There is no Tyranny!

It is a tyrannical government when it creates laws that infringe on the rights of it citizen.
It is a tyrannical government when it can force you to do anything.

Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

No citizen has to be rounded up to kill them obama can order a drone to do a air strike.

Name me one time this has happened to American citizen on American soil.

Terrorists that flee to foreign countries to participate in a war against their own country simply are undeserving of acknowlegment, as are their 16 year old children.
Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

No citizen has to be rounded up to kill them obama can order a drone to do a air strike.

Name me one time this has happened to American citizen on American soil.

Terrorists that flee to foreign countries to participate in a war against their own country simply are undeserving of acknowlegment, as are their 16 year old children.

An Americans rights don't stop when you leave the country.
Yes obama assassinated two American citizens without due process, one wasn't even charged with a crime.
That's right, the government of the USA is NOT a "rogue" government, it is not tyrannical.

All you clowns claiming otherwise are insulting the people of the world who do live under a tyrannical government.

Grow up!

It is a tyrannical government when it creates laws that infringe on the rights of it citizen.
It is a tyrannical government when it can force you to do anything.

Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

Try not paying your taxes. Many have gone to jail over not doing so.
Try not paying your payroll tax.
Try and send back your Social Security check.
Try not paying your Medicare premiums each month.
All of theses are forced onto us.
It is a tyrannical government when it creates laws that infringe on the rights of it citizen.
It is a tyrannical government when it can force you to do anything.

Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

Try not paying your taxes. Many have gone to jail over not doing so.
Try not paying your payroll tax.
Try and send back your Social Security check.
Try not paying your Medicare premiums each month.
All of theses are forced onto us.

Those are all issues of law enforcement. Laws being enforced that were enacted by a legally elected government that allows for those same laws to be overturned or changed.

not tyranny..
It is a tyrannical government when it creates laws that infringe on the rights of it citizen.
It is a tyrannical government when it can force you to do anything.

Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

Try not paying your taxes. Many have gone to jail over not doing so.
Try not paying your payroll tax.
Try and send back your Social Security check.
Try not paying your Medicare premiums each month.
All of theses are forced onto us.
How would government pay for programs without taxation? How would roads get paved? Locks and dams maintained? The military be deployed? You realize that taxes pay for all this too. And, as you put it, it's forced upon you.
No citizen has to be rounded up to kill them obama can order a drone to do a air strike.

Name me one time this has happened to American citizen on American soil.

Terrorists that flee to foreign countries to participate in a war against their own country simply are undeserving of acknowlegment, as are their 16 year old children.

An Americans rights don't stop when you leave the country.
Yes obama assassinated two American citizens without due process, one wasn't even charged with a crime.
What did it take for you to side with terrorists? Why, President Obama! What shallow convictions you hold.
Name me one time this has happened to American citizen on American soil.

Terrorists that flee to foreign countries to participate in a war against their own country simply are undeserving of acknowlegment, as are their 16 year old children.

An Americans rights don't stop when you leave the country.
Yes obama assassinated two American citizens without due process, one wasn't even charged with a crime.
What did it take for you to side with terrorists? Why, President Obama! What shallow convictions you hold.
Did he have a trail? Was he given a chance to face his accuser, the one who had him assassinated?
An Americans rights don't stop when you leave the country.
Yes obama assassinated two American citizens without due process, one wasn't even charged with a crime.
What did it take for you to side with terrorists? Why, President Obama! What shallow convictions you hold.
Did he have a trail? Was he given a chance to face his accuser, the one who had him assassinated?
No. And neither do most of the enemy combatants killed on the battlefield. Should each soldier with Taliban in his sights first call for a trial before squeezing the trigger?
Is it a tyrannical government that allows for those laws to be changed?

What is it you believe the government is "forcing" you to do?

I assure you that I am not being "forced" to do anything. I have not spoken to any individuals who have been "forced" to do anything. I do not see citizens rounded up and imprisoned or killed for not following these mysterious orders "forcing" them to do something.

So what is the government "forcing" you to do?

Try not paying your taxes. Many have gone to jail over not doing so.
Try not paying your payroll tax.
Try and send back your Social Security check.
Try not paying your Medicare premiums each month.
All of theses are forced onto us.
How would government pay for programs without taxation? How would roads get paved? Locks and dams maintained? The military be deployed? You realize that taxes pay for all this too. And, as you put it, it's forced upon you.

Federal government Taxes were paid for by import taxes and duties.
You know that we have only had a Federal income tax for the last 100 years?
Try not paying your taxes. Many have gone to jail over not doing so.
Try not paying your payroll tax.
Try and send back your Social Security check.
Try not paying your Medicare premiums each month.
All of theses are forced onto us.
How would government pay for programs without taxation? How would roads get paved? Locks and dams maintained? The military be deployed? You realize that taxes pay for all this too. And, as you put it, it's forced upon you.

Federal government Taxes were paid for by import taxes and duties.
You know that we have only had a Federal income tax for the last 100 years?
And 100 years ago the Ohio River was navigable seven months a year. Port facilities were capable of off loading steamers and clipper ships. The mileage of paved roads was less than 300 and of that most of them were city streets. If you want a 1913 economy fine. But it won't be as competitive as the economy of Botswana today.
What did it take for you to side with terrorists? Why, President Obama! What shallow convictions you hold.
Did he have a trail? Was he given a chance to face his accuser, the one who had him assassinated?
No. And neither do most of the enemy combatants killed on the battlefield. Should each soldier with Taliban in his sights first call for a trial before squeezing the trigger?

