There is no such thing as transphobia or homophobia.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.
Being a Libertarian/Conservative, i didnt give a shit what queers did in their bedrooms, because they told me that back in the 1990s. But then they got out of the house, started shoving their shit right in my face and demanded that i accept them as normal. Once that happened, i no longer had a "i dont give a fuck" attitude, It was time to get the fuck out of my face, or you will be put down.....Dumbass queers just couldnt keep it behind closed doors...Oh and better not try your faggot stuff near a Rag Head Muslim..

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A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.

It's called DISCRIMINATION, what allows us to survive.

The Left have made that a dirty word, but without the ability to discriminate:
  • A bird can't tell open space from a house window and dies.
  • A bee can't tell a plastic flower from a real flower and starves.
  • Primitive man can't tell food from something stalking to eat HIM and gets devoured.
Discrimination lets you tell:
  • Friend from Foe
  • Which food you like and hate.
  • Music that turns you on vs. makes you sick.
It is natural for folks to marry women who share common interests and likes, not the OPPOSITE.

It is NORMAL to stick with people similar to you in:
  1. Age
  2. Race
  3. Language
  4. Likes and Dislikes
  5. Hobbies.
So it is quite normal and expected that a healthy normal male might prefer not to hang out with a guy with the build of a New York cop, with a pair a fake tits, a wig, and an ill fitting dress!

That's not homophobia or transphobia, that is nature my friend---- natural selection.
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.
I have to wonder what inspired this screed. You write that "to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be irrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation". Well no. The trans/homo phoebes my not fear the induvial . But there is fear. Fear of what they represent: A changing, more liberal society and the evolution of gender and sexual norms. Fear that society as they know it is changing and that they can no longer control it because bigotry and marginalization of people with atypical sexal and gender attributes are no so acceptable anymore . Fear that they can no longer dominate a hetero and cisgender normative society. Trans and homo phobia is very real and very irrational. If there is no trans/ homophobia, try to explain why so many trans and gay people are beaten and murdered each year. Why do people want to stamp them out?

Your post is bullshit on the same level as those who claim that racism and sexism does not exist. Like those who claim that they are not xenophobic but decry and demnise immigrants. In all cases there is fear, and it is indeed irrational.
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A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.
I'm pretty sure the people who killed Matthew Shepherd didn't just dislike him.
I'm pretty sure the fellow who shot up the Pulse was debilitated by his hate.

Your premise is flawed. Homo and trans phobia are very real.

My attitude revolves around "How am I harmed?"
I don't like tattoos but I am not harmed by them.
So why complain?

I ask all the respondents on this thread whether gay, trans, or some weirder religion than yours,
And if you're not harmed then your anger is about something else.
Maybe a secret desire?
A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.

Then again, words change meaning.

Queer used to mean "strange", now it means "gay". Same with "straight" and "bent".

Homophobia has changed from an irrational fear to simply being a word which means hatred of.
Ordinarily simple articulate rationality might not seem celebration-worthy.
But in context of posts #1 - #4 seems to me post #5 is special. You've brought this quotation to mind:

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." Thomas Jefferson
Ordinarily simple articulate rationality might not seem celebration-worthy.
But in context of posts #1 - #4 seems to me post #5 is special. You've brought this quotation to mind:

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." Thomas Jefferson
That’s a great TJ quote. Sounds like RW Emerson. That’s why Americans need to stand on principal and against homo fascism.
Most phobia are created from tales, media, movies and tragical events.

Like the movie Candyman. Women thought it was scary, but I thought it was ridiculous. But not scary at all.

The movie was about a plain looking Blackman dressed like a pimp, entering into people homes while they are asleep. But Freddy Kruger was scary because he have some strange deformities that gives people the creeps. But Candyman was just an ordinary Black guy.
I was very disappointed in that movie. I was hoping for him to metamorphized into something that is very creepy.

But like I've said, that there were some that thought the movie was scary. Probably they were once a rape victim.

but right at the moment, the media are trying to paint an scary image into the public's minds that all Pres. Trump's supporters are terrorist like Sadaam Hussein.
They get paid very handsomely by our government on how many minds they can spread the government's fearmongering to, so that they can pass laws that gives them the right to spend your tax dollars on things that will make them more powerful.

A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear or horror. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation.

So to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be unrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation. That does not happen to anyone, ever.

We do have trans and homo dislike. We also have white dislike we all see, democrat dislike, republican dislike, religious dislike, atheist dislike, loud and obnoxious people dislike. You can dislike anything, it's a human right to be able to form your own opinion and to like and dislike what you please.

There is nothing wrong with disliking things or people. As long as you don't harm a person, directly cause them undue problems, directly effect their life or try to prevent them from having their rights as American then disliking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself.

Anyone who says they don't dislike anyone is a liar and hypocrite.

So I say, transphobia and homophobia is a lie where wording is used to create alarm and hatred. It's also improper use of the English language used to describe something that isn't at all really and vastly misrepresented people.

Disliking things and people is fine, it's normal, and it's something everyone in the world does.

We have a right to dislike, but people who complain about others who dislike them forget that they do not have a right to not be offended, but they do have a right to decide not be involved with people or things that offend them.
That is correct. Muslims use that lie, applying it to themselves, fooling people into allowing Muslims to be around. Muslims use racism, which is a lie, to do that same thing. Freedom Religion, which is another lie, is used to do the same thing. Muslims obey a being who invented harm. That harming occurred through Muslims, obeying a being who masquerades as God, 600 years after Christ. That is the being that Muhammad saw, masquerading as Gabriel.
We used to call it "discriminating" before the word was all but outlawed. The double standard we live with in today's society dictates that sodomites have the "right" to parade their sexuality in public and lash out at normal people but the rest of us are labeled bigots if we ridicule their lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure the people who killed Matthew Shepherd didn't just dislike him.
I'm pretty sure the fellow who shot up the Pulse was debilitated by his hate.

Your premise is flawed. Homo and trans phobia are very real.

My attitude revolves around "How am I harmed?"
I don't like tattoos but I am not harmed by them.
So why complain?

I ask all the respondents on this thread whether gay, trans, or some weirder religion than yours,
And if you're not harmed then your anger is about something else.
Maybe a secret desire?
I just say, follow the science. If the science proves there is a legitimate gender called transgender, so be it.
As of now, the science says there are just two legitimate genders, male and female. XY for males, and XX for females.
Seems to me the OP is trying to rationalize his homo and transphobia but only succeeded in letting everyone know he is in the closet.

None of us care where you put your peter or where you let him put it. We most likely disagree with your choices but we aren't afraid of you or what you represent.
I think the term phobia is used because some people seem to think the opposition to such lifestyles is somehow rooted in fear.
Gays are honest saying people have an irrational fear of them. Muslims have a slithering snake in them saying people have an irrational fear of them. People are shaking their heads saying our fear is real. It is not irrational. Gays are not thinking about harming anyone. Islam has a history of saying, I am fine to have around, with a boom happening when you least expect it, or a bus running over people, or a person being stabbed in the neck. Gays, clothing optional people, pedophilia people, and zoophilia people, are not doing that.
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