There is nothing more regressive than progressives

You put Betsy DeVos in charge of schools and expect us to believe you care about colleges?
Betsy DeVos? The educated, highly qualified female trying to restore constitutional government? Yes. It's a shame that the left is still made up of misogynist pigs who are appalled every time a woman is appointed to a high profile position.
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...

The liberals of today are communists. They dislike freedom of speech and other freedoms. They want us disarmed. They want to control media in order to feed us whatever information they deem necessary. They want population control. They are destroying the moral fabric of society and encouraging more government dependence. They are dumbing down students and trying to usurp any parental influence. The liberals of today are not liberal at all. They are not progressive. They are oppressive and controlling, just like commie dictators.
Betsy DeVos? The educated, highly qualified female trying to restore constitutional government? Yes. It's a shame that the left is still made up of misogynist pigs who are appalled every time a woman is appointed to a high profile position.
What's constitutional about deconstructing our entire school system?
Ep....never mind what I said about you being a "rare" leftist. :rolleyes:
I don't censor the racist. I just call a spade, a spade. You're an absolute lunatic if you think you can act like a racist and talk like a racist, but expect people not to treat you as a racist.

If you don't understand this concept, trust me, you will when you grow up. Because here in adultworld, it's called being accountable for ones own actions.
Just remember, gang, there are "progressives" (regressives) and then there are traditional liberals.

The regressives are what traditional liberals used to fight against - narcissistic, intolerant, elitist, hateful, authoritarian and incurious.
You put Betsy DeVos in charge of schools and expect us to believe you care about colleges?
Betsy DeVos? The educated, highly qualified female trying to restore constitutional government? Yes. It's a shame that the left is still made up of misogynist pigs who are appalled every time a woman is appointed to a high profile position.
She is a creationist who wants to build "God's Kingdom" through education. She has no role in being put in a public school role. Remember separation of church and state.
Remember separation of church and state.
As a matter of fact - I don't. Please cite for me again the Article and Section of the U.S. Constitution that dictates "separation of church & state". Oops...
She is a creationist who wants to build "God's Kingdom" through education.
Good! And I pray (pun intended) she's successful. It will be a tremendous lesson for you progressives as to why you shouldn't shred the U.S. Constitution and involve the federal government in education when no such power exists.

All of you thought the constitution was such a joke - to be mocked and then ignored. It bit you in the ass, big-time.
You're an absolute lunatic if you think you can act like a racist and talk like a racist, but expect people not to treat you as a racist.
The problem is that it is the left that acts like racists, talks like racists, and engages in violence against minorities like racists, but you accuse the right of being "racists".

Who fought to keep slavery? The left. Who created the KKK? The left. Who fought against the Civil Rights Act? The left. Who calls black conservatives "n*ggers" and "Uncle Tom's"? The left. You can't change reality by ignoring it and/or lying about it.
Remember separation of church and state.
As a matter of fact - I don't. Please cite for me again the Article and Section of the U.S. Constitution that dictates "separation of church & state". Oops...
"Separation of church and state" is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The phrase "separation of church and state" is generally traced to a January 1, 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper. Jefferson wrote,

“ "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."[1]
Jefferson was echoing the language of the founder of the first Baptist church in America, Roger Williams who had written in 1644,

“ "[A] hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world." ”
Article Six of the United States Constitution also specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
She is a creationist who wants to build "God's Kingdom" through education.
Good! And I pray (pun intended) she's successful. It will be a tremendous lesson for you progressives as to why you shouldn't shred the U.S. Constitution and involve the federal government in education when no such power exists.

All of you thought the constitution was such a joke - to be mocked and then ignored. It bit you in the ass, big-time.
The only shredding of the Constitution is by yahoos like you.
The problem is that it is the left that acts like racists, talks like racists, and engages in violence against minorities like racists, but you accuse the right of being "racists".

Who fought to keep slavery? The left. Who created the KKK? The left. Who fought against the Civil Rights Act? The left. Who calls black conservatives "n*ggers" and "Uncle Tom's"? The left. You can't change reality by ignoring it and/or lying about it.
You're trying to re-write history in your own image.
Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’
She is a creationist who wants to build "God's Kingdom" through education.
Good! And I pray (pun intended) she's successful. It will be a tremendous lesson for you progressives as to why you shouldn't shred the U.S. Constitution and involve the federal government in education when no such power exists.

All of you thought the constitution was such a joke - to be mocked and then ignored. It bit you in the ass, big-time.
The only shredding of the Constitution is by yahoos like you.
Oh look - another progressive resorting to the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense.

You're the idiot who supports a federal "Department of Education" dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports Social Security, dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports Obamacare, dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports outlawing firearms, dumb-ass. Not me.

Your side of the aisle has shredded the U.S. Constitution. My side has tried to repair it. President Trump is doing a damn good job so far of restoring what you destroyed.
She is a creationist who wants to build "God's Kingdom" through education.
Good! And I pray (pun intended) she's successful. It will be a tremendous lesson for you progressives as to why you shouldn't shred the U.S. Constitution and involve the federal government in education when no such power exists.

All of you thought the constitution was such a joke - to be mocked and then ignored. It bit you in the ass, big-time.
The only shredding of the Constitution is by yahoos like you.
Oh look - another progressive resorting to the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense.

You're the idiot who supports a federal "Department of Education" dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports Social Security, dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports Obamacare, dumb-ass. Not me. You're the idiot who supports outlawing firearms, dumb-ass. Not me.

Your side of the aisle has shredded the U.S. Constitution. My side has tried to repair it. President Trump is doing a damn good job so far of restoring what you destroyed.
Where does it say in the constitution that the people should not look after the sick, educate the children and take care of the old? I will save you the time. It doesn't. As for outlawing firearms. Where did I ever say that.

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