These numbers will guarantee Trump's defeat

As it states on the site, provisional counts have a 1 to 8 week lag time delay on CDCs site.

*Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction and cause of death.
Nice try. The numbers are posted. And if we go back to April 18, 21 weeks ago (when deaths were 17,052/week) we see the same reductions. Wanna find some disclaimer to counter that ?

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Trump is as desperate as he is delusional to believe a vaccine will save his reelection.
The Democrats created the coronavirus. They are who need to worry about its effect on the election.

And the much declining numbers for Covid are a HUGE SUCCESS for Trump. Should be be a big help for his re-election. :biggrin:
We certainly should have shut China off completely. But we did not. We have 4% of the world's population yet 20% of the world's covid deaths. And, yes, the numbers are being counted appropriately.

Huge numbers killed in nursing homes in NY, NJ, CA, MI, and a few other Blue States whose Governors forced those homes to accept Wuhan virus patients.
it was the CDC guidelines to return recovering covid patients back to the home they came to the hospital from, once they were well enough, and if nursing home had a separate isolation ward for covid patients, so that is what the initial states did....

States with covid spread that came months after the initial northeastern states, like Florida....aren't fairing any better.... Florida nursing home patient death rate is 38%.

The average nursing home death rate in the whole USA is running about 40% in all the States including the north east.

Outside of the initial east coast states hit with the virus, nursing home deaths are the biggest category of deaths in every State, whether a republican governor state or a democratic governor state.
As it states on the site, provisional counts have a 1 to 8 week lag time delay on CDCs site.

*Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction and cause of death.
Nice try. The numbers are posted. And if we go back to April 18, 21 weeks ago (when deaths were 17,052/week) we see the same reductions. Wanna find some disclaimer to counter that ?

If you take New York out of the figures, cases in all other states are trending upwards, is what it said on the news. I haven't verified that yet but it can easily be done....
If you take New York out of the figures, cases in all other states are trending upwards, is what it said on the news. I haven't verified that yet but it can easily be done....
Then DO IT..........BEFORE you post.

And "the news" > yeah ? WHOSE (fake) news" ?

And it would be difficult for this chart to be what it is, if ALL OTHER STATES (49 of 50) were trending upward>>

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If you take New York out of the figures, cases in all other states are trending upwards, is what it said on the news. I haven't verified that yet but it can easily be done....
Then DO IT..........BEFORE you post.

And "the news" > yeah ? WHOSE "news" ?
The real news, not your "alternative" news! :) :)
There is no way he can get away from them

So let's get this straight, there is no way Trump can get away from a Chinese virus that has the entire planet by the gonads, so we must blame HIM?

If not for Trump, American deaths could be in the millions by now, fool.

I don't blame Trump for the virus, I blame Trump for his reaction to it which was slow and stupid.
The numbers are real, Mr. Beale, and your alt facts and fake news mean nothing at all.

I know it burn, because it should burn.
I believe the numbers are exaggerated but I do not have proof of this. Simply a logical opinion. There have been 1000s or cases of pro and college athletes getting it. Zero deaths. Zero symptoms. How do you explain that?

How to explain that? Ever think it was because they are living in a bubble? And yeah, while there have been several cases, it's not in the 1,000's as you claim.
There is no humor in 200,000 coronavirus deaths, thanks to Trump.
Again, a troll post as you don’t really believe that. Take one honest moment. How much do you blame China for this?

I don't blame China at all for this. Granted, the virus originated in their country, but it was up to Trump to decide how things would be handled in THIS country. I blame Trump for his failure to address what is going on with THIS country. Other countries have done far better than we have, but then again, they have better leaders than the Cheeto in Chief.
Blame Trump for not acting early and decisively. You know that the majority of the country holds Trump accountable for his errors on this issue. Some will be seen immediately below mouth farting so just hold up a lighter and they will run away.

Trump acted early and did all that a POTUS is allowed to do. And the Dims and Biden attacked him.

Heck, even Fauci was talking mildly about the Wuhan virus in March. In fact, in an article published on March 26 in the NEJM Fauci et all expected it t be like a severe flu season. Those were the experts.

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza ...

Trump did all a POTUS was allowed to do? Then why did he shut down travel from China, but allowed Europe to continue sending people in? If he was a real leader, he should have screened/quarantined ALL people coming into this country from other places, but he didn't. Wanna talk about NYC and the fact that they are a major entry hub from Europe, and that is where the pandemic had the most devastation?
Trump is as desperate as he is delusional to believe a vaccine will save his reelection.
The Democrats created the coronavirus. They are who need to worry about its effect on the election.

And the much declining numbers for Covid are a HUGE SUCCESS for Trump. Should be be a big help for his re-election. :biggrin:

Really Protectionist? The Democrats created COVID 19? Got any links to back up your bullshit, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass hoping to demonize the Dems?
Imagine being such a retarded moonbat that you actually believe that many people have died solely of Covid 19, despite all evidence to the contrary..

