There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

If I'm going to be buying dinner for the poor I think I should have a say in what's acceptable to buy and what's not. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to buy steak or anything nice, but I do think they shouldn't be able to buy a bunch of chips, soda and candy. There's an obesity epidemic in the country, particularly among the poor, and I don't want my money to make it worse. With my taxed income I want people to be buying healthy foods that help facilitate healthy lifestyles. If people are really in such rough shape that they need that kind of help they should be more than happy to just buy the things they actually need with it.
And so YOU should be called on to tell other people what to do? Yet you're probably a rightwing nut who thinks govt should't tell anyone what to do.

When you picture a food stamp recipient, of which ethnicity is the person in your imagination?
There are plenty near my office within walking distance but the convenience store is just that, more convenient. When you aren’t actually paying for the food, the convenience factor wins out.
Not remotely true
Major food markets have abandoned the inner city
The profit isn’t there and large space costs too much.

Inner city shoppers usually use smaller bodegas
And so YOU should be called on to tell other people what to do? Yet you're probably a rightwing nut who thinks govt should't tell anyone what to do.

When you picture a food stamp recipient, of which ethnicity is the person in your imagination?
You're unworthy right now. Make a better post and I might change my mind.
They’re leaving a job open for someone who actually wants to work and be productive.
Many workers are refusing the lower-tier jobs because of abusive conditions and low pay. Should they be forced to work? Then... just how have we advanced from the Medieval period?

Perhaps we could institute a feudal contract for people on govt aid, would you like that?
You're unworthy right now. Make a better post and I might change my mind.
You're an insulting smart mouth, but in person you stutter and look at your shoes.

You post nothing, only insult... shall we discuss your worthiness or lack thereof, little boy?
Junk food is less expensive then nutritious food is. That's why people buy it.

Not really. They buy it because they are lazy and don't want to prepare the food. I see them all the time with their TV dinners that you only have to pop into the oven for a half-hour.

I made sloppy joe's yesterday. A pound and a half of beef, a can of Manwich, and two packs of hamburger buns. I'll be eating sloppy joe's until Thursday.
no,, leave them the fuck alone,,

all subsidies from the federal government should end NOW!!!
In other words, let them starve. Why don't you say what you really mean instead of cloaking it in kkkonnedservative bulldooky, eh?

And do you object to govt subsidies for agribiz and other corporate sectors?

And you are hunting? Progressives? Care to try that, fascist traitor boy? You're advocating murder. You think we progressives can't use guns. I'm from West Virginia, fool. You better check yourself, punk.
Right. Much of the country is classified as "food desert". And the food available is poor quality and under-priced.

Our corporate-capitalist system does a poor job of serving the people.
Do you think the loss of a bag of Snickers is going to push somebody into starvation in the United States? Shall we discuss starvation statistics in this country?
not sure about your town but here in the kc metro there are huge stores in the poor neighborhoods due to EBT cause thats where the majority of the money is at,,
That is not true in any urban area i've seen, and given the nonsense you post, I have to assume you're lying.
If I'm going to be buying dinner for the poor I think I should have a say in what's acceptable to buy and what's not. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to buy steak or anything nice, but I do think they shouldn't be able to buy a bunch of chips, soda and candy. There's an obesity epidemic in the country, particularly among the poor, and I don't want my money to make it worse. With my taxed income I want people to be buying healthy foods that help facilitate healthy lifestyles. If people are really in such rough shape that they need that kind of help they should be more than happy to just buy the things they actually need with it.
....I agree-except for nice family never bought steaks/etc and we were not on food stamps ....we were grateful for what we had
.....good call on obesity !!!!! that's why so many are dying of covid ...and obesity is a major health problem without covid
Do you think the loss of a bag of Snickers is going to push somebody into starvation in the United States? Shall we discuss starvation statistics in this country?
You obviously know nothing about this issue. There are many areas where people are underfed, and often the only food they have easy access to is of the "empty calorie" sort, which of course leads to obesity.

In my home state of WV there are large areas with no decent source of food anywhere nearby. And I'm also familiar with South-Central L.A. where despite being urban also has a shortage of food sources. That's the way it is in this country.

It's tedious hearing people who know nothing about poor communities pontificate about what poor people should do. Mind your own damned business.
....I agree-except for nice family never bought steaks/etc and we were not on food stamps ....we were grateful for what we had
.....good call on obesity !!!!! that's why so many are dying of covid ...and obesity is a major health problem without covid
Without the EBT program and school lunches we'd have a lot of hungry children in this country. The system created this situation, it is not the fault of the victims, contrary to the way RepubliQans "think".

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