There is nothing more regressive than progressives

The left continues to degenerate into uncivilized, Neanderthal behavior. From violence, destruction of property, and looting to changing, showering, and using the bathroom with members of the opposite sex, to this latest gem - sending a giant vagina to the President of the United States under an immature, idiotic, and repulsive movement dubbed #ReadMyLips.

Think about his for a moment folks - can you imagine if Hitlery Clinton had been elected President of the United States and conservatives sent her a giant cock from a movement called #SuckOnThis? There would be absolute outrage. The left would claim it is demeaning, sexist behavior from "old, white people" incapable of change. This is disgusting beyond words and astoundingly disrespectful to the office of the presidency.

‘Classy’ Women Try to Send Giant Vagina to White House
Idiotic left-wing policy continues to illegally throw tax payer dollars at failed left-wing ideology. And it never helps. Solyndra received half a billion dollars and still went out of business. And this solar company received almost a quarter of a billion dollars and still went out of business as well. There simply are not enough subsidies in the world to keep the failed left-wing ideology afloat.

Largest US Solar Panel Maker Files for Bankruptcy After Receiving $206 Million in Subsidies
Nothing generates unemployment like failed left wing policy...
  • The board of trustees announced that Mills is currently running a $9 million yearly operating deficit.
  • The $9 million shortfall is about 16% of the school’s 2017 budget of $57 million.
  • The budgetary crisis will cause professors and administrators to lose their jobs, trustees said.
This is what happens when one ignores science, biology, and reason for a bizarre ideology.

First Women's College To Admit Transgender Dudes Declares Financial Emergency
Nothing generates unemployment like failed left-wing policy...
According to Eurostat, Spain’s overall unemployment rate is currently at 18.2%. And the country’s youth unemployment rate is more than 40%. Since the start of Spain’s financial crisis in 2008, it has become exceedingly common for children to remain at home into their 30s.
Spain sure as hell isn't using the conservative capitalism playbook. Neither is Greece - which collapsed. The ignorance of the left is astounding. No matter how many times their communist utopia collapses, they come back demanding more.

‘Lazy’ adult woman sues her parents for refusing to continue to support her financially
This is what left-wing policy results in. Dumbed-down, ignorant, indoctrinated minions who constantly lower the bar. Progressives once again regressing society...

This piece of shit should be brought up on charges if anyone actually attacks ICE agents or riots. Brought up on charges for inciting violence/riots and permanently removed from office.
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti...said that ignoring criminal behavior will somehow make the city safer and encouraged illegal aliens to both riot and attack ICE agents in opposition to normal immigration enforcement.
This is how disgusting and disturbed the left has become. Their "leaders" have no civility, no decency, and no ideas. All they have is violence.

LA Mayor Encourages Illegal Aliens To Riot And Attack ICE Agents
This piece of shit should be brought up on charges if anyone actually attacks ICE agents or riots. Brought up on charges for inciting violence/riots and permanently removed from office.
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti...said that ignoring criminal behavior will somehow make the city safer and encouraged illegal aliens to both riot and attack ICE agents in opposition to normal immigration enforcement.
This is how disgusting and disturbed the left has become. Their "leaders" have no civility, no decency, and no ideas. All they have is violence.

LA Mayor Encourages Illegal Aliens To Riot And Attack ICE Agents
I didn't see you protesting the beating of peaceful American protesters in front of the Turkish embassy by illegal aliens in the employ of their thug leader.
An African-American liberal Democrat just undresses the hypocrisy of the liberal ideology and what it has morphed into...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
If you're going to act like a racist and talk like a racist, then you're going to be called a racist. However, whether you're on a college campus or at this very website, I do not support anyone being banned. I don't silence anyone's speech.

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