They all just want to play us

A fine phony equivalence argument from the OP, an argument so beloved of right-wing shills who want to pretend they're not right-wing shills.

The two sides are nothing alike. The right is far, far worse. Honest people admit that. Dishonest people run cover for their right-wing masters with phony equivalence nonsense.
This post is a good example of exactly the dynamic I'm talking about. I don't care if you're posting about the "slave party" or how evil President Trump is. You might as well be the same person.
Left wing, right wing, it's all the same. They want us chirping their mostly stupid talking points at each other so that we won't notice that they're all doing basically the same things. They want us repeating thoughtless crap at each other, dividing us so that we won't notice that the leaders on both sides don't really care about anything but power and money. And so many of us fall into the trap and chirp and chirp and they laugh while they collect their power and money.
I don't think you're far off.

But they're being enabled by the obedient sheep in both parties who spin and deflect and lie for them.

Without their flocks, they wouldn't be able to get away with this.
Agree. The babble of dissension is what gives them air cover and we're all complicit in it.

I must construe "we" as meaning "you and some cabal of your compatriots."

To the extent "we" means something other than that, no, no, no, no. WE all are not complicit in it.

To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho. Thanks for the good example of my point.
To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho.

Well, what exactly makes you think I think I'm am on any side and that the side you think I think I am on is beyond reproach?
Your whole "you and your compatriots" post suggests taking sides. When I say "you" I probably mean "one."
You can count on it. When lefties are out of power and they have no message and they lost every important election in the last several years they start whining about all politicians. The democrat party is pretty much hopeless so instead of working within the system to try to make it better, the truly ignorant dwindling democrat left wing base throws in the towel and convinces themselves that all politicians are evil. Stick your heads back in the sand you idiots. At least it keeps you from smashing windows, torching cars and shooting up baseball teams.
The election scale goes up and down whitey Soon enough your morons leading America down a dark pit will be gone and just like we needed Bill and Obama a dem will come in to clean up your shit Of course it won't be fast enough for you
You can count on it. When lefties are out of power and they have no message and they lost every important election in the last several years they start whining about all politicians. The democrat party is pretty much hopeless so instead of working within the system to try to make it better, the truly ignorant dwindling democrat left wing base throws in the towel and convinces themselves that all politicians are evil. Stick your heads back in the sand you idiots. At least it keeps you from smashing windows, torching cars and shooting up baseball teams.
The election scale goes up and down whitey Soon enough your morons leading America down a dark pit will be gone and just like we needed Bill and Obama a dem will come in to clean up your shit Of course it won't be fast enough for you

You >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< point of my post.
A fine phony equivalence argument from the OP, an argument so beloved of right-wing shills who want to pretend they're not right-wing shills.

The two sides are nothing alike. The right is far, far worse. Honest people admit that. Dishonest people run cover for their right-wing masters with phony equivalence nonsense.
This post is a good example of exactly the dynamic I'm talking about. I don't care if you're posting about the "slave party" or how evil President Trump is. You might as well be the same person.
Left wing, right wing, it's all the same. They want us chirping their mostly stupid talking points at each other so that we won't notice that they're all doing basically the same things. They want us repeating thoughtless crap at each other, dividing us so that we won't notice that the leaders on both sides don't really care about anything but power and money. And so many of us fall into the trap and chirp and chirp and they laugh while they collect their power and money.
I don't think you're far off.

But they're being enabled by the obedient sheep in both parties who spin and deflect and lie for them.

Without their flocks, they wouldn't be able to get away with this.
Agree. The babble of dissension is what gives them air cover and we're all complicit in it.

I must construe "we" as meaning "you and some cabal of your compatriots."

To the extent "we" means something other than that, no, no, no, no. WE all are not complicit in it.

To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho. Thanks for the good example of my point.
To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho.

Well, what exactly makes you think I think I'm am on any side and that the side you think I think I am on is beyond reproach?
Your whole "you and your compatriots" post suggests taking sides. When I say "you" I probably mean "one."
Okay. If you did mean, rather than probably meant, "one" instead of "you," you can definitely disregard my most recent prior post in this thread.

