There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

Hate to point out the inconvenient, TT but participation trophies are a far left thing! You loons want kids to think everyone wins no matter what they do on the playing field...we're the "meanies" that want kids to understand that there ARE winners and losers at the game of life and that it's more fun being a winner!

My degrees are from the University of Massachusetts and Boston University...what's YOUR educational background? I asked that question of the poster who claimed conservatives were uneducated and she ran away. Care to jump into the fray?

CS degree from ASU. Whatever will you do with that?

Just one degree? Oh, my! I'm pretty sure that means I'm still ahead of you in the "education arms race", TT!

At least you got some kind of degree that's usable...most of you liberals have degrees in Women's Studies, Black Studies, Political Science and Education. I find that most liberals are most comfortable intellectually if they're not challenged in their views. Majors like those give them "reinforcement"! :)

Yet, you consider me a liberal and you know absolutely nothing about me. Is this the critical thinking they taught in Boston? Simply because I disagree with your choice of leadership, I must be a socialist baby killer. This is the depth of knowledge I glean from people of your ilk.

I can't think of a single conservative that I know who's into participation trophies, TT! You pretty much gave yourself away with that little nugget! Just saying...

It's called satire and it was done on purpose in order to flush out political hacks like yourself. Do they not teach satire in those Boston schools? Pity.

First of all...UMass isn't a Boston's located WAY out in Western Massachusetts! As for satire being taught at BU? It's actually not a big part of the curriculum for an MBA!

So now I'm a political hack? Really, TT? Why is that exactly? Because I don't foam at the mouth whenever Trump's name is mentioned? You just accused me of knowing nothing about you...yet you seem to think that you've got me pegged! Care to tell me how I stand on the issues? Abortion? Gun rights? Immigration?
CS degree from ASU. Whatever will you do with that?

Just one degree? Oh, my! I'm pretty sure that means I'm still ahead of you in the "education arms race", TT!

At least you got some kind of degree that's usable...most of you liberals have degrees in Women's Studies, Black Studies, Political Science and Education. I find that most liberals are most comfortable intellectually if they're not challenged in their views. Majors like those give them "reinforcement"! :)

Yet, you consider me a liberal and you know absolutely nothing about me. Is this the critical thinking they taught in Boston? Simply because I disagree with your choice of leadership, I must be a socialist baby killer. This is the depth of knowledge I glean from people of your ilk.

I can't think of a single conservative that I know who's into participation trophies, TT! You pretty much gave yourself away with that little nugget! Just saying...

It's called satire and it was done on purpose in order to flush out political hacks like yourself. Do they not teach satire in those Boston schools? Pity.

First of all...UMass isn't a Boston's located WAY out in Western Massachusetts! As for satire being taught at BU? It's actually not a big part of the curriculum for an MBA!

So now I'm a political hack? Really, TT? Why is that exactly? Because I don't foam at the mouth whenever Trump's name is mentioned? You just accused me of knowing nothing about you...yet you seem to think that you've got me pegged! Care to tell me how I stand on the issues? Abortion? Gun rights? Immigration?

Well, we've never actually discussed any political issues. Thus, initially, I don't really care about your input. If you want to discuss certain political policies, I'm always happy to do so. I'll admit, I don't know much about UMass, nor western Massachusetts. I only interned in the city (Cambridge) for awhile when I was getting my CS, so I'm really only familiar with Cambridge, Boston and the Waltham area. This was a long time ago, either way. I will date myself, and say that I was there when the Callahan tunnel was opened to the public.
I've got a degree in History and an MBA!

Lemme guess... Trump U?

Go ahead...keep calling conservatives uneducated and deplorables

All day, everyday. Also, stop calling Cult45 conservatives. Ya'll ain't anything even resembling conservative.

we'll just keep on being the ones that get the job done.

Yes, and you're doing a bang up job. I'm sorry, I'm all out of participation trophies. Would you take an IOU? :04:
Ok fine , it's been a slice ,see you.
Jc has been dumped for nonsense. Wasted bandwidth, why say anything if you have nothing to say.
Funny. he is one of the 2, I ignored yesterday.
The part I don't understand is why they think I would care what they think of me, They are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion our biggest enemy. So when your enemy attacks you , I guess that's a compliment .trouble is it is just a waste of bandwidth for everyone else.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
we should really listen to the reporters asking questions, because they are the experts right? LOL can't make up your kind of shit.
0n a scale from 1 to 10 for the truth or intelligence the screaming carrot gets a 1 on the reporters get 612

I watched The Screaming Carrot for half an hour or so this morning. Might have missed it, but didn't see him blame Evil Foreigners, Cuomo, Newsom or Obama (amazing in and of itself) - Of course, he rarely disappoints and did manage to get in a dig at The Failing New York Times.

