There will be a recession if Democrats win the White House

That's not what I said, put the coke spoon down.

I hate Democrats, make a note. Its a good old fashion to the core hate. A pox be upon them.
Good Likewise I despise Republicans

You are a closet conservative you don't have me fooled Eddie. Why don't you join team Trump and travel with us into 2020 for the big win.

But I thought conservatives didn't like socialism?

I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.
ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

LOL The indicators for a slow down in the economy are already in play. Don't try to CYA and trumps by blaming the D's now when they won't take office intil 2021; and the economy will remain the result of trump's incompetence until 2022.
I hate Democrats, make a note. Its a good old fashion to the core hate. A pox be upon them.
Good Likewise I despise Republicans

You are a closet conservative you don't have me fooled Eddie. Why don't you join team Trump and travel with us into 2020 for the big win.

But I thought conservatives didn't like socialism?

I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:
Good Likewise I despise Republicans

You are a closet conservative you don't have me fooled Eddie. Why don't you join team Trump and travel with us into 2020 for the big win.

But I thought conservatives didn't like socialism?

I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.
You are a closet conservative you don't have me fooled Eddie. Why don't you join team Trump and travel with us into 2020 for the big win.

But I thought conservatives didn't like socialism?

I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.

So, do something about it win an election if you can. Oh wait the Dem 2020 candidates :auiqs.jpg:
But I thought conservatives didn't like socialism?

I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.

So, do something about it win an election if you can. Oh wait the Dem 2020 candidates :auiqs.jpg:

It's going to be a close election no matter who wins, but please be complacent.
I'll do your thinking for you, you suck at it.

Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.

So, do something about it win an election if you can. Oh wait the Dem 2020 candidates :auiqs.jpg:

It's going to be a close election no matter who wins, but please be complacent.

No we are going to cheat again.
No economist worth their salt puts the blame on Democrats. You guys will continue to vote for deregulation and then blame poor people.

What are you babbling about stupid, where has deregulation hurt the poor? Like you even care about them spare is your faux concern. :eusa_hand:

That's not what I said, put the coke spoon down.

I hate Democrats, make a note. Its a good old fashion to the core hate. A pox be upon them.
Good Likewise I despise Republicans

You are a closet conservative you don't have me fooled Eddie. Why don't you join team Trump and travel with us into 2020 for the big win.
e's got a few things can go along with and dems have a few things 'm against but I can't tolerate the man in
Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.

So, do something about it win an election if you can. Oh wait the Dem 2020 candidates :auiqs.jpg:

It's going to be a close election no matter who wins, but please be complacent.

No we are going to cheat again.
asking russia again?
Are you OK with Trump creating a problem and then taking your money and giving it to someone else to appease that group? It's cynical, it's also socialism.

We love it. :eusa_dance:

I have no doubt you're a hypocrite.

So, do something about it win an election if you can. Oh wait the Dem 2020 candidates :auiqs.jpg:

It's going to be a close election no matter who wins, but please be complacent.

No we are going to cheat again.

Probably are. But it'd be nice if Trump could just win a plurality of the vote, especially since he can't do it on his own.
ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

There will be a recession regardless of who occupies massa's mansion.
I see the op is setting up for a recession because whatever party wins there will be a recession thanks to the last two and half years. No way to avoid it.
ME: Perhaps this guy's new name should be Captain Obvious. Of course there will be a recession if Democrats win the White House. They will raise taxes and hurt business, as usual.

Navarro says there'll be a recession if Democrats win the White House
Office of Trade and Manufacturing Director, Peter Navarro, on the factors impacting the U.S. economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy and China trade tensions.

Navarro’s trade policies and Trump’s pre-adolescent behavior is pushing the economy towards recession before the Democrats are sworn in.
You mean a fuckin apocalypse...

When that meat puppet faggot won in 2008, the dow lost 5% of it's value the following day. It's gained 30% of it's current value under Trump.

We will be fighting illegals for jobs digging ditches if a democrook is elected.

I’m voting for Don again. I wonder what humperdoo the dims will finally back? They all seem limited.

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It's cyclical. It's going to happen regardless. Trump is just helping it along with his bullshit with China.

China has been fucking us forever. He’s the only one with balls enough to call them on it.

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It doesn't matter who wins or loses the next election, we are going to be headed for a recession, the cycle is about up and it will be a tough recession...........

Of course it matters!! If the inevitable does happen, you want a business man in the oval office, not some socialist freak

Not the kind that bankrupted his companies 6 times, and he is bound and determined to do the same to the US.

How’s all your businesses going? Maybe he needs some advice from an entrepreneur such as yourself?[emoji2957]

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The Dow was down over 600 today on Trump’s irrational behavior. A week ago when he ratcheted up trade tariffs, the yield curve inverted.

Trump’s worshippers have zero clue about economics.
It's cyclical. It's going to happen regardless. Trump is just helping it along with his bullshit with China.

China has been fucking us forever. He’s the only one with balls enough to call them on it.

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Trump’s acting like a spoiled eight year old having a tantrum. It’s unnerving investors and businesses and could push the country into recession.

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