There's Good News Tonight

Well, that sounds good. But if you are out and about, what is so fkd up about your community, that makes you think things are bad? It's not bad here. I was in Nashville and Columbia a week and a half ago. Middle Tennessee is doing great! Who have you been voting for that has your community in some kind of straights? I know you aren't talking about business in general. It can't be employment. There are plenty of jobs, at least across this state. Overall, crime is down nationally (typical for a good economy), though crime rates do not equate to who is in the white house.

So, What's the matter?
come to the west end of the state.......I have some places Id like to show you!!!!
No, Biden didn't get an Alzheimer's diagnosis and Trump didn't drop out of the race. As David Progue explains, 2023 was a pretty damn good year, despite all the so called Bad News. For 2023. the Stock market is up, nearly 24%. Crime is down. College attendance is up. Greenhouse gases emission per capita are down. And that's just part of the story.

it was indeed a great year.

The wife and I both got raises, we are one year closer to retiring and my 401k had an amazing year. Next week I get to pull it out of the 401k and put it in an IRA with far more choices and opportunity for growth.
No, Biden didn't get an Alzheimer's diagnosis and Trump didn't drop out of the race. As David Progue explains, 2023 was a pretty damn good year, despite all the so called Bad News. For 2023. the Stock market is up, nearly 24%. Crime is down. College attendance is up. Greenhouse gases emission per capita are down. And that's just part of the story.


Sure. An Internet stock tycoon.

Dime a dozen

One does not need to be a stock tycoon to benefit from a booming market?

Since you do not have a job you do not have a 401k, but it was a great year for them.
Here's the rest of the story:

Every American should cheer good economic news – the economy is strong, unemployment is at historic lows, wages are increasing…

But from conservatives it’s lies about economic gloom and doom, a desire for recession, job losses, and hardship for millions – hence the reprehensible right.
For poor Americans it’s always the worst year ever
Reminds me of the famous beginning of the great Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.


Well, I confess today the scale seems heavily weighed down toward the “age of foolishness” and “darkness.” I doubt that in Dicken’s day he could imagine a moronic narcissist & conman like Donald Trump ruling his country…
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