There would be no trump if there was no Obama…

If you are talking about people that voted then 3 million more people voted for Clinton than for Trump, however Trump did win the EC by about 100K votes... How scary is that?

More importantly to your point... Are you trying to imply that of those who voted for Trump, They all support 100% of his stances on the policy issues that he ran on? I don't think that statement could be further from the truth.

Trump won over 80% of the counties in America while Hillary won less than 15%! The heartland of America is overwhelmingly conservate. If you take out the liberal illegal alien loving states of NY & CA then the GOP would win EVERY election!

The Dems are just a COASTAL party! See below:

Democrats are increasingly a coastal party. That’s a problem.
I love how you eat up all the BS spin and talking points. You are a good little puppet. Now back to reality. 3 million less people voted for Trump and he only won the Electoral College by approx 100K votes in 3 swing states. It was as close as it gets... But one thing is for sure he won the game but not the majority of voters. Not even close.

Hey MORON, that's NOT our system! If you want to live by direct popular vote then move to Europe or Uganda! :laugh:
I never claimed it was our system but you tried to make the point that the people voted for what Trump stood for and it is perfectly appropriate to point out that it wasn't the majority of people that supported him, and even those that did vote for him did not agree with many of his divisive policy positions. A large percentage voted to block Hillary.

That only PROVES my point! If they voted Trump to BLOCK Hillary that means they PREFERRED Trump! Plus this popular vote comes down to ONE ultra liberal state, California!

Hillary won California by 4.3 million votes but won the national popular vote by 2.9 million votes so if you subtract the MOST liberal state in America then Trump won the other 49 states by almost 1.5 MILLION votes!! :welcome: :night:
Haha, the fact that you think that is a valid argument is hilarious. I don't even need to waste my energy explaining why it is as ridiculous as it is. Lets subtract Texas while we are at it and we can play a fun what/if game instead of dealing with reality.

To your first point, A vote against Hillary doesn't mean full support for Trump and all his policies. Trump and Hillary both has embarrassing low approval ratings. Meaning many people were choosing the worst of two evils. This in no way justifies a mandate for all of Trumps policies. If anything it shows how split the country was.
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I love the “don’t blame us for Trump” stance the right wing is now assuming.

Well I only voted for Trump in the primary, but I do think there's a certain revenge factor for all the racist rants against Michelle, who in reality ran a class act as first lady. I feel a little sorry for Melania, but America truly deserves having first lady who posed nude.

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