These are issues Trump's followers do not want to know about

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Trump is begging to be impeached.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.
Mueller said that on a Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Trump raged, providing an incoherent rant during which he called an American destroyer a "boat" and said that the courts would not allow impeachment. Nearly every sentence was a lie. Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, again disputes US intelligence findings on Russia - CNNPolitics

On Thursday night, Trump, as is his custom, decided to change the subject. To divert attention away from a damaging controversy, he created a more damaging controversy.

Before explaining, some background of previous events.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its fifth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 2011.

The Dow is down 1,000 points since Trump announced his 25% tariff on Chinese goods and threatened a 25% tariff on another 325 billion more.

Sandy Shanks said:
"We're not ready to make a deal," Trump said, referring to the trade war he started with China.

The Dow lost 238 points.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down another 260 points today.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down about 1500 points since that fateful tweet, announcing his tariffs on Chinese goods. Millions of Americans have lost millions of dollars in retirement savings. Farmers are being seriously hurt, and Trump wants to bail them out with another $16B on top of the $12B they have already received. Huge retailers like Walmart and Costco are raising prices because of the tariffs.

Market analysts are concerned about inflation. Inflation causes less demand, causing less employment, which causes recession.

Sandy Shanks said:
"Mr. President, you are doing a terrific job," Vladimir Putin, Russian president.

So, what does Trump do? On Thursday he threatened more tariffs, of course, this time on Mexico. He threatened to punish Mexico with tariffs until it restrains the flow of migrants across the southwestern border.

Only Trump can explain the relationship between our immigration woes and tariffs/trade.

Come to think of it, no, I don't think he can. He just wanted to change the subject, and, in doing so, threatened his signature trade deal, the USMCA.

The Dow lost another 355 points. Americans lost more of their retirement savings while paying higher prices at the market while bailing out farmers again to the tune of $16B on top of the $12B they have already received.

Some Trump Republicans have made the obligatory criticism of Trump's incredibly ill fated announcement but they will do nothing to rein in the out-of-control President.

Putting this in perspective, currently, there are about 100,000 to 105,000 impoverished people making illegal border crossings a month. Most Americans could care less. Illegal immigration ranks ninth in the concerns Americans have, mostly Trump fans, I wager. It is a hot button issue for them.

To solve this problem our President wants to penalize 327 million people living in the U.S. and another 130 million people living in Mexico along with every auto manufacturer and every major retail outfit like Walmart and Costco.

Only a President yearning for impeachment would do the things Trump has done in a single week.

That would be the worst mistake Democrats could make. The idea is to remove Trump from the White House. As matters stand now, the Trump Republican held Senate will vindicate him, not remove him.

If Democrats need more motivation to avoid a failed attempt to remove Trump, picture Trump as a martyr, a sympathetic victim of Democratic overreach, and add another four years to Trump's longevity in the Oval Office.
Ironically, I voted Trump, I also for voted Clinton, HE WAS impeached, unless my memory fails me. He served out his term like nothing happened. You impotent wankers and your impeachment...So, go ahead, impeach Trump. What's it going to do in the long run?

How many of these lunatic threads do we need? The same insipid shit, over and over again.

It's over bed wetters.

Get on with your pathetic "lives".

Trump is begging to be impeached.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.
Mueller said that on a Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Trump raged, providing an incoherent rant during which he called an American destroyer a "boat" and said that the courts would not allow impeachment. Nearly every sentence was a lie. Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, again disputes US intelligence findings on Russia - CNNPolitics

On Thursday night, Trump, as is his custom, decided to change the subject. To divert attention away from a damaging controversy, he created a more damaging controversy.

Before explaining, some background of previous events.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its fifth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 2011.

The Dow is down 1,000 points since Trump announced his 25% tariff on Chinese goods and threatened a 25% tariff on another 325 billion more.

Sandy Shanks said:
"We're not ready to make a deal," Trump said, referring to the trade war he started with China.

The Dow lost 238 points.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down another 260 points today.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down about 1500 points since that fateful tweet, announcing his tariffs on Chinese goods. Millions of Americans have lost millions of dollars in retirement savings. Farmers are being seriously hurt, and Trump wants to bail them out with another $16B on top of the $12B they have already received. Huge retailers like Walmart and Costco are raising prices because of the tariffs.

Market analysts are concerned about inflation. Inflation causes less demand, causing less employment, which causes recession.

Sandy Shanks said:
"Mr. President, you are doing a terrific job," Vladimir Putin, Russian president.

