There is no Tyranny!

This country is great because we are a melting pot.

some of our people have forgotten how to melt and why they should melt.

they will melt.

they will resist melting.

It will be futile
Just because some are stubborn as mules doesn't mean that all of us have to be miserable.

let freedom ring, let the ones who wanna be miserable and live in a paranoid little shell of a world do so.
Let the rest of us enjoy freedom and pursue our own happiness.

Come on now, who is proud to be a citizen of this great country? Speak up, lets show the gloom and doomers how outnumbered they are!
Good word Predfan... It has the making of tyranny... Look at history! I do give you kuddos for loving your country Slack!
This country has NO room for people who hate everyone else.

melt or become useless to this country
We as a nation have always been right on the edge of one slippery slope or another.

Do we have problems?
Yes, absolutely.

But we have the FREEDOM to fix them if we work together.

It's a great country, wake up and realize what real tyranny is; hint, the USA ain't it!


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Our Government is doing the same things that King George did the to Colonists.
Ignoring our laws.
Sen. Harry Reid refusing to bring up bills in the Senate, passed by the House for the last two years.
Imposing taxes without our consent.
Depriving Citizens of a trial by jury
Abolishing free enterprise by making too many regulations
Altering our Constitutional rights.
Exciting domestic insurrections. Example- Republicans are our enemy and a general us vs them.
Wanting to ban certain popular legal firearms.
These are the same type of things that We fought over in our Revolutionary War.
Our Government is doing the same things that King George did the to Colonists.
Ignoring our laws.
Sen. Harry Reid refusing to bring up bills in the Senate, passed by the House for the last two years.
Imposing taxes without our consent.
Depriving Citizens of a trial by jury
Abolishing free enterprise by making too many regulations
Altering our Constitutional rights.
Exciting domestic insurrections. Example- Republicans are our enemy and a general us vs them.
Wanting to ban certain popular legal firearms.
These are the same type of things that We fought over in our Revolutionary War.

Absolutely. Those are all legimate points. Is anyone harrasing you for posting your complaiints? How about trying to stop your access to any source of information?
Some of your points are contradictory to each other. I concede congress is unable to accomplish anything, yet the congress must act if out constitutional rights are to be altered, or if certain firearms are to be banned.

Still, we are free to exchange this information. WE have access to information. We have no bodies piled in the streets. There is still food in the grocery stores. Broadcast media is still a free press. nobody is being locked up en mass for their beliefs, or voicing thereof.

Isn't it fantastic to live a country where there really is nothing to complain about, yet we are free to do so anyways?

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