Can't help but wonder how much better off we'd The Screaming Carrot he hadn't dithered and deflected for two months and told us it would "just disappear". WAY better off I'll wager.

Donald ‘Didn't Know People Died from the Flu,’ Which Killed His Grandfather Frederick


Ya I wondered about that for about two minutes then I figured it out and realize he has fucked himself, this is the last straw and he knows it , none of his lies bailed him out and that's a first. Only the ultra Nazi wannabees are supporting him in his virus disaster. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself so for the first time he has actually tried to be nice something that is 100% foreign to him , he hasn't called any women stupid or attacked the media on their every question or just swear his way out of this. He's still the same pig and that will never change but I do love to see this creep sweat.
What is with you dumb shits relying on speeches to figure out what’s going on with corona virus. Obviously there’s an ulterior motive because who in their right mind is relying on a speech from a politician about a disease, when thousands of doctors are on tv telling you what you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know. Most of us are going to get the virus. It’s diabolically infectious. Because it’s diabolically infectious testing isn’t going to help contain, maybe slow the spread, but we’re talking about a parabolic increase in infections. However, it’s a flu, not the plague. Dangerous to people close to death? Yes. Which is why it’s important to urge elderly loved ones to self quarantine. We do that, we’ll barely see disruption in daily activities. There will be disruption, but not that bad. What’s gonna fuck us is everyone panicking, clearing the shelves of the stores, because when the disruption does come, and you need supplies for everyday living...the truck driver delivering that supplies to the grocery store might be sick, backing up the delivery date, meaning more people are desperate for the supplies they couldn’t get. This leads to lines outside of grocery stores, and when the delivery truck finally does come, the store looks like a Black Friday sale riot. People there grab more than they need, because they don’t want to go through the same effort again, which leads to more shortages. The real concern is the panic and the media is certainly not helping.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
Versus the media that’s whipped everyone into a panic already? No country is gonna stop this virus flat in its tracks without severe restrictions of rights. The only thing you can do is buy time. Our shelves in grocery stores are already empty, and we’re not even close to seeing the worst of this. Bureaucracy is awful at preparedness and response to things like because...bureaucracy. We’re not prepped for any disaster period because bureaucracy is short sighted. We weren’t prepared for Katrina (despite 60 years of throwing money at levies that never seemed to get to the levies), we’re not prepared for a volcanic eruption, we’re not prepared for a coronal mass ejection, and we’re not prepared for a pandemic. That’s been true since bureaucracy became the ruler. If you’re looking for someone to blame on the government side, look to the self serving political machine that is the bureaucracy. Our hospitals don’t (and never did) have the masks stockpiled necessary to fight this pandemic. Now they can’t because the herd of cats are running out grabbing up all they can thanks to the media using the scare factor for ratings and political maneuvering. Like it or not the travel restrictions to China bought us a month. The restrictions to Europe may buy us another couple of weeks. Luckily we have a few treatments, like plasma therapy, that seem to be effective, and maybe even a vaccine in the works.
You nazi wannabee 1st rule, defined by Hitler, attack the press. You Nazi wannabees are all the same. The rest of you response , what the fuck are you talking about Katrina, volcanoes ,What the fuck.
I was talking about how our disaster preparedness level is abysmal. Thought that was pretty clear. It was certainly clear in Katrina, and it’s certainly clear now with the corona virus. And it’s been that way for a long time. Now think about what’s gonna happen in a real disaster? Say a Carrington event. They happen every 100 years or so, +\- 50 years. Last one was in 1859, didn’t do that much damage, all the telegraph lines caught fire. Imagine if that happens today? Virtually every home burns to the ground, no electronics, no cars, no refrigeration, no running water. 90% of us die within a year, the survivors spend their time stabbing their neighbors for scraps of food. Shouldn’t the correct response in the wake of seeing the corona virus expose our preparedness level be to wake the fuck up and demand the government take these issues more seriously, instead of bickering about what a president said on the news? Trumps response wasn’t great, but like all other world leaders he’s trying to walk a thin line of not causing society to panic and cause greater turmoil for millions, while still trying to protect the thousands that could be endangered by the virus. Pandemics are hard to prep for because you don’t know wtf the disease is going to be, how to test for it, how to immunize, and how to treat. It’s a race against the clock. But still, our hospitals should have had plenty of masks and protective gear stockpiled. Procedures to combat spread, and streamline testing and treatment R&D should have been in place. They weren’t. This is true for every other president before him, let alone every other country out there. However, there’s no excuse for our government not shielding our energy grid from a Carrington Event, it’ll still cause significant death and damage, but it would stop it from being an extinction level event. There’s no excuse for not having a plan, and the capabilities in place to prevent an asteroid strike, we have the tech for it after all.

