignorant, and dishonest. I see the last sentence. And, yes, one or the other is going to happen. If you think that free men will walk the streets and the Second Amendment will be intact after Trump, you are delusional. We will either have socialism OR an internal civil war. That is inevitable. BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter. That demonstrates your level of illiteracy to go along with that arrogant attempt at bullying. Have you considered suing your brain for non-support? Or you haven't done so because you don't have one?

Tens of millions of Americans have been watching what is happening in Democrat cities. They see gangs of blacks burning, beating and looting. These Americans are then told what they are really seeing are white supremacists. These Americans see fellow Americans forced to their knees swearing fealty to black gangs. Then they are told that Americans like being on their knees. They want it. Better to be on their knees than the burning, beating and looting.

Tens of millions of Americans are then told that they will be better off with no police at all. Black people don't like police. Democrat cities will disband the police. Tens of millions of Americans are told to shut up and get on your knees. Told by democrats.

This, democrats believe, is the unobstructed path to total control of the entire nation.
Tens of millions of Americans have been watching what is happening in Democrat cities. They see gangs of blacks burning, beating and looting. These Americans are then told what they are really seeing are white supremacists. These Americans see fellow Americans forced to their knees swearing fealty to black gangs. Then they are told that Americans like being on their knees. They want it. Better to be on their knees than the burning, beating and looting.

Tens of millions of Americans are then told that they will be better off with no police at all. Black people don't like police. Democrat cities will disband the police. Tens of millions of Americans are told to shut up and get on your knees. Told by democrats.

This, democrats believe, is the unobstructed path to total control of the entire nation.

Tens of millions of deaf, dumb, and blind sheeple will believe the B.S. that is playing out. The problem for the whites is that they bow down to these rabble rousers and the whites let the bottom of the barrel speak for them. When was the last time you heard a politician say they believed that America was founded on biblical principles and that we are a constitutional Republic with unalienable Rights? When have you heard someone that believed like that saying that we are not going to tolerate the subtle genocide of whites to pacify the blacks who are controlled by the richest of the rich in the world?

All the looting and shooting has been preceded by the blacks taking down the statues, plaques, monuments and memorials of the white people. They have taken down the flags of our fathers; changed the names of public roads, bridges, schools, and other government buildings so as to erase our history. They slap the white people in the face and then dictate to us the limits of our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association. Through the controlled news and entertainment media, we are being forced to accept multiculturalism and even bow down to the blacks. And what do they pick for martyrs?


The majority of these stupid people that preach against "racism" only have a problem if it is WHITE RACISM. Of that they have no toleration. Whites are taught that if they honor their culture, preserve their history, and promote the foundational principles upon which America was founded that there is something wrong with them. And so, only so - called "white supremacists" are acknowledged when an opportunity comes along to rebuke the liberal / left wing / socialist / communist Demonrats that have manufactured the narrative that consists of a dishonest and inaccurate portrayal of the white people. Then you have those who silently disagree with the status quo, but still bend a knee at the altar of these Satanic parasites that live better than anywhere else they could go, but then bite the hand that feeds them.

How many businesses were lost and how many people are unemployed now because of the looting and vandalism of these Hell raisers? The police brutality is THEIR fault. If, in the last election, people were listening and voting for better sheriffs and changes in the criminal justice system, they wouldn't have cops with an attitude that they are above the laws. Instead, the voters wanted "Rights" for the LGBTQP community, Rights for blacks, and genocide for whites. When those people wanting their voices to be heard, they worried more about infringing on the constitutional Rights of their fellow man and electing politicians that want the Nanny State (the Ds) or the POLICE STATE (the Rs.)

The time for talking is done. Unless the whites who disagree with the liberal, power hungry, black bigots and the controlled media get off their ass and demand to be heard, they may as well hand America over, lock, stock and barrel so they can call it a wrap. The whites aren't going to get it done on social media. They will only get it done by standing up to the liberals, looters, and liars in the controlled news and entertainment industry. Tipsy, there may be some news that comes out of this: If the Corona virus doesn't start taking the lives of a LOT of liberals by middle of this month, you will know that the Corona virus was not as dangerous as we were led to believe and Trump is being taken down by the most massive hoax foisted on the American people. Either way, now is the time to put up... or STFU.
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Tens of millions of Americans have been watching what is happening in Democrat cities. They see gangs of blacks burning, beating and looting. These Americans are then told what they are really seeing are white supremacists. These Americans see fellow Americans forced to their knees swearing fealty to black gangs. Then they are told that Americans like being on their knees. They want it. Better to be on their knees than the burning, beating and looting.

