These are the facts in evidence. Trumpette's, avert your eyes.

Can snowflakes post the link to Trump's videotaped confession, like the one Biden made?

No....of course not.
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.

What state do you live in?
I don't think he's a US american.

Oh I know. I am curious if he will respond honestly, since his diatribe is all about honesty.
Perhaps it's a good time to refresh your memory as to the subject matter.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
so the only question you have to answer here is this, does a president have authority to hold aid? yes or no?
That is only one facet of the issue. Because it wasn't only that he illegally withheld the aid. It's why he withheld it. To use as a way to extort Ukraine in to getting the investigations he wanted. There you have an example of an abuse of power, subjugating US security for his political benefit, and the illegal act of withholding the aid.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
View attachment 294564

Whew...boy - you got it bad.

So.........attempting to refute the facts isn't your thing. Got it.

When you start posting facts instead of opinions, maybe some will honor your idiotic post by responding. Until then, suck it up!

Name one " person who testifaked" that wasn't a trump hating Socialist! Just because they wore a uniform or had a title before their name doesn't make what they said any less hearsay. Go cry again. He's not going anywhere for 5 more years. Here's somewhere that will accept your spin.


  • 20191212_112717.jpg
    525.4 KB · Views: 10
Can snowflakes post the link to Trump's videotaped confession, like the one Biden made?

No....of course not.

Moron, Biden "confessed" to conducting good foreign policy.

Trump confessed to wanting Russia, Ukraine and China to interfere in our elections and dig up dirt on his political rivals.
What state do you live in?
I don't think he's a US american.

Oh I know. I am curious if he will respond honestly, since his diatribe is all about honesty.
Perhaps it's a good time to refresh your memory as to the subject matter.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
so the only question you have to answer here is this, does a president have authority to hold aid? yes or no?
That is only one facet of the issue. Because it wasn't only that he illegally withheld the aid. It's why he withheld it. To use as a way to extort Ukraine in to getting the investigations he wanted. There you have an example of an abuse of power, subjugating US security for his political benefit, and the illegal act of withholding the aid.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
yes or no, does a president have authority to hold aid? the answer is yes. funny, you can't answer that, why? fks your abuse of power issue. I get it. it really sucks that he did what he has authority to do. so no abuse. and you have zero evidence of quid pro quo. quote it from the transcript for me.
Can snowflakes post the link to Trump's videotaped confession, like the one Biden made?

No....of course not.

Moron, Biden "confessed" to conducting good foreign policy.

Trump confessed to wanting Russia, Ukraine and China to interfere in our elections and dig up dirt on his political rivals.
where did he do that? post the quote. Funny, we are a complete investigation and nothing. why?
View attachment 294564

Whew...boy - you got it bad.

So.........attempting to refute the facts isn't your thing. Got it.

When you start posting facts instead of opinions, maybe some will honor your idiotic post by responding. Until then, suck it up!

Name one " person who testifaked" that wasn't a trump hating Socialist!


Sondland gave Trump campaign a million fucking dollars. Testified to qui-pro-quo that was known by everyone in the administration and telling Ukrainians that everything is conditioned on announcement of investigations.
View attachment 294564

Whew...boy - you got it bad.

So.........attempting to refute the facts isn't your thing. Got it.

When you start posting facts instead of opinions, maybe some will honor your idiotic post by responding. Until then, suck it up!

Name one " person who testifaked" that wasn't a trump hating Socialist!


Sondland gave Trump campaign a million fucking dollars. You didn't know?
What state do you live in?
I don't think he's a US american.

