There Isn’t A Single State Where A federal Ban On Abortion Polls Higher Than 30%

Like I say, I cannot wait to see your reaction to Trump's victory. If he runs.
And like I say... can't wait to see you and the other trumptard's reaction when he does run and lose.

It will be fun to see wingnuts whining all over again!!!
I am afraid of all you nut-jobs. When retards like you invade the Capitol, try to kidnap legislatures, and hang the VP, I do get scared.
Not a hair on the chinny chin chin of any POL inside
the Capitol bldg. that day was touched.Let along tugged.
Nice try ... Booger brains.
And like I say... can't wait to see you and the other trumptard's reaction when he does run and lose.

It will be fun to see wingnuts whining all over again!!!
Lol, you won't be able to cheat next time. Anyway as it stands right now. Polls have trump 50% and Biden 36%. So get your pussy hat ready!
Not a hair on the chinny chin chin of any POL inside
the Capitol bldg. that day was touched.Let along tugged.
Nice try ... Booger brains.
So, we are back to the tourists having a good time storyline? That's the marching orders today?

So, the one about ANTIFA/FBI white flag has been shelved for the time being? Okay-dokey.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

I am not sure who's even talking about a federal ban on abortions.

This poll seems rather pointless.
I am afraid of all you nut-jobs. When retards like you invade the Capitol, try to kidnap legislatures, and hang the VP, I do get scared.
Hey Buttercup…….BOO!


Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

For a people convinced it's a winning issue democrats sure don't like to talk about it

I'll tell you a secret people

Issue polling is worthless, especially one like abortion where the line for more people is viability.....Which literally shifts earlier all the time

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

And we can tell how much you believe this by how horrified you are at the prospect of letting those "normal mainstream" Americans in those states vote on this issue.
Big deal. Like most polls, the wording is as much a factor as the results.
I'd be willing to bet I could get a poll where 70% would say an unborn child has the same right to life as everybody else encoded in our Bill of Rights
Polls mean next to nothing these days & rarely reflect reality

You can tell his poll is all about the wording by looking at his headline: "70% don't support a national abortion ban". Of course, that's not what anyone's proposing. Overturning Roe v. Wade would not do that. But leftists are invested in making their case by outright lying to people about it, which tells you everything you need to know about how much faith the left has in the popularity of what they want.
Actually, it might end up as a winning issue for the Dems. Hopefully, this will activate women who don't want to live in a Taliban state.

There are def going to be two Americas. One forward-looking America lets women have control over their bodies and the other is a virtual Taliban state that hates gays, women, minorities etc.

So glad you came along to mansplain to me what I should believe and think best for myself and my daughter and granddaughters.

I hate to break it to you, but all I really heard was echoes of asshole men trying to lie me into hooking up with them by convincing me that what they wanted was really in my interests.
So glad you came along to mansplain to me what I should believe and think best for myself and my daughter and granddaughters.

I hate to break it to you, but all I really heard was echoes of asshole men trying to lie me into hooking up with them by convincing me that what they wanted was really in my interests.
LOL Looks like someone discovered a new word "mansplain" and had to try it out!

Let me break it to you, sweetheart... my response was not addressed to you. You want to fuck, don't want to fuck...? I could care less. Now, fuck off.
LOL Looks like someone discovered a new word "mansplain" and had to try it out!

Let me break it to you, sweetheart... my response was not addressed to you. You want to fuck, don't want to fuck...? I could care less. Now, fuck off.

"LOL" Looks like someone thinks because he just noticed something, that means it was never there before.

I've been calling woman-hating incels like you trying to condescend to women "mansplainers" for a long time. Please take the fact that it only just came to your attention as proof that you're not very bright.

Let me break it to you, jagoff: this is a public message board. You post it here, you post it to everyone. You want to address it to one specific person, you put their name on it . . . and then you STILL live with the fact that this is a public board.

You can't handle that? Pull up your panties and deal with it anyway. I don't ask for permission to post to any fucking thing I want, and I certainly don't ask for it from the sad, beta-male likes of you.
You can tell his poll is all about the wording by looking at his headline: "70% don't support a national abortion ban". Of course, that's not what anyone's proposing. Overturning Roe v. Wade would not do that. But leftists are invested in making their case by outright lying to people about it, which tells you everything you need to know about how much faith the left has in the popularity of what they want.
Stop it already. The whole, "turn it over to the states" is nothing but a damn copout. Is abortion wrong or not? Does life start at conception or not? Flippin damn years, marching in the streets, intimidating patients at abortion clinics, and literally thousands of posts on this very messageboard--stop the killing of innocent babies. It is murder. And now, oh--we just want the decision turned over to the states.