Tens of millions of Americans are then told that they will be better off with no police at all. Black people don't like police. Democrat cities will disband the police. Tens of millions of Americans are told to shut up and get on your knees. Told by democrats.

This, democrats believe, is the unobstructed path to total control of the entire nation.

Tens of millions of deaf, dumb, and blind sheeple will believe the B.S. that is playing out. The problem for the whites is that they bow down to these rabble rousers and the whites let the bottom of the barrel speak for them. When was the last time you heard a politician say they believed that America was founded on biblical principles and that we are a constitutional Republic with unalienable Rights? When have you heard someone that believed like that saying that we are not going to tolerate the subtle genocide of whites to pacify the blacks who are controlled by the richest of the rich in the world?

All the looting and shooting has been preceded by the blacks taking down the statues, plaques, monuments and memorials of the white people. They have taken down the flags of our fathers; changed the names of public roads, bridges, schools, and other government buildings so as to erase our history. They slap the white people in the face and then dictate to us the limits of our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association. Through the controlled news and entertainment media, we are being forced to accept multiculturalism and even bow down to the blacks. And what do they pick for martyrs?

View attachment 346361

The majority of these stupid people that preach against "racism" only have a problem if it is WHITE RACISM. Of that they have no toleration. Whites are taught that if they honor their culture, preserve their history, and promote the foundational principles upon which America was founded that there is something wrong with them. And so, only so - called "white supremacists" are acknowledged when an opportunity comes along to rebuke the liberal / left wing / socialist / communist Demonrats that have this dishonest and inaccurate portrayal of the people who silently disagree with the status quo, but still bend a knee at the altar of these Satanic parasites that live better than anywhere else they could go, but then bite the hand that feeds them.

How many businesses were lost and how many people are unemployed now because of the looting and vandalism of these Hell raisers? The police brutality is THEIR fault. If, in the last election, people were listening and voting for better sheriffs and changes in the criminal justice system, they wouldn't have cops with an attitude that they are above the laws. Instead, the voters wanted "Rights" for the LGBTQP community, Rights for blacks, and genocide for whites. When those people wanting their voices to be heard, they worried more about infringing on the constitutional Rights of their fellow man and electing politicians that want the Nanny State (the Ds) or the POLICE STATE (the Rs.)

The time for talking is done. Unless the whites who disagree with the liberal, power hungry, black bigots and the controlled media get off their ass and demand to be heard, they may as well hand America over, lock, stock and barrel so they can call it a wrap. The whites aren't going to get it done on social media. They will only get it done by standing up to the liberals, looters, and liars in the controlled news and entertainment industry. Tipsy, there may be some news that comes out of this: If the Corona virus doesn't start taking the lives of a LOT of lives of liberals by middle of this month, you will know that the Corona virus was not as dangerous as we were led to believe and Trump is being taken down by the most massive hoax foisted on the American people. Either way, now is the time to put up... or STFU.
Quite so.
Oh please. You already knew the virus is a hoax in principle. In 2015 shitstain obama paid the Chinese biowarfare laboratory in Wuhan China the sum of 3.7 million dollars. For what? 2015 was the year before the election. Phony polls showed a Hillary landslide. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew thid was fake. She could hardly walk. Her appearances were very badly attended
She already had the scent of rot.

Those democrats that retained s ome thinking ability wanted reassurance. When Trump was elected he could at least be eliminated. The FBI concocted their crossfire hurricane insurance. The evil heart of the democrats wanted insurance on the insurance. They wanted a designer disease. A disease that would have no effect on most people. It had to have a tag. Something existing in the human body that the disease could attach to and kill quickly. Something not really harmful they wanted fear. A tool for manipulation and they got it. A real virus with a hoax pandemic. A disease that would attach to specific conditions, diabetes, fat around the heart and of course respiratory disease. A necessary concurrent component.

Did you notice out of all the diseases and conditions that afflict humanity only these few interact with the wuflu to cause death? Cancer, lupus, aids, no effect. That's A designer virus.

Next came the riots. But Trump snatched the economy back. What else can they do? Promise China an easy victory if they rescue democrat communist dreams with a timely war.
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You’re a fool if you think trump cares about you. He only cares about himself and his pockets
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