There Isn’t A Single State Where A federal Ban On Abortion Polls Higher Than 30%

You were not right, you were stupid and childish and tried to parse the difference between a trigger law and legislations saying they would immediately move to restrict abortion. You embarrass yourself as anyone can read and see for themselves.

Think of that. That was your big point you are prancing like a peacock over. How embarrassing for you.
You said 28 states would immediately outlaw abortions.

You lied.
You were not right, you were stupid and childish and tried to parse the difference between a trigger law and legislations saying they would immediately move to restrict abortion. You embarrass yourself as anyone can read and see for themselves.

Think of that. That was your big point you are prancing like a peacock over. How embarrassing for you.
The only one that should be embarrassed is you and yet you are not smart enough to realize how fucking stupid you are but the rest of us do. Continue your mindless trolling Cletus, we all understand.
The only one that should be embarrassed is you and yet you are not smart enough to realize how fucking stupid you are but the rest of us do. Continue your mindless trolling Cletus, we all understand.
haha, your big point was parsing the difference between a trigger law and legislators moving immediately to restrict abortion.

You contributed literally nothing, made no useful point, and had your usual hissy fit anyway. Embarrassing.
haha, your big point was parsing the difference between a trigger law and legislators moving immediately to restrict abortion.

You contributed literally nothing, made no useful point, and had your usual hissy fit anyway. Embarrassing.
You got caught being lazy, live with you big baby.
what I would do has nothing to do with what Congress and the President will do retard.
Now let think for a second and the left is proclaiming that Abortion will be banned on the Federal Level after the overturning of Roe vs Wade, so can someone tell why Pelosi, Schumer and Biden would do this?

Let say the GOP take back the House and Senate in 2022 the issue with the left theory is they believe Biden will sign it into law…

Now let say they ( GOP ) get the House, Senate and Oval Office in 2024 I still believe those like Collins, Romney and a few other GOP members will not allow a law to be passed, so can someone explain how this law would even make it with all that blocking it?
The thread is about a Federal Ban, so read what you are responding to or admit you are just a partisan whore parroting as usual!
So what, retard? Do you want to take away my rights to post what I want? How nazi of you!
Other than two people every racist I've met was a leftist. Why do you think they speak racism so often, like yourself? Why do they preach everyone needs to be woke educated?

Because they feel because if they have racist tendencies everyone else must, it's projection.
So, you only meet racists? You may want to get out more. I hardly ever come across racists. Guess, like attracts like. :itsok:

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Data for progress, yeah, that sounds like an unbiased org. LMAO

That said, I haven't heard of anyone talking about a federal ban on abortion. You freaks always go to the absurd to try to muddy the waters. Fucking commies.

what I would do has nothing to do with what Congress and the President will do retard.
Yes dummy, I know. I am just saying your behavior is bizarre. Embarrass yourself by saying dumb things to defend against something you support 100%. Bizarre, for a grown man. And you have plenty of company in this bizarre behavior.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

You're one of those indoctrinated instead of educated kids.
Actually, it might end up as a winning issue for the Dems. Hopefully, this will activate women who don't want to live in a Taliban state.

There are def going to be two Americas. One forward-looking America lets women have control over their bodies and the other is a virtual Taliban state that hates gays, women, minorities etc.
In our America women will be respected. In your America they are cheated out of everything. Just ask the swim team.
Again -- pay attention this time-- I didn't say it. The GOP cultists in the state legislatures said it. I will take them at their word. And you can sit here and keep playing with yourself, thinking you have a point other than the one on top of your head.
You are a real ego, can’t admit that you fucked up, got it.

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