So if the president deems someone is an enemy combatant with out any formal charges that's fine with you to murder him?
Even a whistle blower?
Killing someone, and even their indoctrinated family members, who leave to fight against their own country may be an unresolved question for constitional scholars. Yet, it does not warrant charges of tyranny.

If you believe it does, then may I suggest you follow in the terrorist, who doesn't deserve to mentioned by name's, footsteps.

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Did he have a trail? Was he given a chance to face his accuser, the one who had him assassinated?
No. And neither do most of the enemy combatants killed on the battlefield. Should each soldier with Taliban in his sights first call for a trial before squeezing the trigger?

So if the president deems someone is an enemy combatant with out any formal charges that's fine with you to murder him?
Even a whistle blower?
For someone prone to hyperbole (political disagreements rise to the threshold of tyranny) I'm not at all surprised you would leap to that feeble conclusion.
No. And neither do most of the enemy combatants killed on the battlefield. Should each soldier with Taliban in his sights first call for a trial before squeezing the trigger?

So if the president deems someone is an enemy combatant with out any formal charges that's fine with you to murder him?
Even a whistle blower?
For someone prone to hyperbole (political disagreements rise to the threshold of tyranny) I'm not at all surprised you would leap to that feeble conclusion.
OH so you don't like the whistle blower point? I really don't care glad I could help show your butt hurt.
Those of you crying "Tyranny!" at every turn have no inkling as to what real tyranny is. Your hyperbole has washed away all real meaning of the term, much the same way those who called George Bush 'Hitler' did only a few years ago.

By giving way to hyperbole, you not only drastically dilute the word 'tyranny' to the status of 'disagreement', but you show real disrespect to those who actually suffered American tyranny and continue to suffer tyranny world wide.

It's like referring to every thing as 'awesome!'. When one encounters something that strike awe in the heart like the Grand Canyon or the beaches of Normandy, to call those things 'awesome' does not suffice, because the cheeseburger you had for lunch was "awesome" or the television show you just watched was "awesome".

Use 'tyranny' sparingly and above all appropriately. Words have weight and meaning. Reducing 'tyranny' to such a throw away word is a shame.
Those of you crying "Tyranny!" at every turn have no inkling as to what real tyranny is. Your hyperbole has washed away all real meaning of the term, much the same way those who called George Bush 'Hitler' did only a few years ago.

By giving way to hyperbole, you not only drastically dilute the word 'tyranny' to the status of 'disagreement', but you show real disrespect to those who actually suffered American tyranny and continue to suffer tyranny world wide.

It's like referring to every thing as 'awesome!'. When one encounters something that strike awe in the heart like the Grand Canyon or the beaches of Normandy, to call those things 'awesome' does not suffice, because the cheeseburger you had for lunch was "awesome" or the television show you just watched was "awesome".

Use 'tyranny' sparingly and above all appropriately. Words have weight and meaning. Reducing 'tyranny' to such a throw away word is a shame.

It is what it is, you don't close the barn door after the cows are gone.
The only thing left too do is a war.
Those of you crying "Tyranny!" at every turn have no inkling as to what real tyranny is. Your hyperbole has washed away all real meaning of the term, much the same way those who called George Bush 'Hitler' did only a few years ago.

By giving way to hyperbole, you not only drastically dilute the word 'tyranny' to the status of 'disagreement', but you show real disrespect to those who actually suffered American tyranny and continue to suffer tyranny world wide.

It's like referring to every thing as 'awesome!'. When one encounters something that strike awe in the heart like the Grand Canyon or the beaches of Normandy, to call those things 'awesome' does not suffice, because the cheeseburger you had for lunch was "awesome" or the television show you just watched was "awesome".

Use 'tyranny' sparingly and above all appropriately. Words have weight and meaning. Reducing 'tyranny' to such a throw away word is a shame.

It is what it is, you don't close the barn door after the cows are gone.
The only thing left too do is a war.
More hyperbole, or do really believe that making war on the government would bring success and triumph and glory? Or did you fail history class too?

Who would be the combatants in your war, Mr. McVeigh? Who will man the ramparts along side you?

P.T. Barnum said you can never underestimate the gullibility of the American public. Perhaps you are using that maxim to enlist foot soldiers. Because those of us with common sense and a feel for history will not mourn your dead.
Those of you crying "Tyranny!" at every turn have no inkling as to what real tyranny is. Your hyperbole has washed away all real meaning of the term, much the same way those who called George Bush 'Hitler' did only a few years ago.

By giving way to hyperbole, you not only drastically dilute the word 'tyranny' to the status of 'disagreement', but you show real disrespect to those who actually suffered American tyranny and continue to suffer tyranny world wide.

It's like referring to every thing as 'awesome!'. When one encounters something that strike awe in the heart like the Grand Canyon or the beaches of Normandy, to call those things 'awesome' does not suffice, because the cheeseburger you had for lunch was "awesome" or the television show you just watched was "awesome".

Use 'tyranny' sparingly and above all appropriately. Words have weight and meaning. Reducing 'tyranny' to such a throw away word is a shame.

It is what it is, you don't close the barn door after the cows are gone.
The only thing left too do is a war.
More hyperbole, or do really believe that making war on the government would bring success and triumph and glory? Or did you fail history class too?

Who would be the combatants in your war, Mr. McVeigh? Who will man the ramparts along side you?

P.T. Barnum said you can never underestimate the gullibility of the American public. Perhaps you are using that maxim to enlist foot soldiers. Because those of us with common sense and a feel for history will not mourn your dead.
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