So, I don’t understand how saying the self serving government should definitely up its game in preparedness levels makes me a nazi. That’s ludicrous. It’s one of their freaking mandates after all, one that virtually every American would agree on. And yes, the media did use this, like they do every negative story out there, to make the world seem like a much more dangerous than it actually is, even though statistically the world is safer and more prosperous on a man per man basis than its ever been in human history. There has never been a better time to be in abject poverty than there is today. And the media does this because their business model is to drive up ratings and clicks, and tragedies statistically do that better than the reality. Realistic stories don’t cause people to glue themselves to the couch and turn on the nightly news. The husband who kills his family does, and then it’s “stay tuned after these commercials to find out if you’re eating poisoned chicken.” For Christ sake there’s only been a single case of a kid eating poison candy on Halloween, and it was his own father that did it. Yet we all make sure to X-ray our candy for razor blades every year. Why is that? You got it. “Tune in to found out how to keep your kid safe this Halloween from tainted candy.” And the media does this without care or concern to the consequences for the normal folk like you and me. Talk about some evil greedy business, amaright? Traditional media is a dying medium, but they are creaming their pants on air with this tragedy.

I don't believe that Trump was walking a thin line when he was very specific about our preparedness for this malady due to his closing of the borders which would prevent it from coming here, etc., when the medical community was saying just the opposite and Fox news
was playing down the situation in support of Trump.
The media, again, was and is reporting what they are given by the medical experts and it is time that the Trump minions begin to realize this rather blaming the media for this catastrophe and recession to follow.
Who in the medical community was saying don’t close the boarders? That’s laughable. As soon as we heard about it’s transmission and that you can walk around for a week without symptoms acting as a carrier, and that the young are often asymptomatic carriers, everyone at my work (an infusion center) said we need to close off from China. That’s like an evil genius level form of transmission. SARS is a far worse disease but it’s easily contained because symptoms show, and then you become a carrier. That’s the whole point of a quarantine. That’s not racist policy, it’s been a mandate of the federal government to keep deadly diseases out since the inception of this country. We did it with ships, we did it on Ellis island, and we do it at our boarders and POE today. I mean the entire world made an infected cruise ship drift about for weeks like a plague ship from the 1500s. The EU just closed it’s boarders to non-EU citizens today, but it’s a little too late for them. We’re not stopping this disease from spreading, all we can do is buy time in order to find effective treatments and vaccinations. This is really the first major fast spreading pandemic (Can’t think of another) since the Spanish Flu of 1920. I mean it’s no where near as deadly as the Spanish flu, but it could have major ramifications still. And guess what, air travel wasn’t much of a thing in the 20s. At least back then it took a few days for ship travel, and you could quarantine a ship with passengers showing symptoms. Today, you could get anywhere within a day, and still travel about and interact for people for a full week without showing symptoms.

