There will be a recession if Democrats win the White House


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

There will be one before-markets, stock AND job, can be manipulated.
The economy goes from prosperity to recessionary to prosperity regardless of which party is the WH or Congress. It is a cycle that operates continuous.
It doesn't matter who wins or loses the next election, we are going to be headed for a recession, the cycle is about up and it will be a tough recession.

All booms and busts cycle and party in power means little to the cycle.
I sure hope we don't have a great recession like we had in 08 next year!!
It doesn't matter who wins or loses the next election, we are going to be headed for a recession, the cycle is about up and it will be a tough recession...........

Of course it matters!! If the inevitable does happen, you want a business man in the oval office, not some socialist freak
It's cyclical. It's going to happen regardless. Trump is just helping it along with his bullshit with China.
It doesn't matter who wins or loses the next election, we are going to be headed for a recession, the cycle is about up and it will be a tough recession...........

Of course it matters!! If the inevitable does happen, you want a business man in the oval office, not some socialist freak
Not one like Trump that just declares bankruptcy, renegs on payments then moves on to his next inevitable disaster.
ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

Like some of us have been sayin you may get one either way

Ive been saying since im a member the global economy was already on thin ice ....and we we're the only real game in town for the time being .
Trump had nothing to do with it ...he just turned up the pain a lil
It's cyclical. It's going to happen regardless. Trump is just helping it along with his bullshit with China.

WRONG!! It's cyclical and it's going to happen regardless, but Trump policies are GREAT for the economy.
It doesn't matter who wins or loses the next election, we are going to be headed for a recession, the cycle is about up and it will be a tough recession...........

Of course it matters!! If the inevitable does happen, you want a business man in the oval office, not some socialist freak

Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times, and he is bound and determined to do the same to the US.
Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times........

He did not bankrupt his companies you ignorant retard. He used bankruptcy laws as tools for restructuring, just like many corporations do. Don't talk about things that you are too retarded to understand.
There will be a recession no matter what. The only question is if it is before or after the election. The election will have no impact on it whatsoever.
Largely because of Trump's friggin economic policies
Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times........

He did not bankrupt his companies you ignorant retard. He used bankruptcy laws as tools for restructuring, just like many corporations do. Don't talk about things that you are too retarded to understand.

Actually he did bankrupt a number of them.

In fact every single company he ever started on his own has gone out of business.
Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times........

He did not bankrupt his companies you ignorant retard. He used bankruptcy laws as tools for restructuring, just like many corporations do. Don't talk about things that you are too retarded to understand.

Actually he did bankrupt a number of them.

In fact every single company he ever started on his own has gone out of business.
How does anyone bankrupt a gambling casino?
Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times........

He did not bankrupt his companies you ignorant retard. He used bankruptcy laws as tools for restructuring, just like many corporations do. Don't talk about things that you are too retarded to understand.

Read and be disgusted, he did not restructure. He made sure he paid himself well, too well.
who'd he stiff, banks, contractors and people who worked for him.

The Details About the 6 Donald Trump Corporate Bankruptcies
It's cyclical. It's going to happen regardless. Trump is just helping it along with his bullshit with China.

The trade war with China won’t make a difference. Both countries need each other, they go into a recession, we will go into a recession and if we go into a recession they go into a recession. Their needs to be fair trade that will benefit both sides.

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