So, what does Trump do? On Thursday he threatened more tariffs, of course, this time on Mexico. He threatened to punish Mexico with tariffs until it restrains the flow of migrants across the southwestern border.

Only Trump can explain the relationship between our immigration woes and tariffs/trade.

Come to think of it, no, I don't think he can. He just wanted to change the subject, and, in doing so, threatened his signature trade deal, the USMCA.

The Dow lost another 355 points. Americans lost more of their retirement savings while paying higher prices at the market while bailing out farmers again to the tune of $16B on top of the $12B they have already received.

Some Trump Republicans have made the obligatory criticism of Trump's incredibly ill fated announcement but they will do nothing to rein in the out-of-control President.

Putting this in perspective, currently, there are about 100,000 to 105,000 impoverished people making illegal border crossings a month. Most Americans could care less. Illegal immigration ranks ninth in the concerns Americans have, mostly Trump fans, I wager. It is a hot button issue for them.

To solve this problem our President wants to penalize 327 million people living in the U.S. and another 130 million people living in Mexico along with every auto manufacturer and every major retail outfit like Walmart and Costco.

Only a President yearning for impeachment would do the things Trump has done in a single week.

That would be the worst mistake Democrats could make. The idea is to remove Trump from the White House. As matters stand now, the Trump Republican held Senate will vindicate him, not remove him.

If Democrats need more motivation to avoid a failed attempt to remove Trump, picture Trump as a martyr, a sympathetic victim of Democratic overreach, and add another four years to Trump's longevity in the Oval Office.
The market will recover and tariffs won't break anybody. 100 K illegal/month is something we will NEVER recover from.
TRUMP is the antidote of this anti white liberal SJW weirdness, we could have just as well elected a sack of fucking potatoes, to prevent another liberal shill in office AGAIN. They don't get THAT. We WANT somebody else other than a liberal! They don't get "that". Jesus, what does it take?
The market will recover and tariffs won't break anybody. 100 K illegal/month is something we will NEVER recover from.

I do agree that having hundreds of thousands of illegals coming in is a massive problem...


As of now, many are jumping in, walking up to Border Patrol for a free ride to LA or San Antonio, but they're also being printed and pictured. At least NOW we have some documents on them and can round them up at some point. It was a little different when they infiltrated completely undetected.

I'm a little less concerned in that circumstance.

Hopefully we will actually get the border secure at some point and start tossing out the ones we don't want.

Trump is begging to be impeached.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.
Mueller said that on a Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Trump raged, providing an incoherent rant during which he called an American destroyer a "boat" and said that the courts would not allow impeachment. Nearly every sentence was a lie. Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, again disputes US intelligence findings on Russia - CNNPolitics

On Thursday night, Trump, as is his custom, decided to change the subject. To divert attention away from a damaging controversy, he created a more damaging controversy.

Before explaining, some background of previous events.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its fifth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 2011.

The Dow is down 1,000 points since Trump announced his 25% tariff on Chinese goods and threatened a 25% tariff on another 325 billion more.

Sandy Shanks said:
"We're not ready to make a deal," Trump said, referring to the trade war he started with China.

The Dow lost 238 points.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down another 260 points today.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down about 1500 points since that fateful tweet, announcing his tariffs on Chinese goods. Millions of Americans have lost millions of dollars in retirement savings. Farmers are being seriously hurt, and Trump wants to bail them out with another $16B on top of the $12B they have already received. Huge retailers like Walmart and Costco are raising prices because of the tariffs.

Market analysts are concerned about inflation. Inflation causes less demand, causing less employment, which causes recession.

Sandy Shanks said:
"Mr. President, you are doing a terrific job," Vladimir Putin, Russian president.

So, what does Trump do? On Thursday he threatened more tariffs, of course, this time on Mexico. He threatened to punish Mexico with tariffs until it restrains the flow of migrants across the southwestern border.

Only Trump can explain the relationship between our immigration woes and tariffs/trade.

Come to think of it, no, I don't think he can. He just wanted to change the subject, and, in doing so, threatened his signature trade deal, the USMCA.

The Dow lost another 355 points. Americans lost more of their retirement savings while paying higher prices at the market while bailing out farmers again to the tune of $16B on top of the $12B they have already received.

Some Trump Republicans have made the obligatory criticism of Trump's incredibly ill fated announcement but they will do nothing to rein in the out-of-control President.