As for my "you and your compatriots" post, in your post #3 did you mean "we all" in the standard sense of the phrase?
  • If so, then I stand by what I wrote because I know damn well that I'm part of no faction. I research matters I care about and evaluate them without regard to what "party talking heads" have to say about it. I truly don't care what the party position is for a given topic because I don't belong to a party; none of them are to my liking. (I guess that makes me a party of one. LOL)
  • If not, then maybe I don't stand by what I wrote.
A fine phony equivalence argument from the OP, an argument so beloved of right-wing shills who want to pretend they're not right-wing shills.

The two sides are nothing alike. The right is far, far worse. Honest people admit that. Dishonest people run cover for their right-wing masters with phony equivalence nonsense.
This post is a good example of exactly the dynamic I'm talking about. I don't care if you're posting about the "slave party" or how evil President Trump is. You might as well be the same person.
I don't think you're far off.

But they're being enabled by the obedient sheep in both parties who spin and deflect and lie for them.

Without their flocks, they wouldn't be able to get away with this.
Agree. The babble of dissension is what gives them air cover and we're all complicit in it.

I must construe "we" as meaning "you and some cabal of your compatriots."

To the extent "we" means something other than that, no, no, no, no. WE all are not complicit in it.

To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho. Thanks for the good example of my point.
To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho.

Well, what exactly makes you think I think I'm am on any side and that the side you think I think I am on is beyond reproach?
Your whole "you and your compatriots" post suggests taking sides. When I say "you" I probably mean "one."
Okay. If you did mean, rather than probably meant, "one" instead of "you," you can definitely disregard my most recent prior post in this thread.

As for my "you and your compatriots" post, in your post #3 did you mean "we all" in the standard sense of the phrase?
  • If so, then I stand by what I wrote because I know damn well that I'm part of no faction. I research matters I care about and evaluate them without regard to what "party talking heads" have to say about it. I truly don't care what the party position is for a given topic because I don't belong to a party; none of them are to my liking. (I guess that makes me a party of one. LOL)
  • If not, then maybe I don't stand by what I wrote.

I've noticed something about you. You're always right. If you have never attacked someone just because they are on a different side of an issue rather than debate the substance of the issue itself, then you are more right than I.
A fine phony equivalence argument from the OP, an argument so beloved of right-wing shills who want to pretend they're not right-wing shills.

The two sides are nothing alike. The right is far, far worse. Honest people admit that. Dishonest people run cover for their right-wing masters with phony equivalence nonsense.
This post is a good example of exactly the dynamic I'm talking about. I don't care if you're posting about the "slave party" or how evil President Trump is. You might as well be the same person.
I must construe "we" as meaning "you and some cabal of your compatriots."

To the extent "we" means something other than that, no, no, no, no. WE all are not complicit in it.

To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho. Thanks for the good example of my point.
To the extent that you think you are on a "side" and that "side" is beyond reproach, you are falling into the trap, imho.

Well, what exactly makes you think I think I'm am on any side and that the side you think I think I am on is beyond reproach?
Your whole "you and your compatriots" post suggests taking sides. When I say "you" I probably mean "one."
Okay. If you did mean, rather than probably meant, "one" instead of "you," you can definitely disregard my most recent prior post in this thread.

As for my "you and your compatriots" post, in your post #3 did you mean "we all" in the standard sense of the phrase?
  • If so, then I stand by what I wrote because I know damn well that I'm part of no faction. I research matters I care about and evaluate them without regard to what "party talking heads" have to say about it. I truly don't care what the party position is for a given topic because I don't belong to a party; none of them are to my liking. (I guess that makes me a party of one. LOL)
  • If not, then maybe I don't stand by what I wrote.

I've noticed something about you. You're always right. If you have never attacked someone just because they are on a different side of an issue rather than debate the substance of the issue itself, then you are more right than I.
attacked someone just because they are on a different side of an issue

People do that?

That is not something to which I'm given. I did that as a member of my high school forensic debate team, but since then, aside from helping my kids reason through things, not so much, if at all.
I'm not sure what you guys are getting a room about but in my experience Xelor's posting has always been lucid, openminded and refreshingly unbiased. And certainly unmarked by Generalization Fallacies as far as I've ever seen.


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