There is nothing more important than good health

Come on, nutters! Tell us about how the science on smoking is not settled yet.

Surely, you all have personal anecdotes about how you know chain-smokers who lived to be 99 with healthy pink lungs till the end!

Lets have those stories.
Come on, nutters! Tell us about how the science on smoking is not settled yet.

Surely, you all have personal anecdotes about how you know chain-smokers who lived to be 99 with healthy pink lungs till the end!

Lets have those stories.

Do you understand the difference between choosing to avoid something and forcing other people to do the same thing? Maybe we should make it illegal for anyone to have unprotected sex unless they are trying to get pregnant.

Better yet, we should ban all sex unless people have permission from the government to actually have children.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.
Come on, nutters! Tell us about how the science on smoking is not settled yet.

Surely, you all have personal anecdotes about how you know chain-smokers who lived to be 99 with healthy pink lungs till the end!

Lets have those stories.

Do you understand the difference between choosing to avoid something and forcing other people to do the same thing? Maybe we should make it illegal for anyone to have unprotected sex unless they are trying to get pregnant.

Better yet, we should ban all sex unless people have permission from the government to actually have children.

You are saddling me with shit I have not said. I am simply asking if there are nutters here who deny the science regarding the dangers of smoking.

I am not in favor of banning the practice. I am, however, in favor of the practice being looked down upon as incredibly fucking stupid.

Try to keep up.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

So do you believe LSD and antibiotics ought to be unregulated, and the government in regulating these and other drugs is tyrannical?
If you do you're stupid beyond belief.
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(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

So do you believe LSD and antibiotics ought to be unregulated, and the government in regulating these and other drugs is tyrannical?
If you do you're stupid beyond belief.

You've made it abundantly clear that you think freedom is "stupid beyond belief".
Come on, nutters! Tell us about how the science on smoking is not settled yet.

Surely, you all have personal anecdotes about how you know chain-smokers who lived to be 99 with healthy pink lungs till the end!

Lets have those stories.

Do you understand the difference between choosing to avoid something and forcing other people to do the same thing? Maybe we should make it illegal for anyone to have unprotected sex unless they are trying to get pregnant.

Better yet, we should ban all sex unless people have permission from the government to actually have children.

You are saddling me with shit I have not said. I am simply asking if there are nutters here who deny the science regarding the dangers of smoking.

I am not in favor of banning the practice. I am, however, in favor of the practice being looked down upon as incredibly fucking stupid.

Try to keep up.

I haven't saddled you with anything, asshole, you saddled yourself. You challenged everyone who mocked the OP, and did not once say that you had a problem with banning tobacco. If you were half as smart as you pretend you are you wouldn't need me to shove your disgusting face in the filth you spout in order to see it.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

So do you believe LSD and antibiotics ought to be unregulated, and the government in regulating these and other drugs is tyrannical?
If you do you're stupid beyond belief.

Funny how he didn't actually say that, isn't it?
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

What a silly question. Tobacco production and sale is legal because it generates huge amounts of money for the world's governments. A quick look at the WHO report for 2013 shows that federal tax revenues for tobacco for select large countries (those reporting in either US dollars, Euros, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, British pounds or Australian/New Zealand dollars) amounted to $150 billion in 2011 alone. That is not including several large countries (Russia, Brazil, etc) who report in their own currency (too much time to spend converting them all, even in Excel) and individual state and local governments (like the US states). So that is roughly a trillion dollars every five years or so from taxes on tobacco. Add in the economic activity generated from treatment of tobacco related illnesses (easily just as large as the tax revenues) and the savings in social programs for older citizens who conveniently die off young, and you may be talking about an economic impact that annually exceeds a trillion dollars. That's a lot of jobs and money that won't go down without a fight.
Here in NY, a pack of smokes is around $10.

If you're a pack a day smoker, that's like $300 a month, or the price of a new car. And not a piece of shit either but a good damn car.

So tell me again how smoking is not a stupid activity.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

because of the hypocrites in our govt and society who smoke and there is money being made.....
w/o health, nothing else matters. Now lets see a Randian or lolibertarian use their pretzel logic to deny that truism.
You Progs are the most lifeless, miserable people on the planet. You can't even give me one good reason why you're alive.

My grandfather was a 2 pack a day unfiltered Camel smoker. He lived a great, fun life. At the end he wanted to die in his hometown in Calabria. He made it as far as Rome. In the hospital he made the nurses turn off the Oxygen so he could smoke. That was a man. Compared to him, you're the Hot Cocoa Boy

great fun life"? while having his lifestyle contingent upon where & when the next highly- addictive cancer stick was coming from?
Putting aside seriously diminished lung capacity, smoke infused & burnt clothing, etc...

Smoking, and the related illnesses that accompany it, are in the top tier of the most expensive end of life healthcare

I quit 2 yrs ago Frank57 [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] I decided that I wasn't going to go out by my own hands (smoking is basically slow suicide)
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(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

NOT when the costs are foisted upon the rest of us Skippy :eusa_hand: End of life care for life-long smokers is fraught w/ complications ($$$)
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

NOT when the costs are foisted upon the rest of us Skippy :eusa_hand: End of life care for life-long smokers is fraught w/ complications ($$$)

When the costs are foisted on the rest of us, you can bitch. Not before. Our justice system is built on the presumption of innocence.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?


I knew you were stupid, I just had no idea how stupid you are. Tell me something, what affect was there on the production and sale of marijuana after it became a schedule 1 drug? Would it help if I included a chart?


Prohibition is the one thing that never works, yet you want to use it just because you don't like the choices people make. Want to tell me again how you support Obamacare because it is all about freedom?

Well, I know you're an asshole as well as a coward. But let's leave the personal attacks aside (that'll shut you up) and consider the difference between MJ and tobacco. First of all tobacco is addictive, most users are chronic users, smoking everyday; serious diseases are the proved outcome. Disease which is rarely cured and requires expensive medical intervention. It is legal and easily procured and in backward communities socially acceptable.

MJ is legal for recreational use in two states. It is habitual and does not create a tolerance in the user, so that more and more does not need to be used to achieve the same effect. Some of the money spent outside of the black market, that is in Wash. St. and Colorado, is set aside to provide counseling and treatment for those who become habitual users of MJ or addicted to AOD (alcohol or other drugs).

ALL drugs should be legal. The only thing we should worry about is their criminal misuse. If you drive drunk or stoned, you go to prison. End of story. If you get drunk or stoned in your home who cares.

All prohibition does is make something that would otherwise be cheap, expensive, which leads to ever more crime and onerous drug laws that abrogate the Constitutional protections we enjoy.
(would anyone reading this trade good health for poor health?)!

Recent statistics in TV Advertising states one in five of us will die from the use of tobacco. So what life threatening disease is caused by the use of tobacco?

1. Cancers (not only Lung);

2. Heart Disease


4. High Blood Pressure


Why is the production and sale of tobacco legal? Why is tobacco not a Schedule I drug?

Because a person's health is private property.

NOT when the costs are foisted upon the rest of us Skippy :eusa_hand: End of life care for life-long smokers is fraught w/ complications ($$$)

I have a solution to that, repeal Obamacare.

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