Putting this in perspective, currently, there are about 100,000 to 105,000 impoverished people making illegal border crossings a month. Most Americans could care less. Illegal immigration ranks ninth in the concerns Americans have, mostly Trump fans, I wager. It is a hot button issue for them.

To solve this problem our President wants to penalize 327 million people living in the U.S. and another 130 million people living in Mexico along with every auto manufacturer and every major retail outfit like Walmart and Costco.

Only a President yearning for impeachment would do the things Trump has done in a single week.

That would be the worst mistake Democrats could make. The idea is to remove Trump from the White House. As matters stand now, the Trump Republican held Senate will vindicate him, not remove him.

If Democrats need more motivation to avoid a failed attempt to remove Trump, picture Trump as a martyr, a sympathetic victim of Democratic overreach, and add another four years to Trump's longevity in the Oval Office.

What the heck!? If Sandy Shanks says, it must be true. Impeach, impeach, impeach.
Trump is begging to be impeached.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.
Mueller said that on a Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Trump raged, providing an incoherent rant during which he called an American destroyer a "boat" ......

Seriously? THAT is what you open with?

I used to be a liberal. I saw that stuff. Except now instead of holding their noses, these fine people would cut off their own nose to spite whatever...Why? Because liberals don't have any common sense, let alone be observant and be critical.
Trump is begging to be impeached.

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.
Mueller said that on a Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Trump raged, providing an incoherent rant during which he called an American destroyer a "boat" and said that the courts would not allow impeachment. Nearly every sentence was a lie. Trump unleashes fury on Mueller, again disputes US intelligence findings on Russia - CNNPolitics

On Thursday night, Trump, as is his custom, decided to change the subject. To divert attention away from a damaging controversy, he created a more damaging controversy.

Before explaining, some background of previous events.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its fifth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 2011.

The Dow is down 1,000 points since Trump announced his 25% tariff on Chinese goods and threatened a 25% tariff on another 325 billion more.

Sandy Shanks said:
"We're not ready to make a deal," Trump said, referring to the trade war he started with China.

The Dow lost 238 points.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down another 260 points today.

Sandy Shanks said:
The Dow is down about 1500 points since that fateful tweet, announcing his tariffs on Chinese goods. Millions of Americans have lost millions of dollars in retirement savings. Farmers are being seriously hurt, and Trump wants to bail them out with another $16B on top of the $12B they have already received. Huge retailers like Walmart and Costco are raising prices because of the tariffs.

Market analysts are concerned about inflation. Inflation causes less demand, causing less employment, which causes recession.

Sandy Shanks said:
"Mr. President, you are doing a terrific job," Vladimir Putin, Russian president.

So, what does Trump do? On Thursday he threatened more tariffs, of course, this time on Mexico. He threatened to punish Mexico with tariffs until it restrains the flow of migrants across the southwestern border.

Only Trump can explain the relationship between our immigration woes and tariffs/trade.

Come to think of it, no, I don't think he can. He just wanted to change the subject, and, in doing so, threatened his signature trade deal, the USMCA.

The Dow lost another 355 points. Americans lost more of their retirement savings while paying higher prices at the market while bailing out farmers again to the tune of $16B on top of the $12B they have already received.

Some Trump Republicans have made the obligatory criticism of Trump's incredibly ill fated announcement but they will do nothing to rein in the out-of-control President.

Putting this in perspective, currently, there are about 100,000 to 105,000 impoverished people making illegal border crossings a month. Most Americans could care less. Illegal immigration ranks ninth in the concerns Americans have, mostly Trump fans, I wager. It is a hot button issue for them.

To solve this problem our President wants to penalize 327 million people living in the U.S. and another 130 million people living in Mexico along with every auto manufacturer and every major retail outfit like Walmart and Costco.

Only a President yearning for impeachment would do the things Trump has done in a single week.

That would be the worst mistake Democrats could make. The idea is to remove Trump from the White House. As matters stand now, the Trump Republican held Senate will vindicate him, not remove him.

If Democrats need more motivation to avoid a failed attempt to remove Trump, picture Trump as a martyr, a sympathetic victim of Democratic overreach, and add another four years to Trump's longevity in the Oval Office.
None other than Adam "Bugeye" Schiffty admitted that without Repub cooperation " impeachment proceeding ... is destined for failure..." but I would have you continue your sugarplum fairy fantasies. Your misery is my schadenfreude. :D

Senior Democrats say no Trump impeachment … yet

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