There is no Tyranny!

And 100 years ago the Ohio River was navigable seven months a year. Port facilities were capable of off loading steamers and clipper ships. The mileage of paved roads was less than 300 and of that most of them were city streets. If you want a 1913 economy fine. But it won't be as competitive as the economy of Botswana today.
Income Taxes only go to pay the INTEREST on the National Debt not the Principle. It gets paid to Banks not the US Gov't.
Killing someone, and even their indoctrinated family members, who leave to fight against their own country may be an unresolved question for constitional scholars. Yet, it does not warrant charges of tyranny.
How do we know this person was an Enemy Combatant? The Gov't said so.
And if you ask to see the proof they will answer "We can't tell you, that's a Secret".
It is what it is, you don't close the barn door after the cows are gone.
The only thing left too do is a war.
More hyperbole, or do really believe that making war on the government would bring success and triumph and glory? Or did you fail history class too?

Who would be the combatants in your war, Mr. McVeigh? Who will man the ramparts along side you?

P.T. Barnum said you can never underestimate the gullibility of the American public. Perhaps you are using that maxim to enlist foot soldiers. Because those of us with common sense and a feel for history will not mourn your dead.
Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp
Those who call for war against their brother citizens never get what they want, but always get what they deserve. To commit that peculiar act of treason is the greatest civic sin of all. One of the acts of free speech that can get you into serious trouble is advocating the violent overthrow of the United States. You may not call that treasonous today, but what do you call Bill Ayres and the Weather Underground today?

I don't think you have such a low level of historical knowledge to call for revolution. But if you do call for revolution, I'd say your level of mature thinking is what you should worry about.
More hyperbole, or do really believe that making war on the government would bring success and triumph and glory? Or did you fail history class too?

Who would be the combatants in your war, Mr. McVeigh? Who will man the ramparts along side you?

P.T. Barnum said you can never underestimate the gullibility of the American public. Perhaps you are using that maxim to enlist foot soldiers. Because those of us with common sense and a feel for history will not mourn your dead.
Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp Blah Blah Blah Derp
Those who call for war against their brother citizens never get what they want, but always get what they deserve. To commit that peculiar act of treason is the greatest civic sin of all. One of the acts of free speech that can get you into serious trouble is advocating the violent overthrow of the United States. You may not call that treasonous today, but what do you call Bill Ayres and the Weather Underground today?

I don't think you have such a low level of historical knowledge to call for revolution. But if you do call for revolution, I'd say your level of mature thinking is what you should worry about.

If you support tyranny you will always get what you deserve.
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

You grow up dual citizenship communist scum. What in the world do you think 9-11 was all about, and the communist attacks worldwide, and on American freedom since the israeli false-flag 9-11 stunt?

All your lies are meaningless trash and so are you....Anti-American Zionist turd!

LINK: NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny -

Yes, we do not have a tyrant.

A TYRANT has an absolute control unrestrained by law or constitution.
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

You grow up dual citizenship communist scum. What in the world do you think 9-11 was all about, and the communist attacks worldwide, and on American freedom since the israeli false-flag 9-11 stunt?

All your lies are meaningless trash and so are you....Anti-American Zionist turd!

LINK: NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny -


I am speechless...that's all I got.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

You grow up dual citizenship communist scum. What in the world do you think 9-11 was all about, and the communist attacks worldwide, and on American freedom since the israeli false-flag 9-11 stunt?

All your lies are meaningless trash and so are you....Anti-American Zionist turd!

LINK: NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny -


I am speechless...that's all I got.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk



Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

The right has set the bar pretty low for what they consider "tyranny" to be. Apparently now tyranny is:
1. Making healthcare available to everyone.
2. Allowing a tax cut to expire. (some see any taxation as tyranny)
3. Talking about gun control (not actually implementing anything, just talking).
4. Helping "underwater" mortgage holders.
5. Workers forming unions.
6. Holding polluters accountable for their messes.
7. Killing terrorists, although they were fine when Bush was president.
8. Anything else they don't like.
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

The right has set the bar pretty low for what they consider "tyranny" to be. Apparently now tyranny is:
1. Making healthcare available to everyone.
2. Allowing a tax cut to expire. (some see any taxation as tyranny)
3. Talking about gun control (not actually implementing anything, just talking).
4. Helping "underwater" mortgage holders.
5. Workers forming unions.
6. Holding polluters accountable for their messes.
7. Killing terrorists, although they were fine when Bush was president.
8. Anything else they don't like.

The left has their own boogymen, especially when bush was in office.

Tyranny, when it is real and not imagined will be felt by the left and the right.
When a tyrannical government rises there is little talk of partisan politics unless your a member of the ruling elite.

The left-right-left-right argument is dumb. Might as well learn to march as that is all it sounds like anymore. left, right....left....right...left...right....present propaganda!
That's all the left-right argument is, partisan idiots parroting failed talking points....
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

The right has set the bar pretty low for what they consider "tyranny" to be. Apparently now tyranny is:
1. Making healthcare available to everyone.
2. Allowing a tax cut to expire. (some see any taxation as tyranny)
3. Talking about gun control (not actually implementing anything, just talking).
4. Helping "underwater" mortgage holders.
5. Workers forming unions.
6. Holding polluters accountable for their messes.
7. Killing terrorists, although they were fine when Bush was president.
8. Anything else they don't like.

The left has their own boogymen, especially when bush was in office.

Tyranny, when it is real and not imagined will be felt by the left and the right.
When a tyrannical government rises there is little talk of partisan politics unless your a member of the ruling elite.

The left-right-left-right argument is dumb. Might as well learn to march as that is all it sounds like anymore. left, right....left....right...left...right....present propaganda!
That's all the left-right argument is, partisan idiots parroting failed talking points....

well, my "bogeymen" are:
1. NDAA / patriot act
2. Gitmo
3. warrantless wiretaps and searches
4. extraordinary rendition
5. torture
6. indefinite detention

These existed under Bush, and still exist today under Obama. I consider these to be examples of tyranny. YMMV.
The right has set the bar pretty low for what they consider "tyranny" to be. Apparently now tyranny is:
1. Making healthcare available to everyone.
2. Allowing a tax cut to expire. (some see any taxation as tyranny)
3. Talking about gun control (not actually implementing anything, just talking).
4. Helping "underwater" mortgage holders.
5. Workers forming unions.
6. Holding polluters accountable for their messes.
7. Killing terrorists, although they were fine when Bush was president.
8. Anything else they don't like.

The left has their own boogymen, especially when bush was in office.

Tyranny, when it is real and not imagined will be felt by the left and the right.
When a tyrannical government rises there is little talk of partisan politics unless your a member of the ruling elite.

The left-right-left-right argument is dumb. Might as well learn to march as that is all it sounds like anymore. left, right....left....right...left...right....present propaganda!
That's all the left-right argument is, partisan idiots parroting failed talking points....

well, my "bogeymen" are:
1. NDAA / patriot act
2. Gitmo
3. warrantless wiretaps and searches
4. extraordinary rendition
5. torture
6. indefinite detention

These existed under Bush, and still exist today under Obama. I consider these to be examples of tyranny. YMMV.

1. NDAA / patriot act
The NDAA 2012 is not the same as the patriot act and the NDAA 2012 did not exist when Bush was in office
6. indefinite detention
Indefinite detention of American citizens did not exist until obama became president.
warrantless wiretaps and searches
Bush not used on American soil
obama used on American soil against Americans
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

If I get you to admit that something the US government does is tyrannical do I win the Internet?

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