The concern about people panicking isn’t about the economy. That’s already fucked. no interest rate manipulation or money infusion is going to help with that. It’s people panicking and rushing for supplies, specifically, that hospitals need, as well as the everyday living supplies that everyone needs. Yea we got plans in place now for restocking everything, but what happens when the virus actually starts to hit and 25% of truck drivers delivering those supplies are home sick for 2 weeks. The. Next week it turns into 50% of truck drivers being out sick for 2 weeks. It’s gonna really fuck with a lot of people when our shelves are already bare, and we haven’t even seen the beginning of this. I mean so far, maybe 40%-50% of the people are panic buying right now. That’s going to jump up a lot more. And the news isn’t even telling y’all what you should be buying, outside of the masks that hospitals are already short on. And we kind of need those to treat the already sick people in the hospital, as well as the people this virus is an actual danger too. Everyone is going for the non-perishable items, hey dumb fucks, go for the perishable items first. That’s what the media should be saying. The perishable items are routinely produced (because they’re perishable) and there’s an abundance of non-perishable items out there. Food banks are up to their eyeballs in non-perishable food to the point where they’ve been asking for money donations instead...but will still accept your donated food cans. We also don’t want people panicking and over-stressing our systems, especially our hospitals. Don’t go to the hospital, family doctor, urgent care, etc. unless your life is endanger, or you’re old/other at risk person and contract corona. Hospitals stay pretty full without a fucking pandemic. Plenty of doctors and nurses are definitely going to catch this (probably from their loved ones at home if not from their workplace) and have to stay home for a couple of weeks. 95% of my patients are cancer patients, cancer and corona doesn’t mix well. I am doing my best to stay isolated and safe. Short staffed hospitals and hypochondriacs in a pandemic also don’t mix well at all. This is what the media should be vehemently stressing...along with stop buying up all the masks fucktards. The media is starting too, but it’s a little too late since corona has been a thing since January, and they’re just starting to say it now. Panic has already set in unfortunately. But hey, nothing juicier for ratings than disease or war. If you’re young and relatively healthy, take the fever and chills on the chin, stay home for a week or two...AND EVERYONE STAY AWAY FROM THE ELDERLY EVEN IF YOU FEEL FINE. Find a way to get them groceries or whatever they need as best as you can. We do this, and we’ll come out of this just fine, it’ll still get bad, but it won’t be devastating. And by devastating I mean riots for supplies, and hospital systems collapsing as more and more patients get sick. Remember, hospitals still have a shit ton of patients in dire need that don’t have corona virus.
Just one degree? Oh, my! I'm pretty sure that means I'm still ahead of you in the "education arms race", TT!

At least you got some kind of degree that's usable...most of you liberals have degrees in Women's Studies, Black Studies, Political Science and Education. I find that most liberals are most comfortable intellectually if they're not challenged in their views. Majors like those give them "reinforcement"! :)

Yet, you consider me a liberal and you know absolutely nothing about me. Is this the critical thinking they taught in Boston? Simply because I disagree with your choice of leadership, I must be a socialist baby killer. This is the depth of knowledge I glean from people of your ilk.

I can't think of a single conservative that I know who's into participation trophies, TT! You pretty much gave yourself away with that little nugget! Just saying...

It's called satire and it was done on purpose in order to flush out political hacks like yourself. Do they not teach satire in those Boston schools? Pity.

First of all...UMass isn't a Boston's located WAY out in Western Massachusetts! As for satire being taught at BU? It's actually not a big part of the curriculum for an MBA!

So now I'm a political hack? Really, TT? Why is that exactly? Because I don't foam at the mouth whenever Trump's name is mentioned? You just accused me of knowing nothing about you...yet you seem to think that you've got me pegged! Care to tell me how I stand on the issues? Abortion? Gun rights? Immigration?

Well, we've never actually discussed any political issues. Thus, initially, I don't really care about your input. If you want to discuss certain political policies, I'm always happy to do so. I'll admit, I don't know much about UMass, nor western Massachusetts. I only interned in the city (Cambridge) for awhile when I was getting my CS, so I'm really only familiar with Cambridge, Boston and the Waltham area. This was a long time ago, either way. I will date myself, and say that I was there when the Callahan tunnel was opened to the public.

Interesting...the Callahan tunnel was opened in 1961, your profile says you're 47 years old and you claim you were "there" when the tunnel was opened? Did they teach time travel along with Computer Science at your college, TT?
Yet, you consider me a liberal and you know absolutely nothing about me. Is this the critical thinking they taught in Boston? Simply because I disagree with your choice of leadership, I must be a socialist baby killer. This is the depth of knowledge I glean from people of your ilk.

I can't think of a single conservative that I know who's into participation trophies, TT! You pretty much gave yourself away with that little nugget! Just saying...

It's called satire and it was done on purpose in order to flush out political hacks like yourself. Do they not teach satire in those Boston schools? Pity.

First of all...UMass isn't a Boston's located WAY out in Western Massachusetts! As for satire being taught at BU? It's actually not a big part of the curriculum for an MBA!