Oh I know. I am curious if he will respond honestly, since his diatribe is all about honesty.
Perhaps it's a good time to refresh your memory as to the subject matter.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
so the only question you have to answer here is this, does a president have authority to hold aid? yes or no?
That is only one facet of the issue. Because it wasn't only that he illegally withheld the aid. It's why he withheld it. To use as a way to extort Ukraine in to getting the investigations he wanted. There you have an example of an abuse of power, subjugating US security for his political benefit, and the illegal act of withholding the aid.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

I think he was just making sure Joe couldn't get his fingers on anymore taxpayer money being sent to Ukraine and filtered through Burisma via his Drug addict son! The aid wasn't withheld, and no investigations ever got done. and who cares the President did the right thing for America and shed some light on the situation going on in Ukraine.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.

What state do you live in?
I don't think he's a US american.

Oh I know. I am curious if he will respond honestly, since his diatribe is all about honesty.
Perhaps it's a good time to refresh your memory as to the subject matter.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.

Your cut and pastes are weak. Give me your own thoughts. Are you Jewish?
Why would you assume people are telling the truth?

Our president lies all the time, seems everyone expects to do business with us.

That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.

What state do you live in?
I really don't like giving out identifying information online. Makes it easier to doxx people.

I'm in the midwest.
Why would you assume people are telling the truth?

Our president lies all the time, seems everyone expects to do business with us.

That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.
and all factual, and for all reading, you have yet to provide. we're still waiting.

Like real facts or alternative facts?
That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.

What state do you live in?
I really don't like giving out identifying information online. Makes it easier to doxx people.

I'm in the midwest.

Really? I live in Boston, MA. There are around 1mil people there. Go and doxx me. LOL

That is crazy paranoia. Oh and I am a Jew. I have two kids and I am 39. Still have zero chance of guessing who I am. Come on man.
That is only one facet of the issue. Because it wasn't only that he illegally withheld the aid. It's why he withheld it.
The problem with this statement is that it is totally unsubstantiated, debunked bullshit accusation. YOU, butthurt Democrat traitors, and other snowflakes keep repeating it, but it has NEVER been proven.

Again, Schiff's and Nadler's failed coup attempt hearings produced no crime, no evidence of a crime, no witnesses, and a Democrat Constitutional Expert declaring the Democrats are dangerously abusing their power.

Even the Dems have admitted this is POLITICAL.
View attachment 294564

Whew...boy - you got it bad.

So.........attempting to refute the facts isn't your thing. Got it.

When you start posting facts instead of opinions, maybe some will honor your idiotic post by responding. Until then, suck it up!

Name one " person who testifaked" that wasn't a trump hating Socialist!


Sondland gave Trump campaign a million fucking dollars.

Was that illegal ! All the others donate to Dems whodda thunk it! Go get some Preparation H Trump is going to butt hurt ya'll for 4 more years. maybe Don Jr. will run in 2024. He'd win too! Dems have no Agenda other than tax! tax! tax ! You're all to stupid to make decisions for yourselves. America is wide awake to the Socialist Agenda!
Sure. Is it a possibility that he’s not, just as likely in my book.

That’s why I wouldn’t use his statement as evidence of anything.

Should we not assume that people are telling the truth. If we think the President of the country is lying then how can we do business with them?
Why would you assume people are telling the truth?

Our president lies all the time, seems everyone expects to do business with us.

That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.

Let me ask you this. Do you believe there was Nepotism with Burisma and the Bidens? Do you believe Ukraine was overtly corrupt when Hunter took that gig? Do you believe Trump has the right to be concerned given the report from Horowitz? To me none of this is impeachable. Let the people decide.

To me, these hearings demonstrate beyond any doubt. that the criteria for impeachment has not been met. This is basically a call of whether you agree or disagree with how Trump handled Ukraine. Those are reasonable bases deciding who to vote for, but nothing I've seen during these weeks of the impeachment testimony has moved the ball at all toward impeachment. If he is impeached it will be partisan, which is not what it should be.

I'll answer as honestly as I can.

It was nepotism with Burisma and Biden. I believe nepotism is rife throughout our country and theirs.
Ukraine is a famously corrupt country. The US is not.