Imagine that you are also so unbelievably retarded from Demonrat brain rot that you completely ignore how the left totally downplayed the virus even after Trump's travel ban..

But wait you're still not done with the stupid, and you also completely ignore all evidence showing that the virus originated in, and it's subsequent spread is completely the fault of China, and the CCP...

Then still imagine you are retarded enough to instead want to try, and lay the blame for a disingenuous death toll all at the feet of one man..

If you can imagine being all that kinds of retarded, my friends..then you know what it's like being a Biden voter.
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There is no way he can get away from them

So let's get this straight, there is no way Trump can get away from a Chinese virus that has the entire planet by the gonads, so we must blame HIM?

If not for Trump, American deaths could be in the millions by now, fool.

I don't blame Trump for the virus, I blame Trump for his reaction to it which was slow and stupid.

So you think it was slow and stupid to cut off travel from China and Europe in January, then enlist manufacturers to ramp up production of masks and respirators while assuaging fears and trying to keep the nation calm while balancing safety with trying to keep business operating and the economy from crashing while passing out as much aid as he could get to everyone?
The numbers are real, Mr. Beale, and your alt facts and fake news mean nothing at all.

I know it burn, because it should burn.
I believe the numbers are exaggerated but I do not have proof of this. Simply a logical opinion. There have been 1000s or cases of pro and college athletes getting it. Zero deaths. Zero symptoms. How do you explain that?

You're not familiar with the marathoner who died from the disease?

You know there were zero symptoms in 1000's of cases? Really?
51-year old. I said current pro and college athletes. Yes, reports of college players having it, soccer players, football, basketball. Not one death. Not one symptom sans loss of taste and smell. You found some obscure 51 year old from the UK.

So explain to me, candycorn and try to do it civilly, how is it possible that of the 1000s of athletes we have in pro sports and the NCAA we have not heard of ONE case of death or even remotely moderate symptoms? And your example is that of a casual runner who discovered running late in life. Not the same as pro or college athlete.

Thanks in advance.
The numbers are real, Mr. Beale, and your alt facts and fake news mean nothing at all.

I know it burn, because it should burn.
I believe the numbers are exaggerated but I do not have proof of this. Simply a logical opinion. There have been 1000s or cases of pro and college athletes getting it. Zero deaths. Zero symptoms. How do you explain that?

How to explain that? Ever think it was because they are living in a bubble? And yeah, while there have been several cases, it's not in the 1,000's as you claim.
Bubble? MLB players live in a bubble? NCAA football and soccer players? NFL players? You are a very dishonest person.
There is no humor in 200,000 coronavirus deaths, thanks to Trump.
Again, a troll post as you don’t really believe that. Take one honest moment. How much do you blame China for this?

I don't blame China at all for this. Granted, the virus originated in their country, but it was up to Trump to decide how things would be handled in THIS country. I blame Trump for his failure to address what is going on with THIS country. Other countries have done far better than we have, but then again, they have better leaders than the Cheeto in Chief.
Granted, China launched the virus that poisoned the WORLD but you blame Trump. You're a fucking idiot. Sorry for the language but your lack of logic is insane.
The numbers are real, Mr. Beale, and your alt facts and fake news mean nothing at all.

I know it burn, because it should burn.
I believe the numbers are exaggerated but I do not have proof of this. Simply a logical opinion. There have been 1000s or cases of pro and college athletes getting it. Zero deaths. Zero symptoms. How do you explain that?

You're not familiar with the marathoner who died from the disease?

You know there were zero symptoms in 1000's of cases? Really?
51-year old. I said current pro and college athletes. Yes, reports of college players having it, soccer players, football, basketball. Not one death. Not one symptom sans loss of taste and smell. You found some obscure 51 year old from the UK.

So explain to me, candycorn and try to do it civilly, how is it possible that of the 1000s of athletes we have in pro sports and the NCAA we have not heard of ONE case of death or even remotely moderate symptoms? And your example is that of a casual runner who discovered running late in life. Not the same as pro or college athlete.

Thanks in advance.
Azog, others are being polite to you, so give the same pleace.

People who are fit get through the disease better, but they still have damage to the lining of the blood vessels and on the lungs. That is going to bite them in the butt later.

AND . . . they are carriers.
There is no humor in 200,000 coronavirus deaths, thanks to Trump.
Again, a troll post as you don’t really believe that. Take one honest moment. How much do you blame China for this?

I don't blame China at all for this. Granted, the virus originated in their country, but it was up to Trump to decide how things would be handled in THIS country. I blame Trump for his failure to address what is going on with THIS country. Other countries have done far better than we have, but then again, they have better leaders than the Cheeto in Chief.
Granted, China launched the virus that poisoned the WORLD but you blame Trump. You're a fucking idiot. Sorry for the language but your lack of logic is insane.
Trump failed spectacularly in responding to the trumpvirus. Now, you need to be fucking polite others if you want it in return.

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