So now I'm a political hack? Really, TT? Why is that exactly? Because I don't foam at the mouth whenever Trump's name is mentioned? You just accused me of knowing nothing about you...yet you seem to think that you've got me pegged! Care to tell me how I stand on the issues? Abortion? Gun rights? Immigration?

Well, we've never actually discussed any political issues. Thus, initially, I don't really care about your input. If you want to discuss certain political policies, I'm always happy to do so. I'll admit, I don't know much about UMass, nor western Massachusetts. I only interned in the city (Cambridge) for awhile when I was getting my CS, so I'm really only familiar with Cambridge, Boston and the Waltham area. This was a long time ago, either way. I will date myself, and say that I was there when the Callahan tunnel was opened to the public.

Interesting...the Callahan tunnel was opened in 1961, your profile says you're 47 years old and you claim you were "there" when the tunnel was opened? Did they teach time travel along with Computer Science at your college, TT?

Sorry, my bad. Ted Williams tunnel.
Let me explain, you have a leader that a group in this country thinks is a God and you have some Americans who think that if a leader of a group doesn't know a fucking thing about a subject , that the ass hole would just keep his fucking mouth shut, because someone stupid enough to follow him might believe him even though he is the biggest liar in politics in history.
Versus the media that’s whipped everyone into a panic already? No country is gonna stop this virus flat in its tracks without severe restrictions of rights. The only thing you can do is buy time. Our shelves in grocery stores are already empty, and we’re not even close to seeing the worst of this. Bureaucracy is awful at preparedness and response to things like because...bureaucracy. We’re not prepped for any disaster period because bureaucracy is short sighted. We weren’t prepared for Katrina (despite 60 years of throwing money at levies that never seemed to get to the levies), we’re not prepared for a volcanic eruption, we’re not prepared for a coronal mass ejection, and we’re not prepared for a pandemic. That’s been true since bureaucracy became the ruler. If you’re looking for someone to blame on the government side, look to the self serving political machine that is the bureaucracy. Our hospitals don’t (and never did) have the masks stockpiled necessary to fight this pandemic. Now they can’t because the herd of cats are running out grabbing up all they can thanks to the media using the scare factor for ratings and political maneuvering. Like it or not the travel restrictions to China bought us a month. The restrictions to Europe may buy us another couple of weeks. Luckily we have a few treatments, like plasma therapy, that seem to be effective, and maybe even a vaccine in the works.
You nazi wannabee 1st rule, defined by Hitler, attack the press. You Nazi wannabees are all the same. The rest of you response , what the fuck are you talking about Katrina, volcanoes ,What the fuck.
I was talking about how our disaster preparedness level is abysmal. Thought that was pretty clear. It was certainly clear in Katrina, and it’s certainly clear now with the corona virus. And it’s been that way for a long time. Now think about what’s gonna happen in a real disaster? Say a Carrington event. They happen every 100 years or so, +\- 50 years. Last one was in 1859, didn’t do that much damage, all the telegraph lines caught fire. Imagine if that happens today? Virtually every home burns to the ground, no electronics, no cars, no refrigeration, no running water. 90% of us die within a year, the survivors spend their time stabbing their neighbors for scraps of food. Shouldn’t the correct response in the wake of seeing the corona virus expose our preparedness level be to wake the fuck up and demand the government take these issues more seriously, instead of bickering about what a president said on the news? Trumps response wasn’t great, but like all other world leaders he’s trying to walk a thin line of not causing society to panic and cause greater turmoil for millions, while still trying to protect the thousands that could be endangered by the virus. Pandemics are hard to prep for because you don’t know wtf the disease is going to be, how to test for it, how to immunize, and how to treat. It’s a race against the clock. But still, our hospitals should have had plenty of masks and protective gear stockpiled. Procedures to combat spread, and streamline testing and treatment R&D should have been in place. They weren’t. This is true for every other president before him, let alone every other country out there. However, there’s no excuse for our government not shielding our energy grid from a Carrington Event, it’ll still cause significant death and damage, but it would stop it from being an extinction level event. There’s no excuse for not having a plan, and the capabilities in place to prevent an asteroid strike, we have the tech for it after all.