The right to be concerned about what exactly? The Horowitz report doesn't have anything to do with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden or Ukraine.

Abuse of office I think is entirely impeachable. If Trump was using power he was entrusted with to garner a personal benefit, I think it is and should be impeachable. That's a betrayal of public trust. Why shouldn't it be?
View attachment 294564

Whew...boy - you got it bad.

So.........attempting to refute the facts isn't your thing. Got it.

When you start posting facts instead of opinions, maybe some will honor your idiotic post by responding. Until then, suck it up!

Name one " person who testifaked" that wasn't a trump hating Socialist!


Sondland gave Trump campaign a million fucking dollars. Testified to qui-pro-quo that was known by everyone in the administration and telling Ukrainians that everything is conditioned on announcement of investigations.
You lie! Post the link where Some land testified to wow, not where Schiff or the fake news media day so.

Sondland finally admitted he witnessed NOTHING & his view / belief was based on what he HEARD.

Again - no crime, no evidence of crime, no witnesses....unlike the US IG reports against Democrats / the FBI.
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.

What state do you live in?
I really don't like giving out identifying information online. Makes it easier to doxx people.

I'm in the midwest.

Really? I live in Boston, MA. There are around 1mil people there. Go and doxx me. LOL

That is crazy paranoia. Oh and I am a Jew. I have two kids and I am 39. Still have zero chance of guessing who I am. Come on man.

I was a participant in another message board where conservative members sought to doxx other individuals. Experience shows me it isn't paranoia.

You may share whatever you want, I will do what I want. I don't see it as relevant either.
That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.
we believe facts. post one someday
You’re little more than childish taunts and Trump programming.

I could write an algorithm that would give me the same results as your participating in this thread.
and all factual, and for all reading, you have yet to provide. we're still waiting.

Like real facts or alternative facts?
the facts that are released.
Should we not assume that people are telling the truth. If we think the President of the country is lying then how can we do business with them?
Why would you assume people are telling the truth?

Our president lies all the time, seems everyone expects to do business with us.

That is a terrible way to live. To me this is not impeachable but it is informative and voters should decide. If DJT had a private call with Zelinsky and mentioned that he wanted to smear Biden as he was his biggest challenge in 2020 then he should be impeached for sure. There you have overt intent and self serving request. In the phone call, Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country".
Oh stop. You don’t believe everything you hear either. You just believe everything you hear that you want to be true.

Let me ask you this. Do you believe there was Nepotism with Burisma and the Bidens? Do you believe Ukraine was overtly corrupt when Hunter took that gig? Do you believe Trump has the right to be concerned given the report from Horowitz? To me none of this is impeachable. Let the people decide.

To me, these hearings demonstrate beyond any doubt. that the criteria for impeachment has not been met. This is basically a call of whether you agree or disagree with how Trump handled Ukraine. Those are reasonable bases deciding who to vote for, but nothing I've seen during these weeks of the impeachment testimony has moved the ball at all toward impeachment. If he is impeached it will be partisan, which is not what it should be.

I'll answer as honestly as I can.

It was nepotism with Burisma and Biden. I believe nepotism is rife throughout our country and theirs.
Ukraine is a famously corrupt country. The US is not.

The right to be concerned about what exactly? The Horowitz report doesn't have anything to do with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden or Ukraine.

Abuse of office I think is entirely impeachable. If Trump was using power he was entrusted with to garner a personal benefit, I think it is and should be impeachable. That's a betrayal of public trust. Why shouldn't it be?

#1) So there was Nepostism and chicanery.

#2) Horowitz states that the FISA was flimsy and Trump was spied upon. He believes some of that originated in the Ukraine.

#3) Trump used the pronouns of "us" and "our country" not "me" and "my campaign". To me this is political and partisan. He has not betrayed my public trust but I do want to understand how Hunter Biden got that gig and such a hefty payment. What did Joe Biden promise them to get Hunter such a gig.

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