Listened to the president of the National Right to Life Committee in an interview today. It was comical. She was asked about IUD's, they prevent the implantation of the embryo AFTER fertilization, you know, conception, that moment when life begins. Her response was women should talk to their doctors, and if the contraception method chosen worked in such a manner, just say no. Yeah, that was her response in a nut shell. What the hell, why did we go through all this shit. Damn, when it comes to abortion, just say no.

Look, you people look like you are going to get what you wanted, Roe overturned. So grab hold of it, ban abortions in ALL circumstances. Ban IUD's and the morning after pill. Don't suddenly put this train in reverse. Ban it on a federal level, I mean the whole state decision thing is a copout. Did you flippin people want to end abortion, or did you want to create an abortion tourism industry? The whole rape and incest exemption is a damn copout. If it is wrong, it is fawking wrong.

Sorry, but the reaction to this leak from the right and pro-life advocates has been both comical and enlightening.
"LOL" Looks like someone thinks because he just noticed something, that means it was never there before.

I've been calling woman-hating incels like you trying to condescend to women "mansplainers" for a long time. Please take the fact that it only just came to your attention as proof that you're not very bright.

Let me break it to you, jagoff: this is a public message board. You post it here, you post it to everyone. You want to address it to one specific person, you put their name on it . . . and then you STILL live with the fact that this is a public board.

You can't handle that? Pull up your panties and deal with it anyway. I don't ask for permission to post to any fucking thing I want, and I certainly don't ask for it from the sad, beta-male likes of you.
I think you are confused. First, it is extremely presumptuous for you to position yourself supporting eliminating "choice" for your daughters and grand-daughters. Second, this choice is being made, overwhelmingly, by men, and one woman who pretty much just stepped out of the Stepford Wives. Quite honestly, on the matter of abortion, every single male judge should recuse themselves because they are too stupid to make that type of decision. What the hell do they know about carrying and delivering a baby? I doubt few men are as experienced in child birth and labor as me, and I know, I am in no position to make such a decision for another woman, any other woman. Although I actually did over twenty years ago.

See, unlike all the other "pro-life" fanatics, I actually did something about it. Forced my ex-wife, with a court order, to carry a baby born out of wedlock to term, and then turn her over to me. Not my child, and the father testified on my behalf. That is what makes me sick about the pro-lifers. It is too damn easy to tell other people what they should do. When the time comes, we will be judged on what we did, not what we thought other people should do.
"LOL" Looks like someone thinks because he just noticed something, that means it was never there before.

I've been calling woman-hating incels like you trying to condescend to women "mansplainers" for a long time. Please take the fact that it only just came to your attention as proof that you're not very bright.

Let me break it to you, jagoff: this is a public message board. You post it here, you post it to everyone. You want to address it to one specific person, you put their name on it . . . and then you STILL live with the fact that this is a public board.

You can't handle that? Pull up your panties and deal with it anyway. I don't ask for permission to post to any fucking thing I want, and I certainly don't ask for it from the sad, beta-male likes of you.
Exactly right, sweetheart. This is a public message board. My post had nothing to do with "mansplaining" anything specific to you. For goodness sakes, I didn't even respond to you. You responded to me about complaining about "mansplaining." Idiot.

Next time, you want to address the content of my post - agree or disagree - I will respond civilly. Otherwise... fuck off.

You don't like it... tough. Next time think before posting. So in case, you didn't get it the first it is again... fuck off.
I think you are confused. First, it is extremely presumptuous for you to position yourself supporting eliminating "choice" for your daughters and grand-daughters. Second, this choice is being made, overwhelmingly, by men, and one woman who pretty much just stepped out of the Stepford Wives. Quite honestly, on the matter of abortion, every single male judge should recuse themselves because they are too stupid to make that type of decision. What the hell do they know about carrying and delivering a baby? I doubt few men are as experienced in child birth and labor as me, and I know, I am in no position to make such a decision for another woman, any other woman. Although I actually did over twenty years ago.

See, unlike all the other "pro-life" fanatics, I actually did something about it. Forced my ex-wife, with a court order, to carry a baby born out of wedlock to term, and then turn her over to me. Not my child, and the father testified on my behalf. That is what makes me sick about the pro-lifers. It is too damn easy to tell other people what they should do. When the time comes, we will be judged on what we did, not what we thought other people should do.
I understand your point. However, there are two issues regarding abortion, the Constitution and morality. The morality cannot be legislated.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

And you're a liar.

So what?

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