So, I don’t understand how saying the self serving government should definitely up its game in preparedness levels makes me a nazi. That’s ludicrous. It’s one of their freaking mandates after all, one that virtually every American would agree on. And yes, the media did use this, like they do every negative story out there, to make the world seem like a much more dangerous than it actually is, even though statistically the world is safer and more prosperous on a man per man basis than its ever been in human history. There has never been a better time to be in abject poverty than there is today. And the media does this because their business model is to drive up ratings and clicks, and tragedies statistically do that better than the reality. Realistic stories don’t cause people to glue themselves to the couch and turn on the nightly news. The husband who kills his family does, and then it’s “stay tuned after these commercials to find out if you’re eating poisoned chicken.” For Christ sake there’s only been a single case of a kid eating poison candy on Halloween, and it was his own father that did it. Yet we all make sure to X-ray our candy for razor blades every year. Why is that? You got it. “Tune in to found out how to keep your kid safe this Halloween from tainted candy.” And the media does this without care or concern to the consequences for the normal folk like you and me. Talk about some evil greedy business, amaright? Traditional media is a dying medium, but they are creaming their pants on air with this tragedy.

I don't believe that Trump was walking a thin line when he was very specific about our preparedness for this malady due to his closing of the borders which would prevent it from coming here, etc., when the medical community was saying just the opposite and Fox news
was playing down the situation in support of Trump.
The media, again, was and is reporting what they are given by the medical experts and it is time that the Trump minions begin to realize this rather blaming the media for this catastrophe and recession to follow.
Who in the medical community was saying don’t close the boarders? That’s laughable. As soon as we heard about it’s transmission and that you can walk around for a week without symptoms acting as a carrier, and that the young are often asymptomatic carriers, everyone at my work (an infusion center) said we need to close off from China. That’s like an evil genius level form of transmission. SARS is a far worse disease but it’s easily contained because symptoms show, and then you become a carrier. That’s the whole point of a quarantine. That’s not racist policy, it’s been a mandate of the federal government to keep deadly diseases out since the inception of this country. We did it with ships, we did it on Ellis island, and we do it at our boarders and POE today. I mean the entire world made an infected cruise ship drift about for weeks like a plague ship from the 1500s. The EU just closed it’s boarders to non-EU citizens today, but it’s a little too late for them. We’re not stopping this disease from spreading, all we can do is buy time in order to find effective treatments and vaccinations. This is really the first major fast spreading pandemic (Can’t think of another) since the Spanish Flu of 1920. I mean it’s no where near as deadly as the Spanish flu, but it could have major ramifications still. And guess what, air travel wasn’t much of a thing in the 20s. At least back then it took a few days for ship travel, and you could quarantine a ship with passengers showing symptoms. Today, you could get anywhere within a day, and still travel about and interact for people for a full week without showing symptoms.

