There's Good News Tonight

She likes me!

She really likes me!!
I am a man, dumbass. Elektra is a record label
Untrue, I'm pretty well-informed. Even though I mostly watch Newsmax, I switch through the channels from BBC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC to see what the others outlet are saying. The radio alarm clock goes off every morning to AP News and when I'm in the car, I listen to the hourly news on one AM and two FM channels.

That being said, your comment sounds pretty strange coming from someone who values their gun rights, but votes for those want to take them away from you.
You can’t be informed watching TV.
A big pack of upper tier reasonable meat at Costco is always near $50 (used to be $25). Good Single steaks are like $17/lb (used to be $9.99/lb). Gas fillups almost bever broke $25 under Trump policy…..immediately went to $50 under the corrupted corpse….even over $65 for a time. Now? Finally back down in the $30+ range. Yes smaller 4cyl car.

so nothing is Great like it used to be on prices.
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When you use DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity) to fill the positions in your government you're going to get some extremely unqualified people running our government and institutions. You're not going to get the best.

Biden isn't running his government. Somebody else is, and they're intentionally screwing things up and letting him take the blame.
Most of the shortages can be blamed on Biden's intentional gutting of our energy industry. The rest of it can be blamed on the fact that he has people in his administration that are being paid to sabotage the US from within. They claim that the borders are secured when they aren't. Biden is literally letting China dictate our national security.
I disagree with every point you made.

By any which way but loose, Biden's economy, low unemployment, bringing the inflation rate down, bringing manufacturing jobs back, wages rising for the poorest among us, the stock market having record gains, U.S. oil production at highest levels etc, that Trump would be bragging about those achievement and y'all would be praising him as a Demigod for it, is simply an undeniable fact.

Yes, there are additional issues that need addressing like immigration and refugee reform, and the housing shortage, homelessness etc, but that is what a second term is for! :)

If Biden advisors are making the good decisions that has pulled off round 1 with no major knockouts, I'll give them another chance in round two. :)
my 401k is very happy! :banana: :banana:

I remember your kind just before the 99’ Clinton FED free money bust.

Yo and your KKKlan went Quiet almost until they crashed housing 50% drop). Now the big mouthed Cheerleading braggarts are back out like maggots on a dead possum in the hot sun.
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The man has no soul. He could have done so much for race relations, and all he did was stir up race hatred all around for his personal power.
Translation: he was a popular black man, elected twice as
President of the United States, who was a hundred times more articulate, educated & rational than you or your moron criminal candidate Trump. Oh … and he has more “soul” too.

But keep letting the bile flow. It is all you have.
And a woman's name.

Plus you come off as a big time Karen.

It was an honest mistake.
I never met an elektra, I know a woman that uses it as her last name. I also know it was a woman comic book / movie. A Greek God as well.

But the avatar is clearly of a record label.

Nice dodge, is this how your crepititus affects your brain
Translation: he was a popular black man, elected twice as
President of the United States, who was a hundred times more articulate, educated & rational than you or your moron criminal candidate Trump. Oh, and he has more “soul” too.

But keep letting the bile flow. It is all you have.

never worked an honest day in his pathetic pampered 1/2 white life you dumb OX. Not a smidgen of common sense or understanding of real life for any sector in America but IVY league fags and think tanks you commeee POS.
Translation: he was a popular black man, elected twice as
President of the United States, who was a hundred times more articulate, educated & rational than you or your moron criminal candidate Trump. Oh … and he has more “soul” too.

But keep letting the bile flow. It is all you have.
Lol. So yet another ignorant thing you believe. You really think O a great potus??? Lol. Not surprising coming from a poorly informed statist dupe.

O took W’s two wars and made it seven. Dropped more bombs than W on brown people. Kicked millions out of their homes, while bailing out his big bank donors. He expanded the Patriot Act, did nothing about torture, rescinded haebus corpus, grew the War budget every year, renewed W’s tax cuts for the rich, murdered vast numbers of innocent civilians, and on and on….
never worked an honest day in his pathetic pampered 1/2 white life you dumb OX. Not a smidgen of common sense or understanding of real life for any sector in America but IVY league fags and think tanks you commeee POS.
You really can’t stand that an educated black man was elected twice by American voters — who preferred him to your own incompetent Republican elitists.

If Obama could run again, voters would prefer him to your present sick Orange criminal cult leader. Yes, he would win again … easily.
B,b,but the stock market.

That's why millionaires and billionaires vote Democrat. The market rewards profits, so big companies support Democrats to limit their competition. It's the customers who get screwed, the Democrat Party way, we always do

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