There is nothing more regressive than progressives

Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
Patriot, I bet you got a huge Stalinist tingle up your leg when Trump threatened to imprison and revoke the citizenship of flag burners.

That is, your DearLeaderTrump is an open Stalinist. Sucks for you. You know he's a Stalinist, but TheParty forbids you from criticizing DearLeader in any way, so you're forced to love his Stalinism.

Now, I'm sure your party has fed you some propaganda to answer that with. We've certainly seen how adept you are at posting it. So go get that piece which explains why Trump's Stalinism there is okay. We'll wait. If your masters haven't written it yet, find some way to deflect. Maybe try your usual crying thing.
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Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’

Do you have any clue what industrial conditions were like in the 1800's?

Apparently not.
And here are progressives regressing our education in society...
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
And that was back when I went to high school in 2006.

It has gotten much worse.
Slavery = full employment.

That is the right's view of economics.
Uh....what? That is the view of the left. Who believe that holding a job is "oppression" and "slavery" and that the American people owe them money to sit at home.

Project much, NYqueer???
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015
Even the EPA was finally forced to admit that fracking is completely safe (and because progressives live to rewrite history - it is important to note that this was the EPA under the control of Barack Obama).

Just think of the jobs, tax revenues, affordable energy, and wealth that could have been created over the past 8 years, during which Obama and the Dumbocrats obstructed progress out of their greed to grow the green energy sector that they are so heavily invested in.

EPA Finds No Widespread Water Pollution From Fracking
For all of those "Fight for $15" minimum wage nitwits who do not understand basic economics:


Two Minimum Wage Charts for Andy Puzder
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...

Yeah, that's exactly what is going on, if you have your head right in the ground.
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...

Yeah, that's exactly what is going on, if you have your head right in the ground.
Now that we have another progressive for a president, you can bitch about him also.
Another example of progressive policy regressing an entire nation back more than 100 years. They can't even keep their automobiles running thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. How poetic that the Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket broke down. It had to be pushed the rest of the way. :lmao:

Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket breaks down
If there was ever indisputable proof of the failure of left-wing policy, this little gem is it. Freaking hilarious... :lol:
  • A “Marxist” “collectivist” “worker-run” restaurant in Grand Rapids, Michigan, closed its doors this week after customers complained that they could no longer tolerate the bizarre hours, high prices and long lines.
  • It turns out, in a shocking revelation to the store’s management, that those Soviet bread lines were a bug, not a feature of Communism.
Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes Down
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good." - Thomas Sowell
Another example of progressive policy regressing an entire nation back more than 100 years. They can't even keep their automobiles running thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. How poetic that the Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket broke down. It had to be pushed the rest of the way. :lmao:

Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket breaks down
Yeah, we all know cars don't break down in America. USA! USA! USA!
Ever see a car carrying an American president (dead or alive) break down? Moron. Don't attempt to defend the indefensible. Cuba was transformed into a third-world shit-hole thanks to left-wing policy. It doesn't work. It has never worked. All progressivism does is collapse nations and ensure everyone is "equal" in poverty and misery.
This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
Another example of progressive policy regressing an entire nation back more than 100 years. They can't even keep their automobiles running thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. How poetic that the Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket broke down. It had to be pushed the rest of the way. :lmao:

Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket breaks down
Yeah, we all know cars don't break down in America. USA! USA! USA!
Ever see a car carrying an American president (dead or alive) break down? Moron. Don't attempt to defend the indefensible. Cuba was transformed into a third-world shit-hole thanks to left-wing policy. It doesn't work. It has never worked. All progressivism does is collapse nations and ensure everyone is "equal" in poverty and misery.
President Obama's limo breaks down at Israeli airport - Washington Times

Must be the left-wing policy.
Another example of progressive policy regressing an entire nation back more than 100 years. They can't even keep their automobiles running thanks to idiotic left-wing policy. How poetic that the Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket broke down. It had to be pushed the rest of the way. :lmao:

Jeep carrying Fidel Castro's casket breaks down
Yeah, we all know cars don't break down in America. USA! USA! USA!
Ever see a car carrying an American president (dead or alive) break down? Moron. Don't attempt to defend the indefensible. Cuba was transformed into a third-world shit-hole thanks to left-wing policy. It doesn't work. It has never worked. All progressivism does is collapse nations and ensure everyone is "equal" in poverty and misery.
President Obama's limo breaks down at Israeli airport - Washington Times

Must be the left-wing policy.
Hey.....what do you know....a progressive creating fake news. Directly from your link, liar:

"CNN reported that the president’s “Beast” limo malfunctioned after it was fueled with gasoline rather than diesel fuel."

The automobile did not break down. Some idiot filled a Diesel engine with gasoline. Guess what happens when a Diesel engine attempts to run on gasoline? It was human error and had nothing to do with the U.S.'s ability to keep our vehicles running properly due to extreme poverty (though not for trying by Obama and the Dumbocrats).

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