There is nothing more regressive than progressives

It's such a shame that the left doesn't understand even basic economics...
  • Why didn’t she leave Hardee’s? No one forced Wise to stay with Hardee’s for 21 years without a significant raise.
  • She could have switched jobs to somewhere her talents would have been recognized and/or she could have pursued additional training to be a more attractive candidate for jobs that required more skills and paid more.
  • Underlying Wise’s argument is the thesis that any full-time job, regardless of how few skills it requires, should pay enough for an adult to be self-supporting and, with a partner’s salary, raise children.
  • In addition, not everyone who is looking for work needs to be able to support themselves and a family. When I was 15 and working my first summer at Burger King, I knew I needed some money—and I also knew a first (non-babysitting) job would give me valuable skills. In fact, a lot of minimum wage workers are in a similar situation. But raising the minimum wage could have the effect of eliminating jobs—which would make it harder for teens and young adults to get that crucial first job, which often helps them get the next better paid job.
This Minimum Wage Story Shows the Left’s Troubling Mindset
You know it's pretty bad when University of Cal professors are talking about how the left is desperately trying to destroy humanity....

Here are left-wing hatriot "progressives" regressing society into an uncivilized, barbaric society. It sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
Left-wing policy creating epic failure yet again. The fact that these people think more government is the key to success is freaking hilarious:

"Employees from Gallaudet University, a Washington D.C. school for the deaf, had filed a complaint with the Justice Department about Berkeley’s vast library of content being unavailable for consumption by those with hearing disabilities. The Justice Department investigated, and found that the content was indeed violating the law, and ordered that the university make the material more friendly for the deaf.

Going through all this content and adding the necessary material to bring this content up to par would have been extremely time consuming and expensive. So it was that the university decided to just delete all the free public content."

As is always the case - the people (hatriots) who cry the loudest about the problem (lack of free education) are the one's who created the problem in the first place.

Government over-regulation forces university to delete 20,000 free online educational videos
On some issues like feminism, hatred of the family and opposition to GMO's, nuclear energy and the inability to hit the trouble maker I'll agree. Somethings about the progressive platform is really dumb.

Other issues on the other hand I do agree with progressives on! It just means that I am a thinker and don't toe the line.
On some issues like feminism, hatred of the family and opposition to GMO's, nuclear energy and the inability to hit the trouble maker I'll agree. Somethings about the progressive platform is really dumb.

Other issues on the other hand I do agree with progressives on! It just means that I am a thinker and don't toe the line.
I'm impressed Matt! I think President Trump is having a profound effect on you. Ever since he was elected, you have really started to come around.
The numbers speak for themselves. Nothing creates failure like left-wing policy...

Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’

Near where I live the liberals have over property taxed us to widen roads for bike lanes when I never see bicycles on the bike lanes. I asked my friend what is up with that? In all seriousness he said that is progress and I said that is regress.
Near where I live the liberals have over property taxed us to widen roads for bike lanes when I never see bicycles on the bike lanes. I asked my friend what is up with that? In all seriousness he said that is progress and I said that is regress.
The funny thing is, when you ask these left-wing nutjobs to define "progress" they can't do it. They want change for the sake of change.
I haven't been this happy since the American people told Hitlery Clinton to go home and not come back. Target is in serious trouble because they believed that catering to the left-wing hatriots would earn them business. Apparently their CEO skipped business school. Catering to those who mooch off of government to keep your business afloat is a bad strategy.

So glad to see the American people not only reject this insanity, but also make a private corporation pay the price for attempting to facilitate it.

Amid Stock Price Crash, Target Corp. Announces Store Re-Design - Breitbart
Boom! I called it!!! A left-winger fully affirms it...



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