The concern about people panicking isn’t about the economy. That’s already fucked. no interest rate manipulation or money infusion is going to help with that. It’s people panicking and rushing for supplies, specifically, that hospitals need, as well as the everyday living supplies that everyone needs. Yea we got plans in place now for restocking everything, but what happens when the virus actually starts to hit and 25% of truck drivers delivering those supplies are home sick for 2 weeks. The. Next week it turns into 50% of truck drivers being out sick for 2 weeks. It’s gonna really fuck with a lot of people when our shelves are already bare, and we haven’t even seen the beginning of this. I mean so far, maybe 40%-50% of the people are panic buying right now. That’s going to jump up a lot more. And the news isn’t even telling y’all what you should be buying, outside of the masks that hospitals are already short on. And we kind of need those to treat the already sick people in the hospital, as well as the people this virus is an actual danger too. Everyone is going for the non-perishable items, hey dumb fucks, go for the perishable items first. That’s what the media should be saying. The perishable items are routinely produced (because they’re perishable) and there’s an abundance of non-perishable items out there. Food banks are up to their eyeballs in non-perishable food to the point where they’ve been asking for money donations instead...but will still accept your donated food cans. We also don’t want people panicking and over-stressing our systems, especially our hospitals. Don’t go to the hospital, family doctor, urgent care, etc. unless your life is endanger, or you’re old/other at risk person and contract corona. Hospitals stay pretty full without a fucking pandemic. Plenty of doctors and nurses are definitely going to catch this (probably from their loved ones at home if not from their workplace) and have to stay home for a couple of weeks. 95% of my patients are cancer patients, cancer and corona doesn’t mix well. I am doing my best to stay isolated and safe. Short staffed hospitals and hypochondriacs in a pandemic also don’t mix well at all. This is what the media should be vehemently stressing...along with stop buying up all the masks fucktards. The media is starting too, but it’s a little too late since corona has been a thing since January, and they’re just starting to say it now. Panic has already set in unfortunately. But hey, nothing juicier for ratings than disease or war. If you’re young and relatively healthy, take the fever and chills on the chin, stay home for a week or two...AND EVERYONE STAY AWAY FROM THE ELDERLY EVEN IF YOU FEEL FINE. Find a way to get them groceries or whatever they need as best as you can. We do this, and we’ll come out of this just fine, it’ll still get bad, but it won’t be devastating. And by devastating I mean riots for supplies, and hospital systems collapsing as more and more patients get sick. Remember, hospitals still have a shit ton of patients in dire need that don’t have corona virus.
How many people do you think the screaming carrot will have killed by the time this is done with his total me God , I'm a expert on everything and it's Obama's fault , it nothing , its no big deal , I personally did it all , I know everything, People ask me why I know so much about this virus. It's totally taken car of , you can go to any doctor and they all have the test, It's a democratic plot nothing else. I have a hunch that it isn't anything. The virus is good for the economy nothing to worry about just go to work no big deal. HOW STUPID IS STUPID JUST WATCH
Dan Diamond on Twitter,
The Nazi Wannabees with their God and leader ,scum bag ,says the virus is good for business.
The nothing random about these quotes this is what the asshole said and every time he said something about the virus he lied like a banshee. The mans the lowest for of a human being ,
feb25 “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!” bullshit from your god and hero. Lets look at this from the stupid ass hole, Someone said that the virus needed more then 2.5 billion , but the ass hole said naw that's just dandy but now that asshole is forced to put of 50 Billion, his 2 1/2 billion may be the biggest joke of all time , what a idiot. Maybe 200 billion may be the mark. The man is a worthless piece of shit. Now go ahead and support his comments, then everyone that thinks will know how lame you are and how worthless your comments are.

I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.

That "inane" is lacking an "s". ;)


Is it me, or can anyone else just see the spittle flying onto jbander's screen with every screed-post?
Last edited:
I have no idea what in the holy hell you are even talking about, you utterly worthless shithead.

Somehow you went from my point of putting political divisions aside given the gravity of the situation to this crazy, disjointed screed.

Normally I'd just laugh in your face and maybe fuck with you for a while just for amusement. Given the situation, I'll forego all of that, and am just left befuddled at how truly fucking stupid some people are.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.

That "inane" is lacking an "s". ;)


Is it me, or can anyone else just see the spittle flying onto jbander's screen with every screed-post?

Did not Trump make those comments? I heard him also. You can deny it all day but he did make those comments and more.
I'll tell you one more time, these are all quotes/lies from the screaming carrot. It's enough to make you sick that this mental weakling is in office and having anything at all to do with this virus , by the way I just started, the creep said a lot about the virous so I have tine of his quotes all showing what a liar he is and how dangerous this maniac is to this country
“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!”--------------------- he says it's not real it a democratic plot against him. What a brain dead idiot.

You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.

That "inane" is lacking an "s". ;)


Is it me, or can anyone else just see the spittle flying onto jbander's screen with every screed-post?

Did not Trump make those comments? I heard him also. You can deny it all day but he did make those comments and more.

Dude! I caught this was this big, bro!

You calling me a liar?
You've got the quotes showing he's nuts and those showing you're nuts.

Quite the accomplishment there, Walnut.
You are going nowhere ace you are supporting the unsupportable. Your man is this countries biggest threat and in my eyes it's biggest enemy, that is along with the hate group that supports him.

I'm not the one having a conversation with myself, Ace.

Maybe if you can start to support anything you are saying as it relates to anything I've said here instead of simply posting one inane screed after the next in response to literally no-one you'd seem less frothy and disjointed, but I'm not holding out hope.

That "inane" is lacking an "s". ;)


Is it me, or can anyone else just see the spittle flying onto jbander's screen with every screed-post?

Did not Trump make those comments? I heard him also. You can deny it all day but he did make those comments and more.

Dude! I caught this was this big, bro!

You calling me a liar?

Dood, you would never lie and you need a new pair of glasses because that grouper was tiny.

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