There's Gotta Be Something With The Name, Weiner:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
I ran into an old friend today. His name is Marvin Weiner. When I first met Marvin he was fresh out of law school and was working as a rookie ADA (assistant prosecutor) in New York City. He soon became known as "Screaming Weiner" because he often became hyper and would shout emotionally when questioning witnesses. Judges frequently had to tell him to calm down.

Years ago I had a Sociologly professor named Isidore Weiner who was absolutely brilliant, but when concentrating deeply on a point he was making he sometimes would fall into a distracted trance for ten or more seconds. We called him "Izzy" and were surprised to learn he had been busted for shoplifting at E.J. Korvettes. Twice.

The first time Izzy was caught he was warned and released. The second time the store insisted on prosecution because it turned out he was known to the security sections of numerous department stores where he was caught at least once. The police performed a warrant search on his home and car and found thousands of dollars worth of stolen goods from Korvette's and other stores. It seems Izzy was a compulsive kleptomaniac who stole anything -- from make-up kits and childrens' toys (he had no kids) to an electric lawnmower (he lived in an apartment). He luckily avoided prison but spent some time in a state psychiatric hospital.

We're all familiar with another fellow named Weiner (Anthony Weiner) and it occurs to me there either is a bizarre gene floating around in certain circles or there is something about living with the name, Weiner, which is damaging to the psyche.

Has anyone else known a crazy Weiner?
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Never knew a crazy Weiner.

Knew a guy named Richard (Dick) Hurtz tho'. Was a quiet fellow, but was alwys grimacing as if in pain for some reason.

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