There Isn’t A Single State Where A federal Ban On Abortion Polls Higher Than 30%

2000 mules, please watch it Saturday at 8:00 eastern time.
Sure, if you pay me. Since I pity you retards, I'll make it cheap.

$100 for every minute you want me to waste on an old, re-hashed, debunked, hilarious, and idiotic movie. Deal?
So is your orange douche-bag. And yes, we will carry on. Not sure if you retards can recover, though. :itsok:
Lol, I'm going to love to see your reaction when he is your president again. Poll just came out and if it's Biden, Trump in 2024. Trump 50%, Biden 36%. Karma sucks, when you cheat.
Sure, if you pay me. Since I pity you retards, I'll make it cheap.

$100 for every minute you want me to waste on an old, re-hashed, debunked, hilarious, and idiotic movie. Deal?
It's all facts, got their cell phone records also got the security footage of them stuffing the ballots.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

A progressive think tank took a poll and the results followed their ideals. Sounds legit to me.
It's all facts, got their cell phone records also got the security footage of them stuffing the ballots.
Sure, it has. So, we have a deal?

You will send me $100 for every minute you want me to waste on an old, re-hashed, debunked, hilarious, and idiotic movie?
The key word in that headline is "try". It will be up to legislative process by politicians who can be voted out versus legislating from the bench by appointed jurist that cannot be accountable for their votes.

Rowe, in an attempt to bypass Congress (and the voters), created a mythical link between abortion and medical privacy. I predicted two years ago that the assault on medical privacy by overzealous COVID alarmists would destroy the idea of a Constitutional Right to medical privacy and erode the basis for Rowe v Wade. That prediction came true.

If, as you say, the voters are against abortion bans in every state, then you have nothing to worry about. Legislators that pass such laws will be voted out by their angry constituents.

But, at least it will be by the legislative checks and balances provided by The Constitution, and not by legislative fiat from an activist bench.

Good luck in the upcoming elections.
I am a little confused here. You seem to think that abortion should be banned through a legislative process and not by some legislative fiat from the bench. Yet is that not precisely what has happened? In at least thirteen states, and I seriously believe that is an underestimate, abortion will be immediately banned when that order is signed and filed. Plans were it to be the last day of the courts session as all the judges fled town with their tails between their legs like a dog that just took a big shit on your sofa.

The ban will be the result of trigger laws, and yes, some of them were recently passed by state legislators. But in South Carolina, it is a law that goes back to 1931. Pretty sure most everyone that voted for those legislators are dead. It was not the current legislators that will have banned abortion, it is those judges on the SCOTUS. Judicial activism on the highest level.

Honestly, I think it is damn comical. The ruling is prematurely released and what do Republicans do, scream and bitch about the leak. I mean the very last thing they want to do is claim victory, they will have set the path to banning abortion. Hell, they never wanted to do that in the first place. They just wanted to talk about it to get votes from gullible people. Now, as my Dad would say, their mouths have overloaded their assholes. The SCOTUS has just pinned them in a corner. For decades, the Republican party hid behind the SCOTUS, oh yeah, we want to ban abortions but we can't. Just vote for us and we will appoint judges that will use judicial activism and give us a means of banning abortion. Then they pull those appointees into their office and insist they proclaim Roe v. Wade is settled law. Except Trump's appointees FLIPPIN LIED.

And there is where you will find the leaker. One of the Trump appointees or a member of their staff. Longer tenured members of the court were probably having second thoughts realizing what a shit storm they were about to unleash. The leak has effectively boxed them in. And when the ruling is released, as written, it will be a watershed moment in American history, and the death knell of the Republican party.
Sure, it has. So, we have a deal?

You will send me $100 for every minute you want me to waste on an old, re-hashed, debunked, hilarious, and idiotic movie?
No, we know you chose to remain ignorant. I've only seen the trailer, but it proves you guys cheated. With actual footage.
I am a little confused here. You seem to think that abortion should be banned through a legislative process and not by some legislative fiat from the bench. Yet is that not precisely what has happened? In at least thirteen states, and I seriously believe that is an underestimate, abortion will be immediately banned when that order is signed and filed. Plans were it to be the last day of the courts session as all the judges fled town with their tails between their legs like a dog that just took a big shit on your sofa.

The ban will be the result of trigger laws, and yes, some of them were recently passed by state legislators. But in South Carolina, it is a law that goes back to 1931. Pretty sure most everyone that voted for those legislators are dead. It was not the current legislators that will have banned abortion, it is those judges on the SCOTUS. Judicial activism on the highest level.

Honestly, I think it is damn comical. The ruling is prematurely released and what do Republicans do, scream and bitch about the leak. I mean the very last thing they want to do is claim victory, they will have set the path to banning abortion. Hell, they never wanted to do that in the first place. They just wanted to talk about it to get votes from gullible people. Now, as my Dad would say, their mouths have overloaded their assholes. The SCOTUS has just pinned them in a corner. For decades, the Republican party hid behind the SCOTUS, oh yeah, we want to ban abortions but we can't. Just vote for us and we will appoint judges that will use judicial activism and give us a means of banning abortion. Then they pull those appointees into their office and insist they proclaim Roe v. Wade is settled law. Except Trump's appointees FLIPPIN LIED.

And there is where you will find the leaker. One of the Trump appointees or a member of their staff. Longer tenured members of the court were probably having second thoughts realizing what a shit storm they were about to unleash. The leak has effectively boxed them in. And when the ruling is released, as written, it will be a watershed moment in American history, and the death knell of the Republican party.
Stop standing in the way of Democracy you fascist fuck
No, we know you chose to remain ignorant. I've only seen the trailer, but it proves you guys cheated. With actual footage.
:dunno: That's my offer. You want me to waste my time on an idiotic movie that will soon be forgotten? Pay me.

Btw, how's the pillow guy doing? Is he planning another of his 3-day marathon sessions where he blows smokes that you retards suck up? :auiqs.jpg:
:dunno: That's my offer. You want me to waste my time on an idiotic movie that will soon be forgotten? Pay me.

Btw, how's the pillow guy doing? Is he planning another of his 3-day marathon sessions where he blows smokes that you retards suck up? :auiqs.jpg:
He just sells pillows dude. You must have a pathetic existence to be afraid of pillows and vaginas.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

The draft SCOTUS decision does not outlaw abortion. It gives the power to decide this divisive issue back to the states. In fact, it says the Fed can't make abortion legal or illegal. In short, it propels Democracy...

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

“Data for Progress”? Bwhahaha!

Even if that were true, then you shouldn’t be worried at all. Issue returned to the states, and those politicians will keep things the same, or get voted out ….
:dunno: That's my offer. You want me to waste my time on an idiotic movie that will soon be forgotten? Pay me.

Btw, how's the pillow guy doing? Is he planning another of his 3-day marathon sessions where he blows smokes that you retards suck up? :auiqs.jpg:
Like I say, I cannot wait to see your reaction to Trump's victory. If he runs.
He just sells pillows dude. You must have a pathetic existence to be afraid of pillows and vaginas.
I am afraid of all you nut-jobs. When retards like you invade the Capitol, try to kidnap legislatures, and hang the VP, I do get scared.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Hopefully Not the same kind of deplorably wrong
Data that was either never forthcoming or just
skewed from places like the Known Corrupt CDC
and of course Lying thugs like the Cuomo brothers.
Reminscent of Barack Obama telling Bill O'Reilly
on Fox { Super Bowl Presidential Interview } when asked
about his IRS.
Obama proudly proclaiming ...
"Not a smidgen of corruption ".
When the IRS Investigation was still ongoing.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Thee is no Federal ban on abortion.

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